blob: dc4ac8ff47deb1df7443d6acaf0a5a1174e37560 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; RUN: llc < %s -emulated-tls -mtriple=i686-linux-android -relocation-model=pic | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc < %s -emulated-tls -mtriple=x86_64-linux-android -relocation-model=pic | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-linux-android -relocation-model=pic | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-linux-android -relocation-model=pic | FileCheck %s
; Make sure that some symboles are not emitted in emulated TLS model.
@external_x = external thread_local global i32
@external_y = thread_local global i32 7
@internal_y = internal thread_local global i32 9
@internal_y0 = internal thread_local global i32 0
define i32* @get_external_x() {
ret i32* @external_x
define i32* @get_external_y() {
ret i32* @external_y
define i32* @get_internal_y() {
ret i32* @internal_y
define i32* @get_internal_y0() {
ret i32* @internal_y0
; no direct access to emulated TLS variables.
; no definition of emulated TLS variables.
; no initializer for external TLS variables, __emutls_t.external_x
; no initializer for 0-initialized TLS variables, __emutls_t.internal_y0
; not global linkage for __emutls_t.external_y
; CHECK-NOT: external_x@TLS
; CHECK-NOT: external_y@TLS
; CHECK-NOT: internal_y@TLS
; CHECK-NOT: .size external_x
; CHECK-NOT: .size external_y
; CHECK-NOT: .size internal_y
; CHECK-NOT: .size internal_y0
; CHECK-NOT: __emutls_v.external_x:
; CHECK-NOT: __emutls_t.external_x:
; CHECK-NOT: __emutls_t.internal_y0:
; CHECK-NOT: global __emutls_t.external_y
; CHECK-NOT: global __emutls_v.internal_y
; CHECK-NOT: global __emutls_v.internal_y0
; CHECK: __emutls_t.external_y
; CHECK-NOT: external_x@TLS
; CHECK-NOT: external_y@TLS
; CHECK-NOT: internal_y@TLS
; CHECK-NOT: .size external_x
; CHECK-NOT: .size external_y
; CHECK-NOT: .size internal_y
; CHECK-NOT: .size internal_y0
; CHECK-NOT: __emutls_v.external_x:
; CHECK-NOT: __emutls_t.external_x:
; CHECK-NOT: __emutls_t.internal_y0:
; CHECK-NOT: global __emutls_t.external_y
; CHECK-NOT: global __emutls_v.internal_y
; CHECK-NOT: global __emutls_v.internal_y0