blob: 344907846080cdc1dd58e659f359cdfec4308801 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @unrestricted
export class BezierUI {
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {number} marginTop
* @param {number} controlPointRadius
* @param {boolean} linearLine
constructor(width, height, marginTop, controlPointRadius, linearLine) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.marginTop = marginTop;
this.radius = controlPointRadius;
this.linearLine = linearLine;
* @param {!UI.Geometry.CubicBezier} bezier
* @param {!Element} path
* @param {number} width
static drawVelocityChart(bezier, path, width) {
const height = Height;
let pathBuilder = ['M', 0, height];
/** @const */ const sampleSize = 1 / 40;
let prev = bezier.evaluateAt(0);
for (let t = sampleSize; t < 1 + sampleSize; t += sampleSize) {
const current = bezier.evaluateAt(t);
let slope = (current.y - prev.y) / (current.x - prev.x);
const weightedX = prev.x * (1 - t) + current.x * t;
slope = Math.tanh(slope / 1.5); // Normalise slope
pathBuilder = pathBuilder.concat(['L', (weightedX * width).toFixed(2), (height - slope * height).toFixed(2)]);
prev = current;
pathBuilder = pathBuilder.concat(['L', width.toFixed(2), height, 'Z']);
path.setAttribute('d', pathBuilder.join(' '));
* @return {number}
curveWidth() {
return this.width - this.radius * 2;
* @return {number}
curveHeight() {
return this.height - this.radius * 2 - this.marginTop * 2;
* @param {!Element} parentElement
* @param {string} className
* @param {number} x1
* @param {number} y1
* @param {number} x2
* @param {number} y2
_drawLine(parentElement, className, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
const line = parentElement.createSVGChild('line', className);
line.setAttribute('x1', x1 + this.radius);
line.setAttribute('y1', y1 + this.radius + this.marginTop);
line.setAttribute('x2', x2 + this.radius);
line.setAttribute('y2', y2 + this.radius + this.marginTop);
* @param {!Element} parentElement
* @param {number} startX
* @param {number} startY
* @param {number} controlX
* @param {number} controlY
_drawControlPoints(parentElement, startX, startY, controlX, controlY) {
this._drawLine(parentElement, 'bezier-control-line', startX, startY, controlX, controlY);
const circle = parentElement.createSVGChild('circle', 'bezier-control-circle');
circle.setAttribute('cx', controlX + this.radius);
circle.setAttribute('cy', controlY + this.radius + this.marginTop);
circle.setAttribute('r', this.radius);
* @param {?UI.Geometry.CubicBezier} bezier
* @param {!Element} svg
drawCurve(bezier, svg) {
if (!bezier) {
const width = this.curveWidth();
const height = this.curveHeight();
svg.setAttribute('width', this.width);
svg.setAttribute('height', this.height);
const group = svg.createSVGChild('g');
if (this.linearLine) {
this._drawLine(group, 'linear-line', 0, height, width, 0);
const curve = group.createSVGChild('path', 'bezier-path');
const curvePoints = [
new UI.Geometry.Point(
bezier.controlPoints[0].x * width + this.radius,
(1 - bezier.controlPoints[0].y) * height + this.radius + this.marginTop),
new UI.Geometry.Point(
bezier.controlPoints[1].x * width + this.radius,
(1 - bezier.controlPoints[1].y) * height + this.radius + this.marginTop),
new UI.Geometry.Point(width + this.radius, this.marginTop + this.radius)
'd', 'M' + this.radius + ',' + (height + this.radius + this.marginTop) + ' C' + curvePoints.join(' '));
group, 0, height, bezier.controlPoints[0].x * width, (1 - bezier.controlPoints[0].y) * height);
group, width, 0, bezier.controlPoints[1].x * width, (1 - bezier.controlPoints[1].y) * height);
export const Height = 26;
/* Legacy exported object */
self.InlineEditor = self.InlineEditor || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
InlineEditor = InlineEditor || {};
/** @constructor */
InlineEditor.BezierUI = BezierUI;
InlineEditor.BezierUI.Height = Height;