blob: c6caaf07db0e765f289d90a81f5a79ec548f4bc8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===------ OrcTestCommon.h - Utilities for Orc Unit Tests ------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Common utilities for the Orc unit tests.
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITSymbol.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IndirectionUtils.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/TypeBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <memory>
namespace llvm {
namespace orc {
// CoreAPIsStandardTest that saves a bunch of boilerplate by providing the
// following:
// (1) ES -- An ExecutionSession
// (2) Foo, Bar, Baz, Qux -- SymbolStringPtrs for strings "foo", "bar", "baz",
// and "qux" respectively.
// (3) FooAddr, BarAddr, BazAddr, QuxAddr -- Dummy addresses. Guaranteed
// distinct and non-null.
// (4) FooSym, BarSym, BazSym, QuxSym -- JITEvaluatedSymbols with FooAddr,
// BarAddr, BazAddr, and QuxAddr respectively. All with default strong,
// linkage and non-hidden visibility.
// (5) V -- A VSO associated with ES.
class CoreAPIsBasedStandardTest : public testing::Test {
ExecutionSession ES;
VSO &V = ES.createVSO("V");
SymbolStringPtr Foo = ES.getSymbolStringPool().intern("foo");
SymbolStringPtr Bar = ES.getSymbolStringPool().intern("bar");
SymbolStringPtr Baz = ES.getSymbolStringPool().intern("baz");
SymbolStringPtr Qux = ES.getSymbolStringPool().intern("qux");
static const JITTargetAddress FooAddr = 1U;
static const JITTargetAddress BarAddr = 2U;
static const JITTargetAddress BazAddr = 3U;
static const JITTargetAddress QuxAddr = 4U;
JITEvaluatedSymbol FooSym =
JITEvaluatedSymbol(FooAddr, JITSymbolFlags::Exported);
JITEvaluatedSymbol BarSym =
JITEvaluatedSymbol(BarAddr, JITSymbolFlags::Exported);
JITEvaluatedSymbol BazSym =
JITEvaluatedSymbol(BazAddr, JITSymbolFlags::Exported);
JITEvaluatedSymbol QuxSym =
JITEvaluatedSymbol(QuxAddr, JITSymbolFlags::Exported);
} // end namespace orc
class OrcNativeTarget {
static void initialize() {
if (!NativeTargetInitialized) {
NativeTargetInitialized = true;
static bool NativeTargetInitialized;
// Base class for Orc tests that will execute code.
class OrcExecutionTest {
OrcExecutionTest() {
// Initialize the native target if it hasn't been done already.
// Try to select a TargetMachine for the host.
if (TM) {
// If we found a TargetMachine, check that it's one that Orc supports.
const Triple& TT = TM->getTargetTriple();
// Bail out for windows platforms. We do not support these yet.
if ((TT.getArch() != Triple::x86_64 && TT.getArch() != Triple::x86) ||
// Target can JIT?
SupportsJIT = TM->getTarget().hasJIT();
// Use ability to create callback manager to detect whether Orc
// has indirection support on this platform. This way the test
// and Orc code do not get out of sync.
SupportsIndirection = !!orc::createLocalCompileCallbackManager(TT, ES, 0);
orc::ExecutionSession ES;
LLVMContext Context;
std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM;
bool SupportsJIT = false;
bool SupportsIndirection = false;
class ModuleBuilder {
ModuleBuilder(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Triple,
StringRef Name);
template <typename FuncType>
Function* createFunctionDecl(StringRef Name) {
return Function::Create(
TypeBuilder<FuncType, false>::get(M->getContext()),
GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, Name, M.get());
Module* getModule() { return M.get(); }
const Module* getModule() const { return M.get(); }
std::unique_ptr<Module> takeModule() { return std::move(M); }
std::unique_ptr<Module> M;
// Dummy struct type.
struct DummyStruct {
int X[256];
// TypeBuilder specialization for DummyStruct.
template <bool XCompile>
class TypeBuilder<DummyStruct, XCompile> {
static StructType *get(LLVMContext &Context) {
return StructType::get(
TypeBuilder<types::i<32>[256], XCompile>::get(Context));
template <typename HandleT, typename ModuleT>
class MockBaseLayer {
using ModuleHandleT = HandleT;
using AddModuleSignature =
Expected<ModuleHandleT>(ModuleT M,
std::shared_ptr<JITSymbolResolver> R);
using RemoveModuleSignature = Error(ModuleHandleT H);
using FindSymbolSignature = JITSymbol(const std::string &Name,
bool ExportedSymbolsOnly);
using FindSymbolInSignature = JITSymbol(ModuleHandleT H,
const std::string &Name,
bool ExportedSymbolsONly);
using EmitAndFinalizeSignature = Error(ModuleHandleT H);
std::function<AddModuleSignature> addModuleImpl;
std::function<RemoveModuleSignature> removeModuleImpl;
std::function<FindSymbolSignature> findSymbolImpl;
std::function<FindSymbolInSignature> findSymbolInImpl;
std::function<EmitAndFinalizeSignature> emitAndFinalizeImpl;
Expected<ModuleHandleT> addModule(ModuleT M,
std::shared_ptr<JITSymbolResolver> R) {
assert(addModuleImpl &&
"addModule called, but no mock implementation was provided");
return addModuleImpl(std::move(M), std::move(R));
Error removeModule(ModuleHandleT H) {
assert(removeModuleImpl &&
"removeModule called, but no mock implementation was provided");
return removeModuleImpl(H);
JITSymbol findSymbol(const std::string &Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
assert(findSymbolImpl &&
"findSymbol called, but no mock implementation was provided");
return findSymbolImpl(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
JITSymbol findSymbolIn(ModuleHandleT H, const std::string &Name,
bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
assert(findSymbolInImpl &&
"findSymbolIn called, but no mock implementation was provided");
return findSymbolInImpl(H, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
Error emitAndFinaliez(ModuleHandleT H) {
assert(emitAndFinalizeImpl &&
"emitAndFinalize called, but no mock implementation was provided");
return emitAndFinalizeImpl(H);
class ReturnNullJITSymbol {
template <typename... Args>
JITSymbol operator()(Args...) const {
return nullptr;
template <typename ReturnT>
class DoNothingAndReturn {
DoNothingAndReturn(ReturnT Ret) : Ret(std::move(Ret)) {}
template <typename... Args>
void operator()(Args...) const { return Ret; }
ReturnT Ret;
template <>
class DoNothingAndReturn<void> {
template <typename... Args>
void operator()(Args...) const { }
} // namespace llvm