blob: 9a7f72c11b3f768a2e4860d853206f8b3203e58f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import py
import pytest
from py._iniconfig import IniConfig, ParseError, __all__ as ALL
from py._iniconfig import iscommentline
from textwrap import dedent
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if 'input' in metafunc.funcargnames:
for name, (input, expected) in check_tokens.items():
metafunc.addcall(id=name, funcargs={
'input': input,
'expected': expected,
elif hasattr(metafunc.function, 'multi'):
kwargs = metafunc.function.multi.kwargs
names, values = zip(*kwargs.items())
values = cartesian_product(*values)
for p in values:
metafunc.addcall(funcargs=dict(zip(names, p)))
def cartesian_product(L,*lists):
# copied from
if not lists:
for x in L:
yield (x,)
for x in L:
for y in cartesian_product(lists[0],*lists[1:]):
yield (x,)+y
check_tokens = {
'section': (
[(0, 'section', None, None)]
'value': (
'value = 1',
[(0, None, 'value', '1')]
'value in section': (
[(0, 'section', None, None), (1, 'section', 'value', '1')]
'value with continuation': (
'names =\n Alice\n Bob',
[(0, None, 'names', 'Alice\nBob')]
'value with aligned continuation': (
'names = Alice\n'
' Bob',
[(0, None, 'names', 'Alice\nBob')]
'blank line':(
[(0, 'section', None, None), (2, 'section', 'value', '1')]
'comment': (
'# comment',
'comment on value': (
'value = 1',
[(0, None, 'value', '1')]
'comment on section': (
'[section] #comment',
[(0, 'section', None, None)]
'comment2': (
'; comment',
'comment2 on section': (
'[section] ;comment',
[(0, 'section', None, None)]
'pseudo section syntax in value': (
'name = value []',
[(0, None, 'name', 'value []')]
'assignment in value': (
'value = x = 3',
[(0, None, 'value', 'x = 3')]
'use of colon for name-values': (
'name: y',
[(0, None, 'name', 'y')]
'use of colon without space': (
[(0, None, 'value', 'y=5')]
'equality gets precedence': (
[(0, None, 'value', 'xyz:5')]
def parse(input):
# only for testing purposes - _parse() does not use state except path
ini = object.__new__(IniConfig)
ini.path = "sample"
return ini._parse(input.splitlines(True))
def parse_a_error(input):
return py.test.raises(ParseError, parse, input)
def test_tokenize(input, expected):
parsed = parse(input)
assert parsed == expected
def test_parse_empty():
parsed = parse("")
assert not parsed
ini = IniConfig("sample", "")
assert not ini.sections
def test_ParseError():
e = ParseError("filename", 0, "hello")
assert str(e) == "filename:1: hello"
def test_continuation_needs_perceeding_token():
excinfo = parse_a_error(' Foo')
assert excinfo.value.lineno == 0
def test_continuation_cant_be_after_section():
excinfo = parse_a_error('[section]\n Foo')
assert excinfo.value.lineno == 1
def test_section_cant_be_empty():
excinfo = parse_a_error('[]')
def test_error_on_weird_lines(line):
def test_iniconfig_from_file(tmpdir):
path = tmpdir/'test.txt'
config = IniConfig(path=path)
assert list(config.sections) == ['metadata']
config = IniConfig(path, "[diff]")
assert list(config.sections) == ['diff']
py.test.raises(TypeError, "IniConfig(")
def test_iniconfig_section_first(tmpdir):
excinfo = py.test.raises(ParseError, """
IniConfig("x", data='name=1')
assert excinfo.value.msg == "no section header defined"
def test_iniconig_section_duplicate_fails():
excinfo = py.test.raises(ParseError, r"""
IniConfig("x", data='[section]\n[section]')
assert 'duplicate section' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_iniconfig_duplicate_key_fails():
excinfo = py.test.raises(ParseError, r"""
IniConfig("x", data='[section]\nname = Alice\nname = bob')
assert 'duplicate name' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_iniconfig_lineof():
config = IniConfig("x.ini", data=
'value = 1\n'
'# comment\n'
'value =2'
assert config.lineof('missing') is None
assert config.lineof('section') == 1
assert config.lineof('section2') == 3
assert config.lineof('section', 'value') == 2
assert config.lineof('section2','value') == 5
assert config['section'].lineof('value') == 2
assert config['section2'].lineof('value') == 5
def test_iniconfig_get_convert():
config= IniConfig("x", data='[section]\nint = 1\nfloat = 1.1')
assert config.get('section', 'int') == '1'
assert config.get('section', 'int', convert=int) == 1
def test_iniconfig_get_missing():
config= IniConfig("x", data='[section]\nint = 1\nfloat = 1.1')
assert config.get('section', 'missing', default=1) == 1
assert config.get('section', 'missing') is None
def test_section_get():
config = IniConfig("x", data='[section]\nvalue=1')
section = config['section']
assert section.get('value', convert=int) == 1
assert section.get('value', 1) == "1"
assert section.get('missing', 2) == 2
def test_missing_section():
config = IniConfig("x", data='[section]\nvalue=1')
def test_section_getitem():
config = IniConfig("x", data='[section]\nvalue=1')
assert config['section']['value'] == '1'
assert config['section']['value'] == '1'
def test_section_iter():
config = IniConfig("x", data='[section]\nvalue=1')
names = list(config['section'])
assert names == ['value']
items = list(config['section'].items())
assert items==[('value', '1')]
def test_config_iter():
config = IniConfig("x.ini", data=dedent('''
l = list(config)
assert len(l) == 2
assert l[0].name == 'section1'
assert l[0]['value'] == '1'
assert l[1].name == 'section2'
assert l[1]['value'] == '2'
def test_config_contains():
config = IniConfig("x.ini", data=dedent('''
assert 'xyz' not in config
assert 'section1' in config
assert 'section2' in config
def test_iter_file_order():
config = IniConfig("x.ini", data="""
[section2] #cpython dict ordered before section
value = 1
value2 = 2 # dict ordered before value
a = 1
b = 2
l = list(config)
secnames = [ for x in l]
assert secnames == ['section2', 'section']
assert list(config['section2']) == ['value', 'value2']
assert list(config['section']) == ['a', 'b']
def test_example_pypirc():
config = IniConfig("pypirc", data=dedent('''
index-servers =
repository: <repository-url>
username: <username>
password: <password>
username: <username>
password: <password>
distutils, pypi, other = list(config)
assert distutils["index-servers"] == "pypi\nother"
assert pypi['repository'] == '<repository-url>'
assert pypi['username'] == '<username>'
assert pypi['password'] == '<password>'
assert ['repository', 'username', 'password'] == list(other)
def test_api_import():
assert ALL == ['IniConfig', 'ParseError']
@pytest.mark.parametrize("line", [
" #qwe",
" ;qwe",
def test_iscommentline_true(line):
assert iscommentline(line)