blob: 2d48d30dd7d8976ca7460662cdd4db987c5eabe1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; RUN: llc -march=hexagon < %s
; Check that branch probabilities are set correctly after performing the
; simple variant of if-conversion. The converted block has a branch that
; is not analyzable.
target triple = "hexagon"
declare void @foo()
; CHECK-LABEL: danny
; CHECK: if ( jump:nt foo
define void @danny(i32 %x) {
%t0 = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
br i1 %t0, label %tail, label %exit, !prof !0
tail call void @foo();
ret void
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: sammy
; CHECK: if (! jump:t foo
define void @sammy(i32 %x) {
%t0 = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
br i1 %t0, label %exit, label %tail, !prof !0
tail call void @foo();
ret void
ret void
!0 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 1, i32 2000}