blob: 7c8978a135878fc77a5623f44dbc9a173153ab49 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
.profile-launcher-view {
overflow: auto;
.profile-launcher-view-content {
margin: 10px 16px;
flex: auto 1 0;
.profile-launcher-view-content h1 {
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 6px 0 10px 0;
.profile-launcher-view-content [is=dt-radio] {
font-size: 13px;
.profile-launcher-view-content p {
color: hsl(0, 0%, 45%);
margin-top: 1px;
margin-left: 22px;
.profile-launcher-view-content p [is=dt-checkbox] {
display: flex;
.profile-launcher-view-content button.running {
color: hsl(0, 100%, 58%);
.profile-launcher-view-content button.running:hover {
color: hsl(0, 100%, 42%);
body.inactive .profile-launcher-view-content button.running:not(.toolbar-item) {
color: rgb(220, 130, 130);
.profile-launcher-view-content > div {
flex: auto 0 0;
.profile-launcher-view-content > .profile-isolate-selector-block {
flex: auto 1 0;
.profile-isolate-selector-block button {
min-width: 110px;
.profile-launcher-target-list {
margin-bottom: 6px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
flex: 150px 1 0;
.profile-memory-usage-item {
padding: 4px;
line-height: 16px;
border-left: 3px solid transparent;
overflow-x: hidden;
.profile-launcher-target-list .profile-memory-usage-item:hover:not(.selected) {
background-color: var(--item-hover-color);
.javascript-vm-instances-list:focus .profile-memory-usage-item.selected {
border-color: var(--selection-bg-color);
background-color: var(--item-selection-bg-color);
.profile-memory-usage-item.selected {
background-color: var(--item-selection-inactive-bg-color);
.profile-memory-usage-item > div {
flex-shrink: 0;
margin-right: 12px;
.profile-memory-usage-item-size {
width: 60px;
text-align: right;
.profile-memory-usage-item-trend {
width: 80px;
color: green;
.profile-memory-usage-item-trend.increasing {
color: red;
.profile-isolate-selector-block > .profile-memory-usage-item {
margin-left: 1px;
margin-bottom: 4px;
font-weight: bolder;
.profile-launcher-buttons {
flex-wrap: wrap;
.profile-launcher-buttons button {
min-width: 120px;
height: 28px;
margin: 4px 16px 4px 0;