blob: a79e99ba3234d366ee97488db0b48d3b735706f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; RUN: llc < %s -verify-coalescing
; <rdar://problem/11522048>
target triple = "arm64-apple-macosx10.8.0"
; Verify that we can handle spilling the stack pointer without attempting
; spilling it directly.
; CHECK: f
; CHECK: mov [[X0:x[0-9]+]], sp
; CHECK: str [[X0]]
; CHECK: inlineasm
define void @f() nounwind ssp {
%savedstack = call i8* @llvm.stacksave() nounwind
call void asm sideeffect "; inlineasm", "~{x0},~{x1},~{x2},~{x3},~{x4},~{x5},~{x6},~{x7},~{x8},~{x9},~{x10},~{x11},~{x12},~{x13},~{x14},~{x15},~{x16},~{x17},~{x18},~{x19},~{x20},~{x21},~{x22},~{x23},~{x24},~{x25},~{x26},~{x27},~{x28},~{fp},~{lr},~{sp},~{memory}"() nounwind
call void @llvm.stackrestore(i8* %savedstack) nounwind
ret void
declare i8* @llvm.stacksave() nounwind
declare void @llvm.stackrestore(i8*) nounwind