blob: 0ae3cb4c8cd39471b9b532a5dc87e2b5d61647a8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/threading/thread_local_storage.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace {
// In order to make TLS destructors work, we need to keep function
// pointers to the destructor for each TLS that we allocate.
// We make this work by allocating a single OS-level TLS, which
// contains an array of slots for the application to use. In
// parallel, we also allocate an array of destructors, which we
// keep track of and call when threads terminate.
// g_native_tls_key is the one native TLS that we use. It stores our table.
long g_native_tls_key = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES;
// g_last_used_tls_key is the high-water-mark of allocated thread local storage.
// Each allocation is an index into our g_tls_destructors[]. Each such index is
// assigned to the instance variable slot_ in a ThreadLocalStorage::Slot
// instance. We reserve the value slot_ == 0 to indicate that the corresponding
// instance of ThreadLocalStorage::Slot has been freed (i.e., destructor called,
// etc.). This reserved use of 0 is then stated as the initial value of
// g_last_used_tls_key, so that the first issued index will be 1.
long g_last_used_tls_key = 0;
// The maximum number of 'slots' in our thread local storage stack.
const int kThreadLocalStorageSize = 64;
// The maximum number of times to try to clear slots by calling destructors.
// Use pthread naming convention for clarity.
const int kMaxDestructorIterations = kThreadLocalStorageSize;
// An array of destructor function pointers for the slots. If a slot has a
// destructor, it will be stored in its corresponding entry in this array.
// The elements are volatile to ensure that when the compiler reads the value
// to potentially call the destructor, it does so once, and that value is tested
// for null-ness and then used. Yes, that would be a weird de-optimization,
// but I can imagine some register machines where it was just as easy to
// re-fetch an array element, and I want to be sure a call to free the key
// (i.e., null out the destructor entry) that happens on a separate thread can't
// hurt the racy calls to the destructors on another thread.
volatile base::ThreadLocalStorage::TLSDestructorFunc
void** ConstructTlsVector() {
if (g_native_tls_key == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) {
long value = TlsAlloc();
// Atomically test-and-set the tls_key. If the key is TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES,
// go ahead and set it. Otherwise, do nothing, as another
// thread already did our dirty work.
if (TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES != InterlockedCompareExchange(
&g_native_tls_key, value, TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES)) {
// We've been shortcut. Another thread replaced g_native_tls_key first so
// we need to destroy our index and use the one the other thread got
// first.
// Some allocators, such as TCMalloc, make use of thread local storage.
// As a result, any attempt to call new (or malloc) will lazily cause such a
// system to initialize, which will include registering for a TLS key. If we
// are not careful here, then that request to create a key will call new back,
// and we'll have an infinite loop. We avoid that as follows:
// Use a stack allocated vector, so that we don't have dependence on our
// allocator until our service is in place. (i.e., don't even call new until
// after we're setup)
void* stack_allocated_tls_data[kThreadLocalStorageSize];
memset(stack_allocated_tls_data, 0, sizeof(stack_allocated_tls_data));
// Ensure that any rentrant calls change the temp version.
TlsSetValue(g_native_tls_key, stack_allocated_tls_data);
// Allocate an array to store our data.
void** tls_data = new void*[kThreadLocalStorageSize];
memcpy(tls_data, stack_allocated_tls_data, sizeof(stack_allocated_tls_data));
TlsSetValue(g_native_tls_key, tls_data);
return tls_data;
// Called when we terminate a thread, this function calls any TLS destructors
// that are pending for this thread.
void WinThreadExit() {
if (g_native_tls_key == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES)
void** tls_data = static_cast<void**>(TlsGetValue(g_native_tls_key));
// Maybe we have never initialized TLS for this thread.
if (!tls_data)
// Some allocators, such as TCMalloc, use TLS. As a result, when a thread
// terminates, one of the destructor calls we make may be to shut down an
// allocator. We have to be careful that after we've shutdown all of the
// known destructors (perchance including an allocator), that we don't call
// the allocator and cause it to resurrect itself (with no possibly destructor
// call to follow). We handle this problem as follows:
// Switch to using a stack allocated vector, so that we don't have dependence
// on our allocator after we have called all g_tls_destructors. (i.e., don't
// even call delete[] after we're done with destructors.)
void* stack_allocated_tls_data[kThreadLocalStorageSize];
memcpy(stack_allocated_tls_data, tls_data, sizeof(stack_allocated_tls_data));
// Ensure that any re-entrant calls change the temp version.
TlsSetValue(g_native_tls_key, stack_allocated_tls_data);
delete[] tls_data; // Our last dependence on an allocator.
int remaining_attempts = kMaxDestructorIterations;
bool need_to_scan_destructors = true;
while (need_to_scan_destructors) {
need_to_scan_destructors = false;
// Try to destroy the first-created-slot (which is slot 1) in our last
// destructor call. That user was able to function, and define a slot with
// no other services running, so perhaps it is a basic service (like an
// allocator) and should also be destroyed last. If we get the order wrong,
// then we'll itterate several more times, so it is really not that
// critical (but it might help).
for (int slot = g_last_used_tls_key; slot > 0; --slot) {
void* value = stack_allocated_tls_data[slot];
if (value == NULL)
base::ThreadLocalStorage::TLSDestructorFunc destructor =
if (destructor == NULL)
stack_allocated_tls_data[slot] = NULL; // pre-clear the slot.
// Any destructor might have called a different service, which then set
// a different slot to a non-NULL value. Hence we need to check
// the whole vector again. This is a pthread standard.
need_to_scan_destructors = true;
if (--remaining_attempts <= 0) {
NOTREACHED(); // Destructors might not have been called.
// Remove our stack allocated vector.
TlsSetValue(g_native_tls_key, NULL);
} // namespace
namespace base {
ThreadLocalStorage::Slot::Slot(TLSDestructorFunc destructor) {
initialized_ = false;
slot_ = 0;
bool ThreadLocalStorage::StaticSlot::Initialize(TLSDestructorFunc destructor) {
if (g_native_tls_key == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES || !TlsGetValue(g_native_tls_key))
// Grab a new slot.
slot_ = InterlockedIncrement(&g_last_used_tls_key);
DCHECK_GT(slot_, 0);
if (slot_ >= kThreadLocalStorageSize) {
return false;
// Setup our destructor.
g_tls_destructors[slot_] = destructor;
initialized_ = true;
return true;
void ThreadLocalStorage::StaticSlot::Free() {
// At this time, we don't reclaim old indices for TLS slots.
// So all we need to do is wipe the destructor.
DCHECK_GT(slot_, 0);
DCHECK_LT(slot_, kThreadLocalStorageSize);
g_tls_destructors[slot_] = NULL;
slot_ = 0;
initialized_ = false;
void* ThreadLocalStorage::StaticSlot::Get() const {
void** tls_data = static_cast<void**>(TlsGetValue(g_native_tls_key));
if (!tls_data)
tls_data = ConstructTlsVector();
DCHECK_GT(slot_, 0);
DCHECK_LT(slot_, kThreadLocalStorageSize);
return tls_data[slot_];
void ThreadLocalStorage::StaticSlot::Set(void* value) {
void** tls_data = static_cast<void**>(TlsGetValue(g_native_tls_key));
if (!tls_data)
tls_data = ConstructTlsVector();
DCHECK_GT(slot_, 0);
DCHECK_LT(slot_, kThreadLocalStorageSize);
tls_data[slot_] = value;
} // namespace base
// Thread Termination Callbacks.
// Windows doesn't support a per-thread destructor with its
// TLS primitives. So, we build it manually by inserting a
// function to be called on each thread's exit.
// This magic is from
// and it works for VC++ 7.0 and later.
// Force a reference to _tls_used to make the linker create the TLS directory
// if it's not already there. (e.g. if __declspec(thread) is not used).
// Force a reference to p_thread_callback_base to prevent whole program
// optimization from discarding the variable.
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:_tls_used")
#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:p_thread_callback_base")
#else // _WIN64
#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:__tls_used")
#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:_p_thread_callback_base")
#endif // _WIN64
// Static callback function to call with each thread termination.
void NTAPI OnThreadExit(PVOID module, DWORD reason, PVOID reserved) {
// On XP SP0 & SP1, the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH is never seen. It is sent on SP2+
// and on W2K and W2K3. So don't assume it is sent.
if (DLL_THREAD_DETACH == reason || DLL_PROCESS_DETACH == reason)
// .CRT$XLA to .CRT$XLZ is an array of PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK pointers that are
// called automatically by the OS loader code (not the CRT) when the module is
// loaded and on thread creation. They are NOT called if the module has been
// loaded by a LoadLibrary() call. It must have implicitly been loaded at
// process startup.
// By implicitly loaded, I mean that it is directly referenced by the main EXE
// or by one of its dependent DLLs. Delay-loaded DLL doesn't count as being
// implicitly loaded.
// See VC\crt\src\tlssup.c for reference.
// extern "C" suppresses C++ name mangling so we know the symbol name for the
// linker /INCLUDE:symbol pragma above.
extern "C" {
// The linker must not discard p_thread_callback_base. (We force a reference
// to this variable with a linker /INCLUDE:symbol pragma to ensure that.) If
// this variable is discarded, the OnThreadExit function will never be called.
#ifdef _WIN64
// .CRT section is merged with .rdata on x64 so it must be constant data.
#pragma const_seg(".CRT$XLB")
// When defining a const variable, it must have external linkage to be sure the
// linker doesn't discard it.
extern const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_base;
const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_base = OnThreadExit;
// Reset the default section.
#pragma const_seg()
#else // _WIN64
#pragma data_seg(".CRT$XLB")
PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_base = OnThreadExit;
// Reset the default section.
#pragma data_seg()
#endif // _WIN64
} // extern "C"