blob: 163961e3c4657e53e666af9a077c934a3e5dcc68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace base::allocator::dispatcher {
// Identifiers for the memory subsystem handling the allocation. Some observers
// require more detailed information on who is performing the allocation, i.e.
// SamplingHeapProfiler.
enum class AllocationSubsystem {
// Allocation is handled by PartitionAllocator.
kPartitionAllocator = 1,
// Allocation is handled by AllocatorShims.
kAllocatorShim = 2,
// Represents a simulated allocation event during testing and is used to
// filter out these allocations from real ones.
// Included for backward compatibility, this value becomes obsolete once the
// old allocation hooks are removed from PoissonAllocationSampler.
kManualForTesting = 3,
} // namespace base::allocator::dispatcher