blob: 7045bd68653b48e86da487e334b46a0cb0ff16be [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// validationES32.cpp: Validation functions for OpenGL ES 3.2 entry point parameters
#include "libANGLE/validationES32_autogen.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h"
#include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h"
#include "libANGLE/VertexArray.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES2_autogen.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES31_autogen.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES3_autogen.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
using namespace angle;
namespace gl
using namespace err;
bool ValidateBlendBarrier(Context *context)
return true;
bool ValidateBlendEquationSeparatei(Context *context, GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha)
return true;
bool ValidateBlendEquationi(Context *context, GLuint buf, GLenum mode)
return true;
bool ValidateBlendFuncSeparatei(Context *context,
GLuint buf,
GLenum srcRGB,
GLenum dstRGB,
GLenum srcAlpha,
GLenum dstAlpha)
return true;
bool ValidateBlendFunci(Context *context, GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst)
return true;
bool ValidateColorMaski(Context *context,
GLuint index,
GLboolean r,
GLboolean g,
GLboolean b,
GLboolean a)
return true;
bool ValidateCopyImageSubData(Context *context,
GLuint srcName,
GLenum srcTarget,
GLint srcLevel,
GLint srcX,
GLint srcY,
GLint srcZ,
GLuint dstName,
GLenum dstTarget,
GLint dstLevel,
GLint dstX,
GLint dstY,
GLint dstZ,
GLsizei srcWidth,
GLsizei srcHeight,
GLsizei srcDepth)
return true;
bool ValidateDebugMessageCallback(Context *context, GLDEBUGPROC callback, const void *userParam)
return true;
bool ValidateDebugMessageControl(Context *context,
GLenum source,
GLenum type,
GLenum severity,
GLsizei count,
const GLuint *ids,
GLboolean enabled)
return true;
bool ValidateDebugMessageInsert(Context *context,
GLenum source,
GLenum type,
GLuint id,
GLenum severity,
GLsizei length,
const GLchar *buf)
return true;
bool ValidateDisablei(Context *context, GLenum target, GLuint index)
return true;
bool ValidateDrawElementsBaseVertex(Context *context,
PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei count,
DrawElementsType type,
const void *indices,
GLint basevertex)
if (!context->getExtensions().drawElementsBaseVertexAny())
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, kExtensionNotEnabled);
return false;
return ValidateDrawElementsCommon(context, mode, count, type, indices, 1);
bool ValidateDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(Context *context,
PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei count,
DrawElementsType type,
const void *indices,
GLsizei instancecount,
GLint basevertex)
if (!context->getExtensions().drawElementsBaseVertexAny())
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, kExtensionNotEnabled);
return false;
return ValidateDrawElementsInstancedBase(context, mode, count, type, indices, instancecount);
bool ValidateDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(Context *context,
PrimitiveMode mode,
GLuint start,
GLuint end,
GLsizei count,
DrawElementsType type,
const void *indices,
GLint basevertex)
if (!context->getExtensions().drawElementsBaseVertexAny())
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, kExtensionNotEnabled);
return false;
if (end < start)
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_VALUE, kInvalidElementRange);
return false;
if (!ValidateDrawElementsCommon(context, mode, count, type, indices, 0))
return false;
// Skip range checks for no-op calls.
if (count <= 0)
return true;
// Note that resolving the index range is a bit slow. We should probably optimize this.
IndexRange indexRange;
ANGLE_VALIDATION_TRY(context->getState().getVertexArray()->getIndexRange(context, type, count,
indices, &indexRange));
if (indexRange.end > end || indexRange.start < start)
// GL spec says that behavior in this case is undefined - generating an error is fine.
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, kExceedsElementRange);
return false;
return true;
bool ValidateEnablei(Context *context, GLenum target, GLuint index)
return true;
bool ValidateFramebufferTexture(Context *context,
GLenum target,
GLenum attachment,
TextureID texture,
GLint level)
return true;
bool ValidateGetDebugMessageLog(Context *context,
GLuint count,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLenum *sources,
GLenum *types,
GLuint *ids,
GLenum *severities,
GLsizei *lengths,
GLchar *messageLog)
return true;
bool ValidateGetGraphicsResetStatus(Context *context)
return true;
bool ValidateGetObjectLabel(Context *context,
GLenum identifier,
GLuint name,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLsizei *length,
GLchar *label)
return true;
bool ValidateGetObjectPtrLabel(Context *context,
const void *ptr,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLsizei *length,
GLchar *label)
return true;
bool ValidateGetPointerv(Context *context, GLenum pname, void **params)
Version clientVersion = context->getClientVersion();
if ((clientVersion == ES_1_0) || (clientVersion == ES_1_1))
switch (pname)
return true;
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_ENUM, kInvalidPointerQuery);
return false;
else if (clientVersion == ES_3_2)
switch (pname)
return true;
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_ENUM, kInvalidPointerQuery);
return false;
context->validationError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, kES1or32Required);
return false;
bool ValidateGetSamplerParameterIiv(Context *context,
SamplerID sampler,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateGetSamplerParameterIuiv(Context *context,
SamplerID sampler,
GLenum pname,
GLuint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateGetTexParameterIiv(Context *context,
TextureType targetPacked,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateGetTexParameterIuiv(Context *context,
TextureType targetPacked,
GLenum pname,
GLuint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateGetnUniformfv(Context *context,
ShaderProgramID program,
GLint location,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLfloat *params)
return true;
bool ValidateGetnUniformiv(Context *context,
ShaderProgramID program,
GLint location,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateGetnUniformuiv(Context *context,
ShaderProgramID program,
GLint location,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLuint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateIsEnabledi(Context *context, GLenum target, GLuint index)
return true;
bool ValidateMinSampleShading(Context *context, GLfloat value)
return true;
bool ValidateObjectLabel(Context *context,
GLenum identifier,
GLuint name,
GLsizei length,
const GLchar *label)
return true;
bool ValidateObjectPtrLabel(Context *context, const void *ptr, GLsizei length, const GLchar *label)
return true;
bool ValidatePatchParameteri(Context *context, GLenum pname, GLint value)
return true;
bool ValidatePopDebugGroup(Context *context)
return true;
bool ValidatePrimitiveBoundingBox(Context *context,
GLfloat minX,
GLfloat minY,
GLfloat minZ,
GLfloat minW,
GLfloat maxX,
GLfloat maxY,
GLfloat maxZ,
GLfloat maxW)
return true;
bool ValidatePushDebugGroup(Context *context,
GLenum source,
GLuint id,
GLsizei length,
const GLchar *message)
return true;
bool ValidateReadnPixels(Context *context,
GLint x,
GLint y,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *data)
return true;
bool ValidateSamplerParameterIiv(Context *context,
SamplerID sampler,
GLenum pname,
const GLint *param)
return true;
bool ValidateSamplerParameterIuiv(Context *context,
SamplerID sampler,
GLenum pname,
const GLuint *param)
return true;
bool ValidateTexBuffer(Context *context, GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, BufferID buffer)
return true;
bool ValidateTexBufferRange(Context *context,
GLenum target,
GLenum internalformat,
BufferID buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size)
return true;
bool ValidateTexParameterIiv(Context *context,
TextureType targetPacked,
GLenum pname,
const GLint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateTexParameterIuiv(Context *context,
TextureType targetPacked,
GLenum pname,
const GLuint *params)
return true;
bool ValidateTexStorage3DMultisample(Context *context,
TextureType targetPacked,
GLsizei samples,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
return true;
} // namespace gl