blob: 9208798f2cd785e6eeb981eb83da3c4a96484e0e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export class NetworkPanelIndicator {
constructor() {
// TODO: we should not access network from other modules.
if (!UI.inspectorView.hasPanel('network')) {
const manager = SDK.multitargetNetworkManager;
manager.addEventListener(SDK.MultitargetNetworkManager.Events.ConditionsChanged, updateVisibility);
manager.addEventListener(SDK.MultitargetNetworkManager.Events.BlockedPatternsChanged, updateVisibility);
manager.addEventListener(SDK.MultitargetNetworkManager.Events.InterceptorsChanged, updateVisibility);
function updateVisibility() {
let icon = null;
if (manager.isThrottling()) {
icon = UI.Icon.create('smallicon-warning');
icon.title = Common.UIString('Network throttling is enabled');
} else if (SDK.multitargetNetworkManager.isIntercepting()) {
icon = UI.Icon.create('smallicon-warning');
icon.title = Common.UIString('Requests may be rewritten by local overrides');
} else if (manager.isBlocking()) {
icon = UI.Icon.create('smallicon-warning');
icon.title = Common.UIString('Requests may be blocked');
UI.inspectorView.setPanelIcon('network', icon);
/* Legacy exported object */
self.MobileThrottling = self.MobileThrottling || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
MobileThrottling = MobileThrottling || {};
/** @constructor */
MobileThrottling.NetworkPanelIndicator = NetworkPanelIndicator;