blob: c5841e96f78ff7d78c18fa94f588a6d288da7abb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
var treeify = require('../treeify'),
vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert'),
events = require('events');
// - helper functions -----------------
function treeifyByLineGuts(args) {
var emitter = new events.EventEmitter(),
lineNum = 0;
args.push(function(line) {
emitter.emit('success', line);
emitter.emit('line ' + (++lineNum), line);
treeify.asLines.apply(this, args);
return emitter;
function treeifyByLine(obj) {
return function(showValues) {
var arguments = [ obj, showValues ];
return treeifyByLineGuts(arguments);
function treeifyByLineWithHideFunctionsArgument(obj) {
return function(showValues, hideFunctions) {
var arguments = [ obj, showValues, hideFunctions ];
return treeifyByLineGuts(arguments);
function treeifyEntirely(obj) {
return function(showValues, hideFunctions) {
return treeify.asTree(obj, showValues, hideFunctions);
function withValuesShown(showValues) {
return function(func){ return func(showValues, false) };
function withValuesShownFunctionsHidden() {
return function(func){ return func(true, true) };
function is(content, arrayIndex) {
return function(lines) {
var toCheck = lines;
if (arrayIndex !== undefined) {
toCheck = lines[arrayIndex];
assert.strictEqual(toCheck, content, 'should be "' + content + '" but was "' + toCheck + '"');
function checkLines(/* ... */) {
var ret = {}, entry;
for (var line = 1; line <= arguments.length; line++) {
if ( ! arguments[line - 1])
entry = {};
entry['branches correctly on line '+line] = is(arguments[line - 1]);
ret['line '+line] = entry;
return ret;
// - the beautiful test suite ---------
'A tree created from an empty object': {
topic: {},
'when returned as a whole tree': {
topic: treeifyEntirely,
'with values hidden': {
topic: withValuesShown(false),
'is an empty string': is('')
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
'is an empty string': is('')
'A tree created from a single-level object': {
topic: {
apples: 'gala', // ├─ apples: gala
oranges: 'mandarin' // └─ oranges: mandarin
'when returned line-by-line': {
topic: treeifyByLine,
'with values hidden': {
topic: withValuesShown(false),
'is two lines long': function(err, line) {
on: checkLines('├─ apples',
'└─ oranges')
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
'is two lines long': function(err, line) {
on: checkLines('├─ apples: gala',
'└─ oranges: mandarin')
'when returned as a whole tree': {
topic: treeifyEntirely,
'with values hidden': {
topic: withValuesShown(false),
'is not empty': function(tree) {
assert.notEqual(tree, '', 'should not be empty');
'contains 2 line breaks': function(tree) {
assert.strictEqual(tree.match(/\n/g).length, 2, 'should contain 2 x \n');
'(split into an array of lines)': {
topic: function(tree) { return tree.split(/\n/g) },
'has a correct first line': is('├─ apples', 0),
'has a correct second line': is('└─ oranges', 1),
'has nothing at the end': is('', 2)
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
'is not empty': function(tree) {
assert.notEqual(tree, '', 'should not be empty');
'contains 2 line breaks': function(tree) {
assert.strictEqual(tree.match(/\n/g).length, 2, 'should contain 2 x \n');
'(split into an array of lines)': {
topic: function(tree) { return tree.split(/\n/g) },
'has a correct first line': is('├─ apples: gala', 0),
'has a correct second line': is('└─ oranges: mandarin', 1),
'has nothing at the end': is('', 2)
'A tree created from a multi-level object': {
topic: {
oranges: { // ├─ oranges
'mandarin': { // │ └─ mandarin
clementine: null, // │ ├─ clementine
tangerine: // │ └─ tangerine
'so cheap and juicy!'
apples: { // └─ apples
'gala': null, // ├─ gala
'pink lady': null // └─ pink lady
'when returned line-by-line': {
topic: treeifyByLine,
'with values hidden': {
topic: withValuesShown(false),
'is seven lines long': function(err, line) {
on: checkLines('├─ oranges',
'│ └─ mandarin',
'│ ├─ clementine',
'│ └─ tangerine',
'└─ apples',
' ├─ gala',
' └─ pink lady')
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
on: checkLines(null, null, null,
'│ └─ tangerine: so cheap and juicy!')
'when returned as a whole tree': {
topic: treeifyEntirely,
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
'(split into an array of lines)': {
topic: function(tree) { return tree.split(/\n/g) },
'has a correct first line': is('├─ oranges', 0),
'has a correct third line': is('│ └─ tangerine: so cheap and juicy!', 3),
'has nothing at the end': is('', 7)
'A tree created from an object with not so circular references': {
topic: function() {
var obj = { one: 'one', two: { four: 'four' } };
obj['three'] = obj.two;
return obj;
'when returned line-by-line': {
topic: treeifyByLine,
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
on: checkLines('├─ one: one',
'├─ two',
'│ └─ four: four',
'└─ three',
' └─ four: four')
'A tree created from an object with circular references': {
topic: function() {
var obj = { one: 'one', two: 'two' };
obj['three'] = obj;
return obj;
'when returned line-by-line': {
topic: treeifyByLine,
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
on: checkLines('├─ one: one',
'├─ two: two',
'└─ three (circular ref.)')
'A tree created from an object containing various types': {
topic: {
array: [ 'one', 'two' ],
numeric: 42,
decimal: 42.24,
bool: false,
nil: null,
undef: undefined,
date: new Date(2018,0,1)
'when returned line-by-line': {
topic: treeifyByLine,
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
on: checkLines('├─ array',
'│ ├─ 0: one',
'│ └─ 1: two',
'├─ numeric: 42',
'├─ decimal: 42.24',
'├─ bool: false',
'├─ nil',
'├─ undef: undefined',
'└─ date: Mon Jan 01 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)')
'A tree created from an object with prototyped functions': {
topic: function() {
var func = function(){
this.Friendly = 'stuff';
func.prototype.Nasty = function(){}
return new func();
'when returned as a whole tree': {
topic: treeifyEntirely,
'with values shown': {
topic: withValuesShown(true),
'and split into an array of lines': {
topic: function(tree) { return tree.split(/\n/g) },
'is a one liner output (with a following blank line)': function(lines) {
assert.equal(lines.length, 2);
'has a correct first line': is('└─ Friendly: stuff', 0)
'A tree with functions': {
topic: {
'when returned line-by-line': {
topic: treeifyByLineWithHideFunctionsArgument,
'with values shown, but functions hidden': {
topic: withValuesShownFunctionsHidden(),
'is two lines long': function(err, line) {
on: checkLines('├─ Friendly: stuff',
'└─ Another: stuff')
'when returned as a whole tree': {
topic: treeifyEntirely,
'with values shown, but functions hidden': {
topic: withValuesShownFunctionsHidden(),
'and split into an array of lines': {
topic: function(tree) {
return tree.split(/\n/g) },
'is a one liner output (with a following blank line)': function(lines) {
assert.equal(lines.length, 3);
'has a correct first line': is('├─ Friendly: stuff', 0)