blob: 464e74e9e9cde02f502e885732b25fabf64668a0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
'use strict';
* Build in Native modules.
var path = require('path')
, fs = require('fs')
, vm = require('vm')
, tmp = require('tmp');
* Third party modules.
var request = require('request')
, yaml = require('yamlparser');
* Update the regexp.js file
* @param {Function} callback Completion callback.
* @api public
exports.update = function update(callback) {
// Prepend local additions that are missing from the source
fs.readFile(exports.before, 'utf8', function reading(err, before) {
if (err) return callback(err);
// Fetch the remote resource as that is frequently updated
request(exports.remote, function downloading(err, res, remote) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return callback(new Error('Invalid statusCode returned'));
// Append get some local additions that are missing from the source
fs.readFile(exports.after, 'utf8', function reading(err, after) {
if (err) return callback(err);
// Parse the contents
exports.parse([ before, remote, after ], function parsing(err, results, source) {
callback(err, results);
if (!source || err) return;
// Save to a tmp file to avoid potential concurrency issues.
tmp.file(function (err, tempFilePath) {
if (err) return;
fs.writeFile(tempFilePath, source, function idk(err) {
if (err) return
fs.rename(tempFilePath, exports.output, function(err) {
* Parse the given sources.
* @param {Array} sources String versions of the source
* @param {Function} callback completion callback
* @api public
exports.parse = function parse(sources, callback) {
var results = {};
var data = sources.reduce(function parser(memo, data) {
// Try to repair some of the odd structures that are in the yaml files
// before parsing it so we generate a uniform structure:
// Normalize the Operating system versions:
data = data.replace(/os_v([1-3])_replacement/gim, function replace(match, version) {
return 'v'+ version +'_replacement';
// Make sure that we are able to parse the yaml string
try { data = yaml.eval(data); }
catch (e) {
callback = null;
return memo;
// merge the data with the memo;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {
var results = data[key];
memo[key] = memo[key] || [];
for (var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++) {
return memo;
}, {});
resource: 'user_agent_parsers'
, replacement: 'family_replacement'
, name: 'browser'
, {
resource: 'device_parsers'
, replacement: 'device_replacement'
, name: 'device'
, {
resource: 'os_parsers'
, replacement: 'os_replacement'
, name: 'os'
].forEach(function parsing(details) {
results[details.resource] = results[details.resource] || [];
var resources = data[details.resource]
, name = details.resource.replace('_parsers', '')
, resource
, parser;
for (var i = 0, l = resources.length; i < l; i++) {
resource = resources[i];
// We need to JSON stringify the data to properly add slashes escape other
// kinds of crap in the RegularExpression. If we don't do thing we get
// some illegal token warnings.
parser = 'parser = Object.create(null);\n';
parser += 'parser[0] = new RegExp('+ JSON.stringify(resource.regex) + ');\n';
// Check if we have replacement for the parsed family name
if (resource[details.replacement]) {
parser += 'parser[1] = "'+ resource[details.replacement].replace('"', '\\"') +'";';
} else {
parser += 'parser[1] = 0;';
parser += '\n';
if (resource.v1_replacement) {
parser += 'parser[2] = "'+ resource.v1_replacement.replace('"', '\\"') +'";';
} else {
parser += 'parser[2] = 0;';
parser += '\n';
if (resource.v2_replacement) {
parser += 'parser[3] = "'+ resource.v2_replacement.replace('"', '\\"') +'";';
} else {
parser += 'parser[3] = 0;';
parser += '\n';
if (resource.v3_replacement) {
parser += 'parser[4] = "'+ resource.v3_replacement.replace('"', '\\"') +'";';
} else {
parser += 'parser[4] = 0;';
parser += '\n';
parser += 'exports.'+ +'['+ i +'] = parser;';
// Generate a correct format
exports.generate(results, callback);
* Generate the regular expressions file source code.
* @param {Object} results The parsed result of the regexp.yaml.
* @param {Function} callback Completion callback
* @api public
exports.generate = function generate(results, callback) {
var regexps = [
'"use strict";'
, exports.LEADER
, 'var parser;'
, 'exports.browser = Object.create(null);'
, results.user_agent_parsers.join('\n')
, 'exports.browser.length = '+ results.user_agent_parsers.length +';'
, 'exports.device = Object.create(null);'
, results.device_parsers.join('\n')
, 'exports.device.length = '+ results.device_parsers.length +';'
, 'exports.os = Object.create(null);'
, results.os_parsers.join('\n')
, 'exports.os.length = '+ results.os_parsers.length +';'
// Now that we have generated the structure for the RegExps export file we
// need to validate that we created a JavaScript compatible file, if we would
// write the file without checking it's content we could be breaking the
// module.
var sandbox = {
exports: {} // Emulate a module context, so everything is attached here
// Crossing our fingers that it worked
try { vm.runInNewContext(regexps, sandbox, 'validating.vm'); }
catch (e) { return callback(e, null, regexps); }
callback(undefined, sandbox.exports, regexps);
* The location of the ua-parser regexes yaml file.
* @type {String}
* @api private
exports.remote = '';
* The locations of our local regexes yaml files.
* @type {String}
* @api private
exports.before = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'static', 'user_agent.before.yaml');
exports.after = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'static', 'user_agent.after.yaml');
* The the output location for the generated regexps file
* @type {String}
* @api private
exports.output = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'lib', 'regexps.js');
* The leader that needs to be added so people know they shouldn't touch all the
* things.
* @type {String}
* @api private
exports.LEADER = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'donotedit'), 'UTF-8');