blob: 91110950d568d5cb7b1808fa2c6cb2de947a02de [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
(function() {
var next_cache_index = 1;
// Returns a promise that resolves to a newly created Cache object. The
// returned Cache will be destroyed when |test| completes.
function create_temporary_cache(test) {
var uniquifier = String(++next_cache_index);
var cache_name = self.location.pathname + '/' + uniquifier;
test.add_cleanup(function() {
return self.caches.delete(cache_name)
.then(function() {
self.create_temporary_cache = create_temporary_cache;
// Runs |test_function| with a temporary unique Cache passed in as the only
// argument. The function is run as a part of Promise chain owned by
// promise_test(). As such, it is expected to behave in a manner identical (with
// the exception of the argument) to a function passed into promise_test().
// E.g.:
// cache_test(function(cache) {
// // Do something with |cache|, which is a Cache object.
// }, "Some Cache test");
function cache_test(test_function, description) {
promise_test(function(test) {
return create_temporary_cache(test)
}, description);