blob: 76ed6f80ba55575d383d29ace0a9fe2104ec97e1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===-- SystemZRegisterInfo.cpp - SystemZ register information ------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "SystemZRegisterInfo.h"
#include "SystemZInstrInfo.h"
#include "SystemZSubtarget.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveIntervals.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetFrameLowering.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/VirtRegMap.h"
using namespace llvm;
#include ""
: SystemZGenRegisterInfo(SystemZ::R14D) {}
// Given that MO is a GRX32 operand, return either GR32 or GRH32 if MO
// somehow belongs in it. Otherwise, return GRX32.
static const TargetRegisterClass *getRC32(MachineOperand &MO,
const VirtRegMap *VRM,
const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI) {
const TargetRegisterClass *RC = MRI->getRegClass(MO.getReg());
if (SystemZ::GR32BitRegClass.hasSubClassEq(RC) ||
MO.getSubReg() == SystemZ::subreg_l32 ||
MO.getSubReg() == SystemZ::subreg_hl32)
return &SystemZ::GR32BitRegClass;
if (SystemZ::GRH32BitRegClass.hasSubClassEq(RC) ||
MO.getSubReg() == SystemZ::subreg_h32 ||
MO.getSubReg() == SystemZ::subreg_hh32)
return &SystemZ::GRH32BitRegClass;
if (VRM && VRM->hasPhys(MO.getReg())) {
unsigned PhysReg = VRM->getPhys(MO.getReg());
if (SystemZ::GR32BitRegClass.contains(PhysReg))
return &SystemZ::GR32BitRegClass;
assert (SystemZ::GRH32BitRegClass.contains(PhysReg) &&
"Phys reg not in GR32 or GRH32?");
return &SystemZ::GRH32BitRegClass;
assert (RC == &SystemZ::GRX32BitRegClass);
return RC;
SystemZRegisterInfo::getRegAllocationHints(unsigned VirtReg,
ArrayRef<MCPhysReg> Order,
SmallVectorImpl<MCPhysReg> &Hints,
const MachineFunction &MF,
const VirtRegMap *VRM,
const LiveRegMatrix *Matrix) const {
const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
if (MRI->getRegClass(VirtReg) == &SystemZ::GRX32BitRegClass) {
SmallVector<unsigned, 8> Worklist;
SmallSet<unsigned, 4> DoneRegs;
while (Worklist.size()) {
unsigned Reg = Worklist.pop_back_val();
if (!DoneRegs.insert(Reg).second)
for (auto &Use : MRI->use_instructions(Reg))
// For LOCRMux, see if the other operand is already a high or low
// register, and in that case give the correpsonding hints for
// VirtReg. LOCR instructions need both operands in either high or
// low parts.
if (Use.getOpcode() == SystemZ::LOCRMux) {
MachineOperand &TrueMO = Use.getOperand(1);
MachineOperand &FalseMO = Use.getOperand(2);
const TargetRegisterClass *RC =
TRI->getCommonSubClass(getRC32(FalseMO, VRM, MRI),
getRC32(TrueMO, VRM, MRI));
if (RC && RC != &SystemZ::GRX32BitRegClass) {
for (MCPhysReg Reg : Order)
if (RC->contains(Reg) && !MRI->isReserved(Reg))
// Return true to make these hints the only regs available to
// RA. This may mean extra spilling but since the alternative is
// a jump sequence expansion of the LOCRMux, it is preferred.
return true;
// Add the other operand of the LOCRMux to the worklist.
unsigned OtherReg =
(TrueMO.getReg() == Reg ? FalseMO.getReg() : TrueMO.getReg());
if (MRI->getRegClass(OtherReg) == &SystemZ::GRX32BitRegClass)
return TargetRegisterInfo::getRegAllocationHints(VirtReg, Order, Hints, MF,
VRM, Matrix);
const MCPhysReg *
SystemZRegisterInfo::getCalleeSavedRegs(const MachineFunction *MF) const {
const SystemZSubtarget &Subtarget = MF->getSubtarget<SystemZSubtarget>();
if (MF->getFunction().getCallingConv() == CallingConv::AnyReg)
return Subtarget.hasVector()? CSR_SystemZ_AllRegs_Vector_SaveList
: CSR_SystemZ_AllRegs_SaveList;
if (MF->getSubtarget().getTargetLowering()->supportSwiftError() &&
return CSR_SystemZ_SwiftError_SaveList;
return CSR_SystemZ_SaveList;
const uint32_t *
SystemZRegisterInfo::getCallPreservedMask(const MachineFunction &MF,
CallingConv::ID CC) const {
const SystemZSubtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<SystemZSubtarget>();
if (CC == CallingConv::AnyReg)
return Subtarget.hasVector()? CSR_SystemZ_AllRegs_Vector_RegMask
: CSR_SystemZ_AllRegs_RegMask;
if (MF.getSubtarget().getTargetLowering()->supportSwiftError() &&
return CSR_SystemZ_SwiftError_RegMask;
return CSR_SystemZ_RegMask;
SystemZRegisterInfo::getReservedRegs(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
BitVector Reserved(getNumRegs());
const SystemZFrameLowering *TFI = getFrameLowering(MF);
if (TFI->hasFP(MF)) {
// R11D is the frame pointer. Reserve all aliases.
// R15D is the stack pointer. Reserve all aliases.
// A0 and A1 hold the thread pointer.
return Reserved;
SystemZRegisterInfo::eliminateFrameIndex(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI,
int SPAdj, unsigned FIOperandNum,
RegScavenger *RS) const {
assert(SPAdj == 0 && "Outgoing arguments should be part of the frame");
MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *MI->getParent();
MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
auto *TII =
static_cast<const SystemZInstrInfo *>(MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo());
const SystemZFrameLowering *TFI = getFrameLowering(MF);
DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
// Decompose the frame index into a base and offset.
int FrameIndex = MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum).getIndex();
unsigned BasePtr;
int64_t Offset = (TFI->getFrameIndexReference(MF, FrameIndex, BasePtr) +
MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum + 1).getImm());
// Special handling of dbg_value instructions.
if (MI->isDebugValue()) {
MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum).ChangeToRegister(BasePtr, /*isDef*/ false);
MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum + 1).ChangeToImmediate(Offset);
// See if the offset is in range, or if an equivalent instruction that
// accepts the offset exists.
unsigned Opcode = MI->getOpcode();
unsigned OpcodeForOffset = TII->getOpcodeForOffset(Opcode, Offset);
if (OpcodeForOffset) {
if (OpcodeForOffset == SystemZ::LE &&
MF.getSubtarget<SystemZSubtarget>().hasVector()) {
// If LE is ok for offset, use LDE instead on z13.
OpcodeForOffset = SystemZ::LDE32;
MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum).ChangeToRegister(BasePtr, false);
else {
// Create an anchor point that is in range. Start at 0xffff so that
// can use LLILH to load the immediate.
int64_t OldOffset = Offset;
int64_t Mask = 0xffff;
do {
Offset = OldOffset & Mask;
OpcodeForOffset = TII->getOpcodeForOffset(Opcode, Offset);
Mask >>= 1;
assert(Mask && "One offset must be OK");
} while (!OpcodeForOffset);
unsigned ScratchReg =
int64_t HighOffset = OldOffset - Offset;
if (MI->getDesc().TSFlags & SystemZII::HasIndex
&& MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum + 2).getReg() == 0) {
// Load the offset into the scratch register and use it as an index.
// The scratch register then dies here.
TII->loadImmediate(MBB, MI, ScratchReg, HighOffset);
MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum).ChangeToRegister(BasePtr, false);
MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum + 2).ChangeToRegister(ScratchReg,
false, false, true);
} else {
// Load the anchor address into a scratch register.
unsigned LAOpcode = TII->getOpcodeForOffset(SystemZ::LA, HighOffset);
if (LAOpcode)
BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(LAOpcode),ScratchReg)
else {
// Load the high offset into the scratch register and use it as
// an index.
TII->loadImmediate(MBB, MI, ScratchReg, HighOffset);
BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(SystemZ::AGR),ScratchReg)
.addReg(ScratchReg, RegState::Kill).addReg(BasePtr);
// Use the scratch register as the base. It then dies here.
false, false, true);
MI->getOperand(FIOperandNum + 1).ChangeToImmediate(Offset);
bool SystemZRegisterInfo::shouldCoalesce(MachineInstr *MI,
const TargetRegisterClass *SrcRC,
unsigned SubReg,
const TargetRegisterClass *DstRC,
unsigned DstSubReg,
const TargetRegisterClass *NewRC,
LiveIntervals &LIS) const {
assert (MI->isCopy() && "Only expecting COPY instructions");
// Coalesce anything which is not a COPY involving a subreg to/from GR128.
if (!(NewRC->hasSuperClassEq(&SystemZ::GR128BitRegClass) &&
(getRegSizeInBits(*SrcRC) <= 64 || getRegSizeInBits(*DstRC) <= 64)))
return true;
// Allow coalescing of a GR128 subreg COPY only if the live ranges are small
// and local to one MBB with not too much interferring registers. Otherwise
// regalloc may run out of registers.
unsigned WideOpNo = (getRegSizeInBits(*SrcRC) == 128 ? 1 : 0);
unsigned GR128Reg = MI->getOperand(WideOpNo).getReg();
unsigned GRNarReg = MI->getOperand((WideOpNo == 1) ? 0 : 1).getReg();
LiveInterval &IntGR128 = LIS.getInterval(GR128Reg);
LiveInterval &IntGRNar = LIS.getInterval(GRNarReg);
// Check that the two virtual registers are local to MBB.
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI->getParent();
if (LIS.isLiveInToMBB(IntGR128, MBB) || LIS.isLiveOutOfMBB(IntGR128, MBB) ||
LIS.isLiveInToMBB(IntGRNar, MBB) || LIS.isLiveOutOfMBB(IntGRNar, MBB))
return false;
// Find the first and last MIs of the registers.
MachineInstr *FirstMI = nullptr, *LastMI = nullptr;
if (WideOpNo == 1) {
FirstMI = LIS.getInstructionFromIndex(IntGR128.beginIndex());
LastMI = LIS.getInstructionFromIndex(IntGRNar.endIndex());
} else {
FirstMI = LIS.getInstructionFromIndex(IntGRNar.beginIndex());
LastMI = LIS.getInstructionFromIndex(IntGR128.endIndex());
assert (FirstMI && LastMI && "No instruction from index?");
// Check if coalescing seems safe by finding the set of clobbered physreg
// pairs in the region.
BitVector PhysClobbered(getNumRegs());
MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = FirstMI, MEE = LastMI;
for (; MII != MEE; ++MII) {
for (const MachineOperand &MO : MII->operands())
if (MO.isReg() && isPhysicalRegister(MO.getReg())) {
for (MCSuperRegIterator SI(MO.getReg(), this, true/*IncludeSelf*/);
SI.isValid(); ++SI)
if (NewRC->contains(*SI)) {
// Demand an arbitrary margin of free regs.
unsigned const DemandedFreeGR128 = 3;
if (PhysClobbered.count() > (NewRC->getNumRegs() - DemandedFreeGR128))
return false;
return true;
SystemZRegisterInfo::getFrameRegister(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
const SystemZFrameLowering *TFI = getFrameLowering(MF);
return TFI->hasFP(MF) ? SystemZ::R11D : SystemZ::R15D;
const TargetRegisterClass *
SystemZRegisterInfo::getCrossCopyRegClass(const TargetRegisterClass *RC) const {
if (RC == &SystemZ::CCRRegClass)
return &SystemZ::GR32BitRegClass;
return RC;