blob: d3fa5fbed8073b65dc09588edce67a2522f5f825 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=armv7s-apple-ios7.0.0 -filetype=obj -o %t/foo.o %s
# RUN: llvm-rtdyld -triple=armv7s-apple-ios7.0.0 -verify -check=%s %t/foo.o
.syntax unified
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.globl bar
.align 2
# Check lower 16-bits of section difference relocation
# rtdyld-check: decode_operand(insn1, 1) = (foo$non_lazy_ptr-(nextPC+8))[15:0]
movw r0, :lower16:(foo$non_lazy_ptr-(nextPC+8))
# Check upper 16-bits of section difference relocation
# rtdyld-check: decode_operand(insn2, 2) = (foo$non_lazy_ptr-(nextPC+8))[31:16]
movt r0, :upper16:(foo$non_lazy_ptr-(nextPC+8))
add r1, r0, r0
# Check stub generation for external symbols by referencing a common symbol, 'baz'.
# Check both the content of the stub, and the reference to the stub.
# Stub should contain '0xe51ff004' (ldr pc, [pc, #-4]), followed by the target.
# rtdyld-check: *{4}(stub_addr(foo.o, __text, baz)) = 0xe51ff004
# rtdyld-check: *{4}(stub_addr(foo.o, __text, baz) + 4) = baz
# rtdyld-check: decode_operand(insn3, 0) = stub_addr(foo.o, __text, baz) - (insn3 + 8)
bl baz
# Check stub generation for internal symbols by referencing 'bar'.
# rtdyld-check: *{4}(stub_addr(foo.o, __text, bar) + 4) = bar
bl bar
bx lr
# Add 'aaa' to the common symbols to make sure 'baz' isn't at the start of the
# section. This ensures that we test VANILLA relocation addends correctly.
.comm aaa, 4, 2
.comm baz, 4, 2
.comm foo, 4, 2
.section __DATA,__data
.globl _a
.align 2
# rtdyld-check: *{4}bar_ofs = bar + 4
.long bar + 4
# Check that the symbol pointer section entries are fixed up properly:
# rtdyld-check: *{4}foo$non_lazy_ptr = foo
.section __DATA,__nl_symbol_ptr,non_lazy_symbol_pointers
.align 2
.indirect_symbol foo
.long 0