blob: 829b9b5bfe075e1cc44e4f4e69ffd9d2fae30f9a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const {session, contextGroup, Protocol} =
InspectorTest.start('Test inspecting register values in Liftoff.');
const num_locals = 10;
const configs = {
i32: {type: kWasmI32, add: kExprI32Add, from_i32: kExprNop},
i64: {type: kWasmI64, add: kExprI64Add, from_i32: kExprI64SConvertI32},
f32: {type: kWasmF32, add: kExprF32Add, from_i32: kExprF32SConvertI32},
f64: {type: kWasmF64, add: kExprF64Add, from_i32: kExprF64SConvertI32}
Protocol.Debugger.onPaused(async msg => {
let loc = msg.params.callFrames[0].location;
let line = [`Paused at offset ${loc.columnNumber}`];
// Inspect only the top wasm frame.
var frame = msg.params.callFrames[0];
for (var scope of frame.scopeChain) {
if (scope.type == 'module') continue;
var scope_properties =
await Protocol.Runtime.getProperties({objectId: scope.object.objectId});
let str =
elem => WasmInspectorTest.getWasmValue(elem.value)).join(', ');
line.push(`${scope.type}: [${str}]`);
InspectorTest.log(line.join('; '));
// Build a function which receives a lot of arguments. It loads them all and
// adds them together.
// In Liftoff, this will hold many values in registers at the break sites.
function buildModuleBytes(config) {
const sig = makeSig(
new Array(num_locals).fill(configs[config].type), [configs[config].type]);
const body = [];
for (let i = 0; i < num_locals; ++i) body.push(kExprLocalGet, i);
for (let i = 0; i < num_locals - 1; ++i) body.push(configs[config].add);
const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
const test_func = builder.addFunction('test_' + config, sig).addBody(body);
const main_body = [];
for (let i = 0; i < num_locals; ++i)
main_body.push(kExprI32Const, i, configs[config].from_i32);
main_body.push(kExprCallFunction, test_func.index, kExprDrop);
const main =
builder.addFunction('main', kSig_v_v).addBody(main_body).exportAs('main');
const module_bytes = builder.toArray();
// Break at every {kExprLocalGet} and at every addition.
const interesting_opcodes = [kExprLocalGet, kExprReturn, configs[config].add];
const breakpoints = [];
for (let idx = 0; idx < body.length; ++idx) {
if (interesting_opcodes.find(elem => elem == body[idx])) {
breakpoints.push(test_func.body_offset + idx);
return [module_bytes, breakpoints];
async function testConfig(config) {
InspectorTest.log(`Testing ${config}.`);
const [module_bytes, breakpoints] = buildModuleBytes(config);
const instance_name = `instance_${config}`;
// Spawn asynchronously:
WasmInspectorTest.instantiate(module_bytes, instance_name);
InspectorTest.log('Waiting for wasm script.');
const [, {params: wasm_script}] = await Protocol.Debugger.onceScriptParsed(2);
InspectorTest.log(`Setting ${breakpoints.length} breakpoints.`);
for (let offset of breakpoints) {
await Protocol.Debugger.setBreakpoint({
'location': {
'scriptId': wasm_script.scriptId,
'lineNumber': 0,
'columnNumber': offset
InspectorTest.log('Calling main.');
await WasmInspectorTest.evalWithUrl(`${instance_name}.exports.main()`, `run_${config}`);
InspectorTest.log('main returned.');
(async function test() {
await Protocol.Debugger.enable();
for (let config in configs) {
await testConfig(config);