blob: dd2b42e2ce4fc8f894070b7888a2096a9aa9d30c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const {assert} = chai;
import {default as Fragment} from '../../../../front_end/ui/Fragment.js';
describe('Fragment', () => {
it('can be instantiated correctly', () => {
const testEl = document.createElement('p');
const fragment = new Fragment(testEl);
assert.equal(fragment.element().outerHTML, '<p></p>', 'element was not set correctly');
it('is able to return an element from an ID', () => {
const build =['<p>', '</p>'], 'Test Text');
assert.equal(build.element().outerHTML, '<p>Test Text</p>', 'the element was not built correctly');
it('is able to find a certain element by its ID', () => {
const build =['<p $="testID">Test Text</p>']);
assert.equal(build.$('testID').outerHTML, '<p class="">Test Text</p>', 'the element was not retrieved correctly');
it('is able to retrieve cached fragment', () => {
const cached = Fragment.cached(['<p>', '</p>'], 'Test Text');
assert.equal(cached.element().outerHTML, '<p>Test Text</p>', 'the element was not cached correctly');
it('is able to build a template with no inside text', () => {
const build =['<', '>'], 'p');
build.element().outerHTML, '<template-attribute0></template-attribute0>',
'the element was not built correctly');
it('is able to build a template with no tags', () => {
const build =['a', 'b'], 'testText');
assert.equal(build.element().textContent, 'atestTextb', 'the element was not built correctly');
it('is able to build a template with a normal attribute', () => {
const build =['<p align="center">', '</p>'], 'Test Text');
assert.equal(build.element().outerHTML, '<p align="center">Test Text</p>', 'the element was not built correctly');
it('is able to build a template with a dollar sign attribute', () => {
const build =['<p $>', '</p>'], 'Test Text');
assert.equal(build.element().outerHTML, '<p class="">Test Text</p>', 'the element was not built correctly');
it('is able to build a template with template attribute', () => {
const build =['<p template-attribute0>', '</p>'], 'testAttribute', 'Test Text');
build.element().outerHTML, '<p class="" testattribute="">Test Text</p>', 'the element was not built correctly');