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//===- ObjectTransformLayerTest.cpp - Unit tests for ObjectTransformLayer -===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/ObjectTransformLayer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IRCompileLayer.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/NullResolver.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/SectionMemoryManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm::orc;
namespace {
// stand-in for object::ObjectFile
typedef int MockObjectFile;
// stand-in for llvm::MemoryBuffer set
typedef int MockMemoryBuffer;
// Mock transform that operates on unique pointers to object files, and
// allocates new object files rather than mutating the given ones.
struct AllocatingTransform {
operator()(std::shared_ptr<MockObjectFile> Obj) const {
return std::make_shared<MockObjectFile>(*Obj + 1);
// Mock base layer for verifying behavior of transform layer.
// Each method "T foo(args)" is accompanied by two auxiliary methods:
// - "void expectFoo(args)", to be called before calling foo on the transform
// layer; saves values of args, which mock layer foo then verifies against.
// - "void verifyFoo(T)", to be called after foo, which verifies that the
// transform layer called the base layer and forwarded any return value.
class MockBaseLayer {
MockBaseLayer() : MockSymbol(nullptr) { resetExpectations(); }
template <typename ObjPtrT> llvm::Error addObject(VModuleKey K, ObjPtrT Obj) {
EXPECT_EQ(MockKey, K) << "Key should pass through";
EXPECT_EQ(MockObject + 1, *Obj) << "Transform should be applied";
LastCalled = "addObject";
return llvm::Error::success();
template <typename ObjPtrT> void expectAddObject(VModuleKey K, ObjPtrT Obj) {
MockKey = K;
MockObject = *Obj;
void verifyAddObject() {
EXPECT_EQ("addObject", LastCalled);
llvm::Error removeObject(VModuleKey K) {
EXPECT_EQ(MockKey, K);
LastCalled = "removeObject";
return llvm::Error::success();
void expectRemoveObject(VModuleKey K) { MockKey = K; }
void verifyRemoveObject() {
EXPECT_EQ("removeObject", LastCalled);
llvm::JITSymbol findSymbol(const std::string &Name,
bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
EXPECT_EQ(MockName, Name) << "Name should pass through";
EXPECT_EQ(MockBool, ExportedSymbolsOnly) << "Flag should pass through";
LastCalled = "findSymbol";
MockSymbol = llvm::JITSymbol(122, llvm::JITSymbolFlags::None);
return llvm::JITSymbol(122, llvm::JITSymbolFlags::None);
void expectFindSymbol(const std::string &Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
MockName = Name;
MockBool = ExportedSymbolsOnly;
void verifyFindSymbol(llvm::JITSymbol Returned) {
EXPECT_EQ("findSymbol", LastCalled);
<< "Return should pass through";
llvm::JITSymbol findSymbolIn(VModuleKey K, const std::string &Name,
bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
EXPECT_EQ(MockKey, K) << "VModuleKey should pass through";
EXPECT_EQ(MockName, Name) << "Name should pass through";
EXPECT_EQ(MockBool, ExportedSymbolsOnly) << "Flag should pass through";
LastCalled = "findSymbolIn";
MockSymbol = llvm::JITSymbol(122, llvm::JITSymbolFlags::None);
return llvm::JITSymbol(122, llvm::JITSymbolFlags::None);
void expectFindSymbolIn(VModuleKey K, const std::string &Name,
bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
MockKey = K;
MockName = Name;
MockBool = ExportedSymbolsOnly;
void verifyFindSymbolIn(llvm::JITSymbol Returned) {
EXPECT_EQ("findSymbolIn", LastCalled);
<< "Return should pass through";
llvm::Error emitAndFinalize(VModuleKey K) {
EXPECT_EQ(MockKey, K) << "VModuleKey should pass through";
LastCalled = "emitAndFinalize";
return llvm::Error::success();
void expectEmitAndFinalize(VModuleKey K) { MockKey = K; }
void verifyEmitAndFinalize() {
EXPECT_EQ("emitAndFinalize", LastCalled);
void mapSectionAddress(VModuleKey K, const void *LocalAddress,
llvm::JITTargetAddress TargetAddr) {
EXPECT_EQ(MockKey, K);
EXPECT_EQ(MockLocalAddress, LocalAddress);
EXPECT_EQ(MockTargetAddress, TargetAddr);
LastCalled = "mapSectionAddress";
void expectMapSectionAddress(VModuleKey K, const void *LocalAddress,
llvm::JITTargetAddress TargetAddr) {
MockKey = K;
MockLocalAddress = LocalAddress;
MockTargetAddress = TargetAddr;
void verifyMapSectionAddress() {
EXPECT_EQ("mapSectionAddress", LastCalled);
// Backing fields for remembering parameter/return values
std::string LastCalled;
VModuleKey MockKey;
MockObjectFile MockObject;
std::string MockName;
bool MockBool;
llvm::JITSymbol MockSymbol;
const void *MockLocalAddress;
llvm::JITTargetAddress MockTargetAddress;
MockMemoryBuffer MockBuffer;
// Clear remembered parameters between calls
void resetExpectations() {
LastCalled = "nothing";
MockKey = 0;
MockObject = 0;
MockName = "bogus";
MockSymbol = llvm::JITSymbol(nullptr);
MockLocalAddress = nullptr;
MockTargetAddress = 0;
MockBuffer = 0;
// Test each operation on ObjectTransformLayer.
TEST(ObjectTransformLayerTest, Main) {
MockBaseLayer M;
ExecutionSession ES(std::make_shared<SymbolStringPool>());
// Create one object transform layer using a transform (as a functor)
// that allocates new objects, and deals in unique pointers.
ObjectTransformLayer<MockBaseLayer, AllocatingTransform> T1(M);
// Create a second object transform layer using a transform (as a lambda)
// that mutates objects in place, and deals in naked pointers
T2(M, [](std::shared_ptr<MockObjectFile> Obj) {
return Obj;
// Test addObject with T1 (allocating)
auto K1 = ES.allocateVModule();
auto Obj1 = std::make_shared<MockObjectFile>(211);
M.expectAddObject(K1, Obj1);
cantFail(T1.addObject(K1, std::move(Obj1)));
// Test addObjectSet with T2 (mutating)
auto K2 = ES.allocateVModule();
auto Obj2 = std::make_shared<MockObjectFile>(222);
M.expectAddObject(K2, Obj2);
cantFail(T2.addObject(K2, Obj2));
EXPECT_EQ(223, *Obj2) << "Expected mutation";
// Test removeObjectSet
// Test findSymbol
std::string Name = "foo";
bool ExportedOnly = true;
M.expectFindSymbol(Name, ExportedOnly);
llvm::JITSymbol Sym1 = T2.findSymbol(Name, ExportedOnly);
// Test findSymbolIn
Name = "bar";
ExportedOnly = false;
M.expectFindSymbolIn(K1, Name, ExportedOnly);
llvm::JITSymbol Sym2 = T1.findSymbolIn(K1, Name, ExportedOnly);
// Test emitAndFinalize
// Test mapSectionAddress
char Buffer[24];
llvm::JITTargetAddress MockAddress = 255;
M.expectMapSectionAddress(K1, Buffer, MockAddress);
T1.mapSectionAddress(K1, Buffer, MockAddress);
// Verify transform getter (non-const)
auto Mutatee = std::make_shared<MockObjectFile>(277);
auto Out = T2.getTransform()(Mutatee);
EXPECT_EQ(*Mutatee, *Out) << "Expected in-place transform";
EXPECT_EQ(278, *Mutatee) << "Expected incrementing transform";
// Verify transform getter (const)
auto OwnedObj = std::make_shared<MockObjectFile>(288);
const auto &T1C = T1;
OwnedObj = T1C.getTransform()(std::move(OwnedObj));
EXPECT_EQ(289, *OwnedObj) << "Expected incrementing transform";
volatile bool RunStaticChecks = false;
if (!RunStaticChecks)
// Make sure that ObjectTransformLayer implements the object layer concept
// correctly by sandwitching one between an ObjectLinkingLayer and an
// IRCompileLayer, verifying that it compiles if we have a call to the
// IRComileLayer's addModule that should call the transform layer's
// addObject, and also calling the other public transform layer methods
// directly to make sure the methods they intend to forward to exist on
// the ObjectLinkingLayer.
// We'll need a concrete MemoryManager class.
class NullManager : public llvm::RuntimeDyld::MemoryManager {
uint8_t *allocateCodeSection(uintptr_t, unsigned, unsigned,
llvm::StringRef) override {
return nullptr;
uint8_t *allocateDataSection(uintptr_t, unsigned, unsigned, llvm::StringRef,
bool) override {
return nullptr;
void registerEHFrames(uint8_t *, uint64_t, size_t) override {}
void deregisterEHFrames() override {}
bool finalizeMemory(std::string *) override { return false; }
// Construct the jit layers.
RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer BaseLayer(ES, [](VModuleKey) {
return RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer::Resources{
auto IdentityTransform = [](std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Obj) {
return Obj;
ObjectTransformLayer<decltype(BaseLayer), decltype(IdentityTransform)>
TransformLayer(BaseLayer, IdentityTransform);
auto NullCompiler = [](llvm::Module &) {
return std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>(nullptr);
IRCompileLayer<decltype(TransformLayer), decltype(NullCompiler)>
CompileLayer(TransformLayer, NullCompiler);
// Make sure that the calls from IRCompileLayer to ObjectTransformLayer
// compile.
// Make sure that the calls from ObjectTransformLayer to ObjectLinkingLayer
// compile.
VModuleKey DummyKey = ES.allocateVModule();
TransformLayer.findSymbolIn(DummyKey, Name, false);
TransformLayer.findSymbol(Name, true);
TransformLayer.mapSectionAddress(DummyKey, nullptr, 0);