blob: dc909e35941c5bde03bea4920f275b5871ba12f0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const ResourceLoader = {};
export default ResourceLoader;
let _lastStreamId = 0;
/** @type {!Object.<number, !Common.OutputStream>} */
const _boundStreams = {};
* @param {!Common.OutputStream} stream
* @return {number}
const _bindOutputStream = function(stream) {
_boundStreams[++_lastStreamId] = stream;
return _lastStreamId;
* @param {number} id
const _discardOutputStream = function(id) {
delete _boundStreams[id];
* @param {number} id
* @param {string} chunk
export const streamWrite = function(id, chunk) {
* @param {string} url
* @param {?Object.<string, string>} headers
* @param {function(number, !Object.<string, string>, string, number)} callback
export function load(url, headers, callback) {
const stream = new Common.StringOutputStream();
loadAsStream(url, headers, stream, mycallback);
* @param {number} statusCode
* @param {!Object.<string, string>} headers
* @param {number} netError
function mycallback(statusCode, headers, netError) {
callback(statusCode, headers,, netError);
* @param {string} url
* @param {?Object.<string, string>} headers
* @param {!Common.OutputStream} stream
* @param {function(number, !Object.<string, string>, number)=} callback
export const loadAsStream = function(url, headers, stream, callback) {
const streamId = _bindOutputStream(stream);
const parsedURL = new Common.ParsedURL(url);
if (parsedURL.isDataURL()) {
const rawHeaders = [];
if (headers) {
for (const key in headers) {
rawHeaders.push(key + ': ' + headers[key]);
Host.InspectorFrontendHost.loadNetworkResource(url, rawHeaders.join('\r\n'), streamId, finishedCallback);
* @param {!InspectorFrontendHostAPI.LoadNetworkResourceResult} response
function finishedCallback(response) {
if (callback) {
callback(response.statusCode, response.headers || {}, response.netError || 0);
* @param {string} text
function dataURLDecodeSuccessful(text) {
streamWrite(streamId, text);
finishedCallback(/** @type {!InspectorFrontendHostAPI.LoadNetworkResourceResult} */ ({statusCode: 200}));
function dataURLDecodeFailed() {
finishedCallback(/** @type {!InspectorFrontendHostAPI.LoadNetworkResourceResult} */ ({statusCode: 404}));
/* Legacy exported object */
self.Host = self.Host || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
Host = Host || {};
Host.ResourceLoader = ResourceLoader;
* @param {number} id
* @param {string} chunk
Host.ResourceLoader.streamWrite = streamWrite;
* @param {string} url
* @param {?Object.<string, string>} headers
* @param {function(number, !Object.<string, string>, string, number)} callback
Host.ResourceLoader.load = load;
* @param {string} url
* @param {?Object.<string, string>} headers
* @param {!Common.OutputStream} stream
* @param {function(number, !Object.<string, string>, number)=} callback
Host.ResourceLoader.loadAsStream = loadAsStream;