blob: 3c484afb0b6b84f4a9495add06b5e9edb3a58960 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=i686-linux-gnu -o - %s | FileCheck %s
@var = global i128 0
; We were trying to convert the i128 operation into a libcall, but failing to
; perform sret demotion when we couldn't return the result in registers. Make
; sure we marshal the return properly:
define void @test_sret_libcall(i128 %l, i128 %r) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_sret_libcall:
; Stack for call: 4(sret ptr), 16(i128 %l), 16(128 %r). So next logical
; (aligned) place for the actual sret data is %esp + 20.
; CHECK: leal 20(%esp), [[SRET_ADDR:%[a-z]+]]
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl 72(%esp)
; CHECK: pushl [[SRET_ADDR]]
; CHECK: calll __udivti3
; CHECK: addl $44, %esp
; CHECK-DAG: movl 8(%esp), [[RES0:%[a-z]+]]
; CHECK-DAG: movl 12(%esp), [[RES1:%[a-z]+]]
; CHECK-DAG: movl 16(%esp), [[RES2:%[a-z]+]]
; CHECK-DAG: movl 20(%esp), [[RES3:%[a-z]+]]
; CHECK-DAG: movl [[RES0]], var
; CHECK-DAG: movl [[RES1]], var+4
; CHECK-DAG: movl [[RES2]], var+8
; CHECK-DAG: movl [[RES3]], var+12
%quot = udiv i128 %l, %r
store i128 %quot, i128* @var
ret void