blob: 6dc174ed305c5b8eb4e0d595c1ccb7bb0e04e05a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sql/connection.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "third_party/sqlite/sqlite3.h"
namespace {
// Spin for up to a second waiting for the lock to clear when setting
// up the database.
// TODO(shess): Better story on this.
const int kBusyTimeoutSeconds = 1;
class ScopedBusyTimeout {
explicit ScopedBusyTimeout(sqlite3* db)
: db_(db) {
~ScopedBusyTimeout() {
sqlite3_busy_timeout(db_, 0);
int SetTimeout(base::TimeDelta timeout) {
DCHECK_LT(timeout.InMilliseconds(), INT_MAX);
return sqlite3_busy_timeout(db_,
sqlite3* db_;
// Helper to "safely" enable writable_schema. No error checking
// because it is reasonable to just forge ahead in case of an error.
// If turning it on fails, then most likely nothing will work, whereas
// if turning it off fails, it only matters if some code attempts to
// continue working with the database and tries to modify the
// sqlite_master table (none of our code does this).
class ScopedWritableSchema {
explicit ScopedWritableSchema(sqlite3* db)
: db_(db) {
sqlite3_exec(db_, "PRAGMA writable_schema=1", NULL, NULL, NULL);
~ScopedWritableSchema() {
sqlite3_exec(db_, "PRAGMA writable_schema=0", NULL, NULL, NULL);
sqlite3* db_;
} // namespace
namespace sql {
bool StatementID::operator<(const StatementID& other) const {
if (number_ != other.number_)
return number_ < other.number_;
return strcmp(str_, other.str_) < 0;
ErrorDelegate::~ErrorDelegate() {
: connection_(NULL),
stmt_(NULL) {
Connection::StatementRef::StatementRef(sqlite3_stmt* stmt)
: connection_(NULL),
stmt_(stmt) {
Connection::StatementRef::StatementRef(Connection* connection,
sqlite3_stmt* stmt)
: connection_(connection),
stmt_(stmt) {
Connection::StatementRef::~StatementRef() {
if (connection_)
void Connection::StatementRef::Close() {
if (stmt_) {
// Call to AssertIOAllowed() cannot go at the beginning of the function
// because Close() is called unconditionally from destructor to clean
// connection_. And if this is inactive statement this won't cause any
// disk access and destructor most probably will be called on thread
// not allowing disk access.
// TODO( This should move to the beginning
// of the function.
stmt_ = NULL;
connection_ = NULL; // The connection may be getting deleted.
: db_(NULL),
error_delegate_(NULL) {
Connection::~Connection() {
bool Connection::Open(const FilePath& path) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
return OpenInternal(WideToUTF8(path.value()));
#elif defined(OS_POSIX) || defined(OS_STARBOARD)
return OpenInternal(path.value());
bool Connection::OpenInMemory() {
in_memory_ = true;
return OpenInternal(":memory:");
void Connection::Close() {
// TODO(shess): Calling "PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE" at this point
// will delete the -journal file. For ChromiumOS or other more
// embedded systems, this is probably not appropriate, whereas on
// desktop it might make some sense.
// sqlite3_close() needs all prepared statements to be finalized.
// Release all cached statements, then assert that the client has
// released all statements.
// Additionally clear the prepared statements, because they contain
// weak references to this connection. This case has come up when
// error-handling code is hit in production.
if (db_) {
// Call to AssertIOAllowed() cannot go at the beginning of the function
// because Close() must be called from destructor to clean
// statement_cache_, it won't cause any disk access and it most probably
// will happen on thread not allowing disk access.
// TODO( This should move to the beginning
// of the function.
// TODO(shess): Histogram for failure.
db_ = NULL;
void Connection::Preload() {
if (!db_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Cannot preload null db";
// A statement must be open for the preload command to work. If the meta
// table doesn't exist, it probably means this is a new database and there
// is nothing to preload (so it's OK we do nothing).
if (!DoesTableExist("meta"))
Statement dummy(GetUniqueStatement("SELECT * FROM meta"));
if (!dummy.Step())
#if !defined(USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE)
// This function is only defined in Chromium's version of sqlite.
// Do not call it when using system sqlite.
// Create an in-memory database with the existing database's page
// size, then backup that database over the existing database.
bool Connection::Raze() {
if (!db_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Cannot raze null db";
return false;
sql::Connection null_db;
if (!null_db.OpenInMemory()) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Unable to open in-memory database.";
return false;
if (page_size_) {
// Enforce SQLite restrictions on |page_size_|.
DCHECK(!(page_size_ & (page_size_ - 1)))
<< " page_size_ " << page_size_ << " is not a power of two.";
const int kSqliteMaxPageSize = 32768; // from sqliteLimit.h
DCHECK_LE(page_size_, kSqliteMaxPageSize);
const std::string sql = StringPrintf("PRAGMA page_size=%d", page_size_);
if (!null_db.Execute(sql.c_str()))
return false;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Android compiles with SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM. Unfortunately,
// in-memory databases do not respect this define.
// TODO(shess): Figure out a way to set this without using platform
// specific code. AFAICT from sqlite3.c, the only way to do it
// would be to create an actual filesystem database, which is
// unfortunate.
if (!null_db.Execute("PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 1"))
return false;
// The page size doesn't take effect until a database has pages, and
// at this point the null database has none. Changing the schema
// version will create the first page. This will not affect the
// schema version in the resulting database, as SQLite's backup
// implementation propagates the schema version from the original
// connection to the new version of the database, incremented by one
// so that other readers see the schema change and act accordingly.
if (!null_db.Execute("PRAGMA schema_version = 1"))
return false;
// SQLite tracks the expected number of database pages in the first
// page, and if it does not match the total retrieved from a
// filesystem call, treats the database as corrupt. This situation
// breaks almost all SQLite calls. "PRAGMA writable_schema" can be
// used to hint to SQLite to soldier on in that case, specifically
// for purposes of recovery. [See SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT case in
// sqlite3.c lockBtree().]
// TODO(shess): With this, "PRAGMA auto_vacuum" and "PRAGMA
// page_size" can be used to query such a database.
ScopedWritableSchema writable_schema(db_);
int pages = 0;
bool ok = CloneInternal(&null_db, &pages);
if (ok) {
// Exactly one page should have been backed up. If this breaks,
// check this function to make sure assumptions aren't being broken.
DCHECK_EQ(pages, 1);
return ok;
bool Connection::RazeWithTimout(base::TimeDelta timeout) {
if (!db_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Cannot raze null db";
return false;
ScopedBusyTimeout busy_timeout(db_);
return Raze();
bool Connection::CloneFrom(Connection *other) {
return CloneInternal(other, NULL);
bool Connection::CloneInternal(Connection *other, int *pages) {
if (!db_ || !other || !other->db_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Cannot clone to or from a null db";
return false;
if (transaction_nesting_ > 0) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Cannot clone within a transaction";
return false;
sqlite3_backup* backup = sqlite3_backup_init(db_, "main",
other->db_, "main");
if (!backup) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Unable to start sqlite3_backup().";
return false;
// -1 backs up the entire database.
int rc = sqlite3_backup_step(backup, -1);
if (pages) *pages = sqlite3_backup_pagecount(backup);
// The destination database was locked.
if (rc == SQLITE_BUSY) {
return false;
// The entire database should have been backed up.
if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Unable to copy entire null database.";
return false;
return true;
bool Connection::BeginTransaction() {
if (needs_rollback_) {
DCHECK_GT(transaction_nesting_, 0);
// When we're going to rollback, fail on this begin and don't actually
// mark us as entering the nested transaction.
return false;
bool success = true;
if (!transaction_nesting_) {
needs_rollback_ = false;
Statement begin(GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "BEGIN TRANSACTION"));
if (!begin.Run())
return false;
return success;
void Connection::RollbackTransaction() {
if (!transaction_nesting_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Rolling back a nonexistent transaction";
if (transaction_nesting_ > 0) {
// Mark the outermost transaction as needing rollback.
needs_rollback_ = true;
bool Connection::CommitTransaction() {
if (!transaction_nesting_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Rolling back a nonexistent transaction";
return false;
if (transaction_nesting_ > 0) {
// Mark any nested transactions as failing after we've already got one.
return !needs_rollback_;
if (needs_rollback_) {
return false;
Statement commit(GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "COMMIT"));
return commit.Run();
int Connection::ExecuteAndReturnErrorCode(const char* sql) {
if (!db_)
return false;
return sqlite3_exec(db_, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL);
bool Connection::Execute(const char* sql) {
int error = ExecuteAndReturnErrorCode(sql);
if (error != SQLITE_OK)
error = OnSqliteError(error, NULL);
// This needs to be a FATAL log because the error case of arriving here is
// that there's a malformed SQL statement. This can arise in development if
// a change alters the schema but not all queries adjust.
if (error == SQLITE_ERROR)
DLOG(FATAL) << "SQL Error in " << sql << ", " << GetErrorMessage();
return error == SQLITE_OK;
bool Connection::ExecuteWithTimeout(const char* sql, base::TimeDelta timeout) {
if (!db_)
return false;
ScopedBusyTimeout busy_timeout(db_);
return Execute(sql);
bool Connection::HasCachedStatement(const StatementID& id) const {
base::AutoLock lock(statement_cache_lock_);
return statement_cache_.find(id) != statement_cache_.end();
scoped_refptr<Connection::StatementRef> Connection::GetCachedStatement(
const StatementID& id,
const char* sql) {
base::AutoLock lock(statement_cache_lock_);
CachedStatementMap::iterator i = statement_cache_.find(id);
if (i != statement_cache_.end()) {
// Statement is in the cache. It should still be active (we're the only
// one invalidating cached statements, and we'll remove it from the cache
// if we do that. Make sure we reset it before giving out the cached one in
// case it still has some stuff bound.
return i->second;
scoped_refptr<StatementRef> statement = GetUniqueStatement(sql);
if (statement->is_valid())
statement_cache_[id] = statement; // Only cache valid statements.
return statement;
scoped_refptr<Connection::StatementRef> Connection::GetUniqueStatement(
const char* sql, bool must_succeed) {
if (!db_)
return new StatementRef(); // Return inactive statement.
sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
// Most statements are hard-coded into the application and therefore must
// always compile and be valid. These trigger fatal errors (both here and
// in OnSqliteError) to alert the developer during testing. However, some
// statements which are used for one-off in-app debugging may safely fail.
if (must_succeed) {
// This is evidence of a syntax error in the incoming SQL.
DLOG(FATAL) << "SQL compile error " << GetErrorMessage();
// It could also be database corruption.
OnSqliteError(rc, NULL);
return new StatementRef();
return new StatementRef(this, stmt);
scoped_refptr<Connection::StatementRef> Connection::GetUntrackedStatement(
const char* sql) const {
if (!db_)
return new StatementRef(); // Return inactive statement.
sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
// This is evidence of a syntax error in the incoming SQL.
DLOG(FATAL) << "SQL compile error " << GetErrorMessage();
return new StatementRef();
return new StatementRef(stmt);
bool Connection::IsSQLValid(const char* sql) {
sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK)
return false;
return true;
bool Connection::DoesTableExist(const char* table_name) const {
return DoesTableOrIndexExist(table_name, "table");
bool Connection::DoesIndexExist(const char* index_name) const {
return DoesTableOrIndexExist(index_name, "index");
bool Connection::DoesTableOrIndexExist(
const char* name, const char* type) const {
const char* kSql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=? AND name=?";
Statement statement(GetUntrackedStatement(kSql));
statement.BindString(0, type);
statement.BindString(1, name);
return statement.Step(); // Table exists if any row was returned.
bool Connection::DoesColumnExist(const char* table_name,
const char* column_name) const {
std::string sql("PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(");
Statement statement(GetUntrackedStatement(sql.c_str()));
while (statement.Step()) {
if (!statement.ColumnString(1).compare(column_name))
return true;
return false;
int64 Connection::GetLastInsertRowId() const {
if (!db_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Illegal use of connection without a db";
return 0;
return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db_);
int Connection::GetLastChangeCount() const {
if (!db_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Illegal use of connection without a db";
return 0;
return sqlite3_changes(db_);
int Connection::GetErrorCode() const {
if (!db_)
return sqlite3_errcode(db_);
int Connection::GetLastErrno() const {
if (!db_)
return -1;
int err = 0;
if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_file_control(db_, NULL, SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO, &err))
return -2;
return err;
const char* Connection::GetErrorMessage() const {
if (!db_)
return "sql::Connection has no connection.";
return sqlite3_errmsg(db_);
bool Connection::OpenInternal(const std::string& file_name) {
if (db_) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "sql::Connection is already open.";
return false;
int err = sqlite3_open(file_name.c_str(), &db_);
if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
// Histogram failures specific to initial open for debugging
// purposes.
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sqlite.OpenFailure", err & 0xff, 50);
OnSqliteError(err, NULL);
db_ = NULL;
return false;
// sqlite3_open() does not actually read the database file (unless a
// hot journal is found). Successfully executing this pragma on an
// existing database requires a valid header on page 1.
// TODO(shess): For now, just probing to see what the lay of the
// land is. If it's mostly SQLITE_NOTADB, then the database should
// be razed.
err = ExecuteAndReturnErrorCode("PRAGMA auto_vacuum");
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Sqlite.OpenProbeFailure", err & 0xff, 50);
// Enable extended result codes to provide more color on I/O errors.
// Not having extended result codes is not a fatal problem, as
// Chromium code does not attempt to handle I/O errors anyhow. The
// current implementation always returns SQLITE_OK, the DCHECK is to
// quickly notify someone if SQLite changes.
err = sqlite3_extended_result_codes(db_, 1);
DCHECK_EQ(err, SQLITE_OK) << "Could not enable extended result codes";
// If indicated, lock up the database before doing anything else, so
// that the following code doesn't have to deal with locking.
// TODO(shess): This code is brittle. Find the cases where code
// doesn't request |exclusive_locking_| and audit that it does the
// right thing with SQLITE_BUSY, and that it doesn't make
// assumptions about who might change things in the database.
if (exclusive_locking_) {
// TODO(shess): This should probably be a full CHECK(). Code
// which requests exclusive locking but doesn't get it is almost
// certain to be ill-tested.
if (!Execute("PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE"))
DLOG(FATAL) << "Could not set locking mode: " << GetErrorMessage();
// DELETE (default) - delete -journal file to commit.
// TRUNCATE - truncate -journal file to commit.
// PERSIST - zero out header of -journal file to commit.
// journal_size_limit provides size to trim to in PERSIST.
// TODO(shess): Figure out if PERSIST and journal_size_limit really
// matter. In theory, it keeps pages pre-allocated, so if
// transactions usually fit, it should be faster.
ignore_result(Execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = PERSIST"));
ignore_result(Execute("PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 16384"));
const base::TimeDelta kBusyTimeout =
if (page_size_ != 0) {
// Enforce SQLite restrictions on |page_size_|.
DCHECK(!(page_size_ & (page_size_ - 1)))
<< " page_size_ " << page_size_ << " is not a power of two.";
const int kSqliteMaxPageSize = 32768; // from sqliteLimit.h
DCHECK_LE(page_size_, kSqliteMaxPageSize);
const std::string sql = StringPrintf("PRAGMA page_size=%d", page_size_);
if (!ExecuteWithTimeout(sql.c_str(), kBusyTimeout))
DLOG(FATAL) << "Could not set page size: " << GetErrorMessage();
if (cache_size_ != 0) {
const std::string sql = StringPrintf("PRAGMA cache_size=%d", cache_size_);
if (!ExecuteWithTimeout(sql.c_str(), kBusyTimeout))
DLOG(FATAL) << "Could not set cache size: " << GetErrorMessage();
if (!ExecuteWithTimeout("PRAGMA secure_delete=ON", kBusyTimeout)) {
DLOG(FATAL) << "Could not enable secure_delete: " << GetErrorMessage();
return false;
return true;
void Connection::DoRollback() {
Statement rollback(GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "ROLLBACK"));
needs_rollback_ = false;
void Connection::StatementRefCreated(StatementRef* ref) {
base::AutoLock lock(open_statements_lock_);
DCHECK(open_statements_.find(ref) == open_statements_.end());
void Connection::StatementRefDeleted(StatementRef* ref) {
base::AutoLock lock(open_statements_lock_);
StatementRefSet::iterator i = open_statements_.find(ref);
if (i == open_statements_.end())
DLOG(FATAL) << "Could not find statement";
void Connection::ClearCache() {
// The cache clear will get most statements. There may be still be references
// to some statements that are held by others (including one-shot statements).
// This will deactivate them so they can't be used again.
for (StatementRefSet::iterator i = open_statements_.begin();
i != open_statements_.end(); ++i)
int Connection::OnSqliteError(int err, sql::Statement *stmt) {
if (error_delegate_.get())
return error_delegate_->OnError(err, this, stmt);
// The default handling is to assert on debug and to ignore on release.
DLOG(ERROR) << GetErrorMessage();
return err;
} // namespace sql