blob: 642e444cc00b594555c5d284c6f1e19fabef2514 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<!doctype html>
<title>WebSockets: deleting constants</title>
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<script src=../../../constants.js?pipe=sub></script>
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var constants = ['CONNECTING', 'OPEN', 'CLOSING', 'CLOSED'];
for (var i = 0; i < constants.length; ++i) {
var ws = new WebSocket(SCHEME_DOMAIN_PORT+'/');
delete WebSocket[constants[i]]; // should be ignored, has { DontDelete }
delete WebSocket.prototype[constants[i]]; // should be ignored, has { DontDelete }
delete ws[constants[i]]; // should be ignored, there is no such property on the object
assert_equals(WebSocket[constants[i]], i, 'WebSocket.'+constants[i]);
assert_equals(WebSocket.prototype[constants[i]], i, 'WebSocket.prototype.'+constants[i]);
assert_equals(ws[constants[i]], i, 'ws.'+constants[i]);