blob: 9f0bbcb36fe4d8adf3bfc70dff9e3696f91c0cad [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# RUN: llc -march=hexagon -run-pass hexagon-packetizer %s -o - | FileCheck %s
# Make sure that the new-value jump is packetized with the producer. In this
# case, the loads cold be packetized together (with updating the offset in
# the second load), but then the new-value jump would not be possible to
# put in the same packet.
# CHECK-LABEL: name: fred
# CHECK-NEXT: $r3 = L2_loadri_io $r1, 0
# CHECK-NEXT: J4_cmpgtu_f_jumpnv_t internal killed $r3
--- |
define void @fred() { ret void }
@array = external global [256 x i32], align 8
name: fred
tracksRegLiveness: true
body: |
successors: %bb.1
$r1 = A2_tfrsi @array
$r2, $r1 = L2_loadri_pi $r1, 4
$r3 = L2_loadri_io $r1, 0
J4_cmpgtu_f_jumpnv_t killed $r3, killed $r2, %bb.1, implicit-def $pc