blob: b1b8f57e1fe7ac95b5910098d9603065ccc279d8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --expose-wasm --wasm-expose-debug-eval
const {session, contextGroup, Protocol} =
InspectorTest.start('Tests wasm debug-evaluate');
function printFailure(message) {
if (!message.result) {
return message;
async function getWasmScript() {
while (true) {
const script = await Protocol.Debugger.onceScriptParsed();
if (script.params.url.startsWith('wasm://')) return script.params;
async function handleDebuggerPaused(data, messageObject) {
const topFrameId = messageObject.params.callFrames[0].callFrameId;
const params = {callFrameId: topFrameId, evaluator: data};
try {
const evalResult = await Protocol.Debugger.executeWasmEvaluator(params);
InspectorTest.log('Result: ' + evalResult.result.result.value);
} catch (err) {
'Eval failed: ' + err + '\nGot: ' + JSON.stringify(evalResult));
await Protocol.Debugger.resume();
async function runTest(testName, breakLine, debuggeeBytes, snippetBytes) {
try {
await Protocol.Debugger.onPaused(
handleDebuggerPaused.bind(null, snippetBytes));
InspectorTest.log('Test: ' + testName);
const scriptListener = getWasmScript();
await WasmInspectorTest.instantiate(debuggeeBytes);
const script = await scriptListener;
const msg = await Protocol.Debugger.setBreakpoint({
'location': {
'scriptId': script.scriptId,
'lineNumber': 0,
'columnNumber': breakLine
const eval = await Protocol.Runtime.evaluate(
{'expression': 'instance.exports.main()'});
'Expected: ' + String.fromCharCode(eval.result.result.value));
} catch (err) {
// copied from v8
function encode64(data) {
const BASE =
const PAD = '=';
var ret = '';
var leftchar = 0;
var leftbits = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
leftchar = (leftchar << 8) | data[i];
leftbits += 8;
while (leftbits >= 6) {
const curr = (leftchar >> (leftbits - 6)) & 0x3f;
leftbits -= 6;
ret += BASE[curr];
if (leftbits == 2) {
ret += BASE[(leftchar & 3) << 4];
ret += PAD + PAD;
} else if (leftbits == 4) {
ret += BASE[(leftchar & 0xf) << 2];
ret += PAD;
return ret;
(async () => {
try {
await Protocol.Debugger.enable();
await (async function TestGetMemory() {
const debuggee_builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
debuggee_builder.addMemory(256, 256);
const mainFunc =
debuggee_builder.addFunction('main', kSig_i_v)
// clang-format off
kExprI32Const, 32,
kExprI32Const, 50,
kExprI32StoreMem, 0, 0,
kExprI32Const, 32,
kExprI32LoadMem, 0, 0,
// clang-format on
const snippet_builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
snippet_builder.addMemory(1, 1);
const getMemoryIdx = snippet_builder.addImport(
'env', '__getMemory', makeSig([kWasmI32, kWasmI32, kWasmI32], []));
const heapBase = 32; // Just pick some position in memory
snippet_builder.addFunction('wasm_format', kSig_i_v)
// clang-format off
// __getMemory(32, 4, heapBase)
kExprI32Const, 32, kExprI32Const, 4, kExprI32Const, heapBase,
kExprCallFunction, getMemoryIdx,
// return heapBase
kExprI32Const, heapBase,
// clang-format on
const debuggeeModule = debuggee_builder.toArray();
await runTest(
'TestGetMemory', mainFunc.body_offset + 9, debuggeeModule,
} catch (err) {