blob: f6999e89d453293c43ad04abc472d2e69aa56710 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The Starboard configuration for a stub implementation designed to be
// built on Desktop Linux. Other devices will have real Starboard
// implementations.
// Other source files should never include this header directly, but should
// include the generic "starboard/configuration.h" instead.
// The API version implemented by this platform. This will generally be set to
// the current value of SB_MAXIMUM_API_VERSION at the time of implementation.
// --- Architecture Configuration --------------------------------------------
// Whether the current platform is big endian. SB_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN will be
// automatically set based on this.
#define SB_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0
// Whether the current platform is an ARM architecture.
#define SB_IS_ARCH_ARM 0
// Whether the current platform is a MIPS architecture.
#define SB_IS_ARCH_MIPS 0
// Whether the current platform is a PPC architecture.
#define SB_IS_ARCH_PPC 0
// Whether the current platform is an x86 architecture.
#define SB_IS_ARCH_X86 1
// Assume a 64-bit architecture.
#define SB_IS_32_BIT 0
#define SB_IS_64_BIT 1
// Whether the current platform's pointers are 32-bit.
// Whether the current platform's longs are 32-bit.
#if SB_IS(32_BIT)
#define SB_HAS_32_BIT_POINTERS 1
#define SB_HAS_32_BIT_LONG 1
#define SB_HAS_32_BIT_POINTERS 0
#define SB_HAS_32_BIT_LONG 0
// Whether the current platform's pointers are 64-bit.
// Whether the current platform's longs are 64-bit.
#if SB_IS(64_BIT)
#define SB_HAS_64_BIT_POINTERS 1
#define SB_HAS_64_BIT_LONG 1
#define SB_HAS_64_BIT_POINTERS 0
#define SB_HAS_64_BIT_LONG 0
// Configuration parameters that allow the application to make some general
// compile-time decisions with respect to the the number of cores likely to be
// available on this platform. For a definitive measure, the application should
// still call SbSystemGetNumberOfProcessors at runtime.
// Whether the current platform is expected to have many cores (> 6), or a
// wildly varying number of cores.
// Whether the current platform is expected to have exactly 1 core.
#define SB_HAS_1_CORE 0
// Whether the current platform is expected to have exactly 2 cores.
#define SB_HAS_2_CORES 0
// Whether the current platform is expected to have exactly 4 cores.
#define SB_HAS_4_CORES 0
// Whether the current platform is expected to have exactly 6 cores.
#define SB_HAS_6_CORES 0
// Whether the current platform supports thread priorities.
// Whether the current platform's thread scheduler will automatically balance
// threads between cores, as opposed to systems where threads will only ever run
// on the specifically pinned core.
// Some platforms will not align variables on the stack with an alignment
// greater than 16 bytes. Platforms where this is the case should define the
// following quirk.
// --- System Header Configuration -------------------------------------------
// Any system headers listed here that are not provided by the platform will be
// emulated in starboard/types.h.
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header stdarg.h.
#define SB_HAS_STDARG_H 1
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header stdbool.h.
#define SB_HAS_STDBOOL_H 1
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header stddef.h.
#define SB_HAS_STDDEF_H 1
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header stdint.h.
#define SB_HAS_STDINT_H 1
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header inttypes.h.
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header wchar.h.
#define SB_HAS_WCHAR_H 1
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header limits.h.
#define SB_HAS_LIMITS_H 1
// Whether the current platform provides the standard header float.h.
#define SB_HAS_FLOAT_H 1
// Whether the current platform has microphone supported.
// Whether the current platform has speech synthesis.
// Type detection for wchar_t.
#if defined(__WCHAR_MAX__) && \
(__WCHAR_MAX__ == 0x7fffffff || __WCHAR_MAX__ == 0xffffffff)
#define SB_IS_WCHAR_T_UTF32 1
#elif defined(__WCHAR_MAX__) && \
(__WCHAR_MAX__ == 0x7fff || __WCHAR_MAX__ == 0xffff)
#define SB_IS_WCHAR_T_UTF16 1
// Chrome only defines these two if ARMEL or MIPSEL are defined.
#if defined(__ARMEL__)
// Chrome has an exclusion for iOS here, we should too when we support iOS.
#elif defined(__MIPSEL__)
// --- Compiler Configuration ------------------------------------------------
// The platform's annotation for forcing a C function to be inlined.
#define SB_C_FORCE_INLINE __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))
// The platform's annotation for marking a C function as suggested to be
// inlined.
#define SB_C_INLINE inline
// The platform's annotation for marking a C function as forcibly not
// inlined.
#define SB_C_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
// The platform's annotation for marking a symbol as exported outside of the
// current shared library.
#define SB_EXPORT_PLATFORM __attribute__((visibility("default")))
// The platform's annotation for marking a symbol as imported from outside of
// the current linking unit.
// On some platforms the __GNUC__ is defined even though parts of the
// functionality are missing. Setting this to non-zero allows disabling missing
// functionality encountered.
// On some compilers, the frontend has a quirk such that #ifdef cannot
// correctly detect __has_feature is defined, and an example error you get is:
// --- Extensions Configuration ----------------------------------------------
// GCC/Clang doesn't define a long long hash function, except for Android and
// Game consoles.
// GCC/Clang doesn't define a string hash function, except for Game Consoles.
// Desktop Linux needs a using statement for the hash functions.
// Set this to 1 if hash functions for custom types can be defined as a
// hash_value() function. Otherwise, they need to be placed inside a
// partially-specified hash struct template with an operator().
// Set this to 1 if use of hash_map or hash_set causes a deprecation warning
// (which then breaks the build).
// The location to include hash_map on this platform.
#define SB_HASH_MAP_INCLUDE <ext/hash_map>
// C++'s hash_map and hash_set are often found in different namespaces depending
// on the compiler.
#define SB_HASH_NAMESPACE __gnu_cxx
// The location to include hash_set on this platform.
#define SB_HASH_SET_INCLUDE <ext/hash_set>
// Define this to how this platform copies varargs blocks.
#define SB_VA_COPY(dest, source) va_copy(dest, source)
// --- Filesystem Configuration ----------------------------------------------
// The current platform's maximum length of the name of a single directory
// entry, not including the absolute path.
#define SB_FILE_MAX_NAME 64
// The current platform's maximum length of an absolute path.
#define SB_FILE_MAX_PATH 4096
// The current platform's maximum number of files that can be opened at the
// same time by one process.
#define SB_FILE_MAX_OPEN 64
// The current platform's file path component separator character. This is the
// character that appears after a directory in a file path. For example, the
// absolute canonical path of the file "/path/to/a/file.txt" uses '/' as a path
// component separator character.
#define SB_FILE_SEP_CHAR '/'
// The current platform's alternate file path component separator character.
// This is like SB_FILE_SEP_CHAR, except if your platform supports an alternate
// character, then you can place that here. For example, on windows machines,
// the primary separator character is probably '\', but the alternate is '/'.
#define SB_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR '/'
// The current platform's search path component separator character. When
// specifying an ordered list of absolute paths of directories to search for a
// given reason, this is the character that appears between entries. For
// example, the search path of "/etc/search/first:/etc/search/second" uses ':'
// as a search path component separator character.
#define SB_PATH_SEP_CHAR ':'
// The string form of SB_FILE_SEP_CHAR.
#define SB_FILE_SEP_STRING "/"
// The string form of SB_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR.
// The string form of SB_PATH_SEP_CHAR.
#define SB_PATH_SEP_STRING ":"
// On some platforms the file system stores access times at a coarser
// granularity than other times. When this quirk is defined, we assume the
// access time is of 1 day precision.
// --- Memory Configuration --------------------------------------------------
// The memory page size, which controls the size of chunks on memory that
// allocators deal with, and the alignment of those chunks. This doesn't have to
// be the hardware-defined physical page size, but it should be a multiple of
// it.
#define SB_MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE 4096
// Whether this platform has and should use an MMAP function to map physical
// memory to the virtual address space.
#define SB_HAS_MMAP 1
// Whether this platform can map executable memory. Implies SB_HAS_MMAP. This is
// required for platforms that want to JIT.
// Whether this platform has and should use an growable heap (e.g. with sbrk())
// to map physical memory to the virtual address space.
// Specifies the alignment for IO Buffers, in bytes. Some low-level network APIs
// may require buffers to have a specific alignment, and this is the place to
// specify that.
// Determines the alignment that allocations should have on this platform.
#define SB_MALLOC_ALIGNMENT ((size_t)16U)
// Determines the threshhold of allocation size that should be done with mmap
// (if available), rather than allocated within the core heap.
#define SB_DEFAULT_MMAP_THRESHOLD ((size_t)(256 * 1024U))
// Defines the path where memory debugging logs should be written to.
#define SB_MEMORY_LOG_PATH "/tmp/starboard"
// --- Thread Configuration --------------------------------------------------
// Defines the maximum number of simultaneous threads for this platform. Some
// platforms require sharing thread handles with other kinds of system handles,
// like mutexes, so we want to keep this managable.
#define SB_MAX_THREADS 90
// The maximum number of thread local storage keys supported by this platform.
// The maximum length of the name for a thread, including the NULL-terminator.
// --- Graphics Configuration ------------------------------------------------
// Specifies whether this platform supports a performant accelerated blitter
// API. The basic requirement is a scaled, clipped, alpha-blended blit.
#define SB_HAS_BLITTER 0
// Specifies the preferred byte order of color channels in a pixel. Refer to
// starboard/configuration.h for the possible values. EGL/GLES platforms should
// generally prefer a byte order of RGBA, regardless of endianness.
// Indicates whether or not the given platform supports bilinear filtering.
// This can be checked to enable/disable renderer tests that verify that this is
// working properly.
// Indicates whether or not the given platform supports rendering of NV12
// textures. These textures typically originate from video decoders.
// Whether the current platform should frequently flip its display buffer. If
// this is not required (i.e. SB_MUST_FREQUENTLY_FLIP_DISPLAY_BUFFER is set to
// 0), then optimizations are enabled so the display buffer is not flipped if
// the scene hasn't changed.
// --- Media Configuration ---------------------------------------------------
// Specifies whether this platform has support for a possibly-decrypting
// elementary stream player for at least H.264/AAC (and AES-128-CTR, if
// decrypting). A player is responsible for ingesting an audio and video
// elementary stream, optionally-encrypted, and ultimately producing
// synchronized audio/video. If a player is defined, it must choose one of the
// supported composition methods below.
#define SB_HAS_PLAYER 1
// Specifies whether this platform's player will produce an OpenGL texture that
// the client must draw every frame with its graphics rendering. It may be that
// we get a texture handle, but cannot perform operations like GlReadPixels on
// it if it is DRM-protected.
// Specifies whether this platform's player is composited with a formal
// compositor, where the client must specify how video is to be composited into
// the graphicals scene.
// Specifies whether this platform's player uses a "punch-out" model, where
// video is rendered to the far background, and the graphics plane is
// automatically composited on top of the video by the platform. The client must
// punch an alpha hole out of the graphics plane for video to show through. In
// this case, changing the video bounds must be tightly synchronized between the
// player and the graphics plane.
#endif // SB_API_VERSION < 4
// After a seek is triggerred, the default behavior is to append video frames
// from the last key frame before the seek time and append audio frames from the
// seek time because usually all audio frames are key frames. On platforms that
// cannot decode video frames without displaying them, this will cause the video
// being played without audio for several seconds after seeking. When the
// following macro is defined, the app will append audio frames start from the
// timestamp that is before the timestamp of the video key frame being appended.
// dlmalloc will use the ffs intrinsic if available. Platforms on which this is
// not available should define the following quirk.
// The maximum audio bitrate the platform can decode. The following value
// equals to 5M bytes per seconds which is more than enough for compressed
// audio.
// The maximum video bitrate the platform can decode. The following value
// equals to 25M bytes per seconds which is more than enough for compressed
// video.
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 4
// Specifies whether this platform has webm/vp9 support. This should be set to
// non-zero on platforms with webm/vp9 support.
// Specifies the stack size for threads created inside media stack. Set to 0 to
// use the default thread stack size. Set to non-zero to explicitly set the
// stack size for media stack threads.
// --- Decoder-only Params ---
// Specifies how media buffers must be aligned on this platform as some
// decoders may have special requirement on the alignment of buffers being
// decoded.
// Specifies how video frame buffers must be aligned on this platform.
// The encoded video frames are compressed in different ways, so their decoding
// time can vary a lot. Occasionally a single frame can take longer time to
// decode than the average time per frame. The player has to cache some frames
// to account for such inconsistency. The number of frames being cached are
// Specify the number of video frames to be cached before the playback starts.
// Note that setting this value too large may increase the playback start delay.
// Specify the number of video frames to be cached during playback. A large
// value leads to more stable fps but also causes the app to use more memory.
// --- Network Configuration -------------------------------------------------
// Specifies whether this platform supports IPV6.
#define SB_HAS_IPV6 1
// Specifies whether this platform supports pipe.
#define SB_HAS_PIPE 1
// --- Tuneable Parameters ---------------------------------------------------
// Specifies the network receive buffer size in bytes, set via
// SbSocketSetReceiveBufferSize().
// Setting this to 0 indicates that SbSocketSetReceiveBufferSize() should
// not be called. Use this for OSs (such as Linux) where receive buffer
// auto-tuning is better.
// On some platforms, this may affect max TCP window size which may
// dramatically affect throughput in the presence of latency.
// If your platform does not have a good TCP auto-tuning mechanism,
// a setting of (128 * 1024) here is recommended.
// --- User Configuration ----------------------------------------------------
// The maximum number of users that can be signed in at the same time.
// --- Timing API ------------------------------------------------------------
// Whether this platform has an API to retrieve how long the current thread
// has spent in the executing state.
// --- Platform Specific Audits ----------------------------------------------
#if !defined(__GNUC__)
#error "Stub builds need a GCC-like compiler (for the moment)."