blob: b0574131227b25bd7716cec6e895a8efe4dca8b9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "nb/reuse_allocator_base.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "nb/pointer_arithmetic.h"
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace nb {
namespace {
// Minimum block size to avoid extremely small blocks inside the block list and
// to ensure that a zero sized allocation will return a non-zero sized block.
const std::size_t kMinBlockSizeBytes = 16;
// The max lines of allocation to print inside PrintAllocations(). Set to 0 to
// print all allocations.
const int kMaxAllocationLinesToPrint = 0;
} // namespace
bool ReuseAllocatorBase::MemoryBlock::Merge(const MemoryBlock& other) {
if (AsInteger(address_) + size_ == AsInteger(other.address_)) {
size_ += other.size_;
return true;
if (AsInteger(other.address_) + other.size_ == AsInteger(address_)) {
address_ = other.address_;
size_ += other.size_;
return true;
return false;
bool ReuseAllocatorBase::MemoryBlock::CanFulfill(std::size_t request_size,
std::size_t alignment) const {
const std::size_t extra_bytes_for_alignment =
AlignUp(AsInteger(address_), alignment) - AsInteger(address_);
const std::size_t aligned_size = request_size + extra_bytes_for_alignment;
return size_ >= aligned_size;
void ReuseAllocatorBase::MemoryBlock::Allocate(std::size_t request_size,
std::size_t alignment,
bool allocate_from_front,
MemoryBlock* allocated,
MemoryBlock* free) const {
SB_DCHECK(CanFulfill(request_size, alignment));
// First we assume that the block is just enough to fulfill the allocation and
// leaves no free block.
allocated->address_ = address_;
allocated->size_ = size_;
free->address_ = NULL;
free->size_ = 0;
if (allocate_from_front) {
// |address_|
// | <- allocated_size -> | <- remaining_size -> |
// -------------------------------------------------------
// | <- request_size -> | |
// |aligned_address| |end_of_allocation| |address_ + size_|
std::size_t aligned_address = AlignUp(AsInteger(address_), alignment);
std::size_t end_of_allocation = aligned_address + request_size;
std::size_t allocated_size = end_of_allocation - AsInteger(address_);
std::size_t remaining_size = size_ - allocated_size;
if (remaining_size < kMinBlockSizeBytes) {
allocated->size_ = allocated_size;
free->address_ = AsPointer(end_of_allocation);
free->size_ = remaining_size;
} else {
// |address_|
// | <- remaining_size -> | <- allocated_size -> |
// -------------------------------------------------------
// | <- request_size -> | |
// |aligned_address| |address_ + size_|
std::size_t aligned_address =
AlignDown(AsInteger(address_) + size_ - request_size, alignment);
std::size_t allocated_size = AsInteger(address_) + size_ - aligned_address;
std::size_t remaining_size = size_ - allocated_size;
if (remaining_size < kMinBlockSizeBytes) {
allocated->address_ = AsPointer(aligned_address);
allocated->size_ = allocated_size;
free->address_ = address_;
free->size_ = remaining_size;
void* ReuseAllocatorBase::Allocate(std::size_t size) {
return Allocate(size, 1);
void* ReuseAllocatorBase::Allocate(std::size_t size, std::size_t alignment) {
size = AlignUp(std::max(size, kMinAlignment), kMinAlignment);
alignment = AlignUp(std::max<std::size_t>(alignment, 1), kMinAlignment);
bool allocate_from_front;
FreeBlockSet::iterator free_block_iter =
FindFreeBlock(size, alignment, free_blocks_.begin(), free_blocks_.end(),
if (free_block_iter == free_blocks_.end()) {
if (CapacityExceeded()) {
return NULL;
free_block_iter = ExpandToFit(size, alignment);
if (free_block_iter == free_blocks_.end()) {
return NULL;
MemoryBlock block = *free_block_iter;
// The block is big enough. We may waste some space due to alignment.
MemoryBlock allocated_block;
MemoryBlock free_block;
block.Allocate(size, alignment, allocate_from_front, &allocated_block,
if (free_block.size() > 0) {
void* user_address = AlignUp(allocated_block.address(), alignment);
AddAllocatedBlock(user_address, allocated_block);
return user_address;
void ReuseAllocatorBase::Free(void* memory) {
bool result = TryFree(memory);
void ReuseAllocatorBase::PrintAllocations() const {
typedef std::map<std::size_t, std::size_t> SizesHistogram;
SizesHistogram sizes_histogram;
for (auto iter = allocated_blocks_.begin(); iter != allocated_blocks_.end();
++iter) {
std::size_t block_size = iter->second.size();
if (sizes_histogram.find(block_size) == sizes_histogram.end()) {
sizes_histogram[block_size] = 0;
sizes_histogram[block_size] = sizes_histogram[block_size] + 1;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Total allocation: " << total_allocated_ << " bytes in "
<< allocated_blocks_.size() << " blocks";
int lines = 0;
std::size_t accumulated_blocks = 0;
for (SizesHistogram::const_iterator iter = sizes_histogram.begin();
iter != sizes_histogram.end(); ++iter) {
if (lines == kMaxAllocationLinesToPrint - 1 &&
sizes_histogram.size() > kMaxAllocationLinesToPrint) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "\t" << iter->first << ".."
<< sizes_histogram.rbegin()->first << " : "
<< allocated_blocks_.size() - accumulated_blocks;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "\t" << iter->first << " : " << iter->second;
accumulated_blocks += iter->second;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Total free blocks: " << free_blocks_.size();
for (auto iter = free_blocks_.begin(); iter != free_blocks_.end(); ++iter) {
if (sizes_histogram.find(iter->size()) == sizes_histogram.end()) {
sizes_histogram[iter->size()] = 0;
sizes_histogram[iter->size()] = sizes_histogram[iter->size()] + 1;
lines = 0;
accumulated_blocks = 0;
for (SizesHistogram::const_iterator iter = sizes_histogram.begin();
iter != sizes_histogram.end(); ++iter) {
if (lines == kMaxAllocationLinesToPrint - 1 &&
sizes_histogram.size() > kMaxAllocationLinesToPrint) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "\t" << iter->first << ".."
<< sizes_histogram.rbegin()->first << " : "
<< allocated_blocks_.size() - accumulated_blocks;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "\t" << iter->first << " : " << iter->second;
accumulated_blocks += iter->second;
bool ReuseAllocatorBase::TryFree(void* memory) {
if (!memory) {
return true;
AllocatedBlockMap::iterator it = allocated_blocks_.find(memory);
if (it == allocated_blocks_.end()) {
return false;
// Mark this block as free and remove it from the allocated set.
const MemoryBlock& block = (*it).second;
SB_DCHECK(block.size() <= total_allocated_);
total_allocated_ -= block.size();
return true;
ReuseAllocatorBase::ReuseAllocatorBase(Allocator* fallback_allocator,
std::size_t initial_capacity,
std::size_t allocation_increment,
std::size_t max_capacity)
: fallback_allocator_(fallback_allocator),
total_allocated_(0) {
if (initial_capacity > 0) {
FreeBlockSet::iterator iter = ExpandToFit(initial_capacity, kMinAlignment);
SB_DCHECK(iter != free_blocks_.end());
ReuseAllocatorBase::~ReuseAllocatorBase() {
// Assert that everything was freed.
// Note that in some unit tests this may
// not be the case.
if (allocated_blocks_.size() != 0) {
SB_DLOG(ERROR) << allocated_blocks_.size() << " blocks still allocated.";
for (std::vector<void*>::iterator iter = fallback_allocations_.begin();
iter != fallback_allocations_.end(); ++iter) {
ReuseAllocatorBase::FreeBlockSet::iterator ReuseAllocatorBase::ExpandToFit(
std::size_t size,
std::size_t alignment) {
void* ptr = NULL;
std::size_t size_to_try = 0;
// We try to allocate in unit of |allocation_increment_| to minimize
// fragmentation.
if (allocation_increment_ > size) {
size_to_try = allocation_increment_;
if (!max_capacity_ || capacity_ + size_to_try <= max_capacity_) {
ptr = fallback_allocator_->AllocateForAlignment(&size_to_try, alignment);
// |ptr| being null indicates the above allocation failed, or in the rare case
// |size| is larger than |allocation_increment_|. Try to allocate a block of
// |size| instead for both cases.
if (ptr == NULL) {
size_to_try = size;
if (!max_capacity_ || capacity_ + size_to_try <= max_capacity_) {
ptr = fallback_allocator_->AllocateForAlignment(&size_to_try, alignment);
if (ptr != NULL) {
capacity_ += size_to_try;
return AddFreeBlock(MemoryBlock(ptr, size_to_try));
if (free_blocks_.empty()) {
return free_blocks_.end();
// If control reaches here, then the prior allocation attempts have failed.
// We failed to allocate for |size| from the fallback allocator, try to
// allocate the difference between |size| and the size of the right most block
// in the hope that they are continuous and can be connect to a block that is
// large enough to fulfill |size|.
size_t free_address = AsInteger(free_blocks_.rbegin()->address());
size_t free_size = free_blocks_.rbegin()->size();
size_t aligned_address = AlignUp(free_address, alignment);
// In order to calculate |size_to_allocate|, we need to account for two
// possible scenarios: when |aligned_address| is within the free block region,
// or when it is after the free block region.
// Scenario 1:
// |free_address| |free_address + free_size|
// | |
// | <- free_size -> | <- size_to_allocate -> |
// --------------------------------------------
// |<- size -> |
// |
// |aligned_address|
// Scenario 2:
// |free_address|
// |
// | <- free_size -> | <- size_to_allocate -> |
// --------------------------------------------
// | | <- size -> |
// | |
// |free_address + free_size| |aligned_address|
size_t size_to_allocate = aligned_address + size - free_address - free_size;
if (max_capacity_ && capacity_ + size_to_allocate > max_capacity_) {
return free_blocks_.end();
SB_DCHECK(size_to_allocate > 0);
ptr = fallback_allocator_->AllocateForAlignment(&size_to_allocate, 1);
if (ptr == NULL) {
return free_blocks_.end();
capacity_ += size_to_allocate;
AddFreeBlock(MemoryBlock(ptr, size_to_allocate));
FreeBlockSet::iterator iter = free_blocks_.end();
return iter->CanFulfill(size, alignment) ? iter : free_blocks_.end();
void ReuseAllocatorBase::AddAllocatedBlock(void* address,
const MemoryBlock& block) {
SB_DCHECK(allocated_blocks_.find(address) == allocated_blocks_.end());
allocated_blocks_[address] = block;
total_allocated_ += block.size();
ReuseAllocatorBase::FreeBlockSet::iterator ReuseAllocatorBase::AddFreeBlock(
MemoryBlock block_to_add) {
if (free_blocks_.size() == 0) {
return free_blocks_.insert(block_to_add).first;
// See if we can merge this block with one on the right or left.
FreeBlockSet::iterator it = free_blocks_.lower_bound(block_to_add);
// lower_bound will return an iterator to our neighbor on the right,
// if one exists.
FreeBlockSet::iterator right_to_erase = free_blocks_.end();
FreeBlockSet::iterator left_to_erase = free_blocks_.end();
if (it != free_blocks_.end()) {
MemoryBlock right_block = *it;
if (block_to_add.Merge(right_block)) {
right_to_erase = it;
// Now look to our left.
if (it != free_blocks_.begin()) {
MemoryBlock left_block = *it;
// Are we contiguous with the block to our left?
if (block_to_add.Merge(left_block)) {
left_to_erase = it;
if (right_to_erase != free_blocks_.end()) {
if (left_to_erase != free_blocks_.end()) {
return free_blocks_.insert(block_to_add).first;
void ReuseAllocatorBase::RemoveFreeBlock(FreeBlockSet::iterator it) {
} // namespace nb