blob: d23449f7d40f5c8c5c7ab41368059b40e3be24cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_android) {
if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64") {
if (is_apple) {
if (is_ios) {
declare_args() {
# Set to true to use lld, the LLVM linker.
# In late bring-up on macOS (see docs/
# Tentatively used on iOS.
# The default linker everywhere else.
use_lld = is_clang && current_os != "zos"
if (use_cobalt_customizations && is_apple) {
use_lld = false
# If true, optimize for size.
# Default to favoring speed over size for platforms not listed below.
optimize_for_size =
!is_high_end_android && (is_android || is_ios || is_castos)
declare_args() {
# Default to warnings as errors for default workflow, where we catch
# warnings with known toolchains. Allow overriding this e.g. for Chromium
# builds on Linux that could use a different version of the compiler.
# With GCC, warnings in no-Chromium code are always not treated as errors.
treat_warnings_as_errors = true
# How many symbols to include in the build. This affects the performance of
# the build since the symbols are large and dealing with them is slow.
# 2 means regular build with symbols.
# 1 means minimal symbols, usually enough for backtraces only. Symbols with
# internal linkage (static functions or those in anonymous namespaces) may not
# appear when using this level.
# 0 means no symbols.
# -1 means auto-set according to debug/release and platform.
symbol_level = -1
# Android-only: Strip the debug info of libraries within lib.unstripped to
# reduce size. As long as symbol_level > 0, this will still allow stacks to be
# symbolized.
strip_debug_info = false
# Compile in such a way as to enable profiling of the generated code. For
# example, don't omit the frame pointer and leave in symbols.
enable_profiling = false
# use_debug_fission: whether to use split DWARF debug info
# files. This can reduce link time significantly, but is incompatible
# with some utilities such as icecc and ccache. Requires gold and
# gcc >= 4.8 or clang.
# This is a placeholder value indicating that the code below should set
# the default. This is necessary to delay the evaluation of the default
# value expression until after its input values such as use_gold have
# been set, e.g. by a toolchain_args() block.
use_debug_fission = "default"
# Enables support for ThinLTO, which links 3x-10x faster than full LTO. See
# also
# Use it by default on official-optimized android and Chrome OS builds, but
# not ARC or linux-chromeos since it's been seen to not play nicely with
# Chrome's clang.
# Disabled in iOS cronet builds since build step cronet_static_complete
# wants to build a .a file consumable by external clients, and they won't
# have the same LLVM revisions as us, making bitcode useless to them.
use_thin_lto =
is_cfi || (is_clang && is_official_build && chrome_pgo_phase != 1 &&
(is_linux || is_win || is_mac ||
(is_ios && use_lld && !is_cronet_build) ||
(is_android && target_os != "chromeos") ||
(is_chromeos && is_chromeos_device)))
# If true, use Goma for ThinLTO code generation where applicable.
use_goma_thin_lto = false
# Whether we're using a sample profile collected on an architecture different
# than the one we're compiling for.
# It's currently not possible to collect AFDO profiles on anything but
# x86{,_64}.
using_mismatched_sample_profile = current_cpu != "x64" && current_cpu != "x86"
# Whether an error should be raised on attempts to make debug builds with
# is_component_build=false. Very large debug symbols can have unwanted side
# effects so this is enforced by default for chromium.
forbid_non_component_debug_builds = build_with_chromium
# Exclude unwind tables by default for official builds as unwinding can be
# done from stack dumps produced by Crashpad at a later time "offline" in the
# crash server. Since this increases binary size, we don't recommend including
# them in shipping builds.
# For unofficial (e.g. development) builds and non-Chrome branded (e.g. Cronet
# which doesn't use Crashpad, builds it's useful to be able
# to unwind at runtime.
# Include the unwind tables on Android even for official builds, as otherwise
# the crash dumps generated by Android's debuggerd are largely useless, and
# having this additional mechanism to understand issues is particularly helpful
# to WebView.
exclude_unwind_tables = is_official_build && !is_android
# Where to redirect clang crash diagnoses
clang_diagnostic_dir =
rebase_path("//tools/clang/crashreports", root_build_dir)
# Mark binaries as compatible with Shadow Stack of Control-flow Enforcement
# Technology (CET). If Windows version and hardware supports the feature and
# it's enabled by OS then additional validation of return address will be
# performed as mitigation against Return-oriented programming (ROP).
enable_cet_shadow_stack = target_cpu == "x64"
# Set to true to enable using the ML inliner in LLVM. This currently only
# enables the ML inliner when targeting Android.
# Currently the ML inliner is only supported on linux hosts
use_ml_inliner = host_os == "linux" && is_android && !use_cobalt_customizations
# Set to true to use the android unwinder V2 implementation.
use_android_unwinder_v2 = true
# Whether we should consider the profile we're using to be accurate. Accurate
# profiles have the benefit of (potentially substantial) binary size
# reductions, by instructing the compiler to optimize cold and uncovered
# functions heavily for size. This often comes at the cost of performance.
sample_profile_is_accurate = optimize_for_size
# Use offsets rather than pointers in vtables in order to reduce the number of
# relocations. This is safe to enable only when all C++ code is built with the
# flag set to the same value.
use_relative_vtables_abi = is_android && current_cpu == "arm64" &&
use_custom_libcxx && !is_component_build
# To try out this combination, delete this assert.
!use_relative_vtables_abi || !is_cfi,
"is_cfi=true is known to conflict with use_relative_vtables_abi=true.\n" +
assert(!is_cfi || use_thin_lto, "CFI requires ThinLTO")
assert(!enable_profiling || !is_component_build,
"Cannot profile component builds (")
if (use_thin_lto && is_debug) {
print("WARNING: ThinLTO (use_thin_lto=true) doesn't work with debug" +
" (is_debug=true) build.")
# Determine whether to enable or disable frame pointers, based on the platform
# and build arguments.
if (is_chromeos) {
# ChromeOS generally prefers frame pointers, to support CWP.
# However, Clang does not currently generate usable frame pointers in ARM
# 32-bit builds ( so disable them
# there to avoid the unnecessary overhead.
enable_frame_pointers = current_cpu != "arm"
} else if (is_apple || is_linux) {
enable_frame_pointers = true
} else if (is_win) {
# 64-bit Windows ABI doesn't support frame pointers.
# NOTE: This setting is actually not used in the for Windows,
# but it still reflects correctly that we don't emit frame pointers on x64.
if (current_cpu == "x64") {
enable_frame_pointers = false
} else {
enable_frame_pointers = true
} else if (is_android) {
enable_frame_pointers =
enable_profiling ||
# Ensure that stacks from arm64 crash dumps are usable (
current_cpu == "arm64" ||
# For x86 Android, unwind tables are huge without frame pointers
# ( Enabling frame pointers grows the code size slightly
# but overall shrinks binaries considerably by avoiding huge unwind
# tables.
(current_cpu == "x86" && !exclude_unwind_tables && optimize_for_size) ||
using_sanitizer ||
# For caller-callee instrumentation version which needs frame pointers to
# get the caller address.
} else if (is_fuchsia) {
# Fuchsia on arm64 could use shadow call stack for unwinding.
enable_frame_pointers = current_cpu != "arm64"
} else {
# Explicitly ask for frame pointers, otherwise stacks may be missing for
# sanitizer and profiling builds.
enable_frame_pointers = using_sanitizer || enable_profiling || is_debug
# In general assume that if we have frame pointers then we can use them to
# unwind the stack. However, this requires that they are enabled by default for
# most translation units, that they are emitted correctly, and that the
# compiler or platform provides a way to access them.
can_unwind_with_frame_pointers = enable_frame_pointers
if (current_cpu == "arm" && arm_use_thumb) {
# We cannot currently unwind ARM Thumb frame pointers correctly.
# See
can_unwind_with_frame_pointers = false
} else if (is_win) {
# Windows 32-bit does provide frame pointers, but the compiler does not
# provide intrinsics to access them, so we don't use them.
can_unwind_with_frame_pointers = false
assert(!can_unwind_with_frame_pointers || enable_frame_pointers)
# Unwinding with CFI table is only possible on static library builds and
# requried only when frame pointers are not enabled.
can_unwind_with_cfi_table = is_android && !is_component_build &&
!enable_frame_pointers && current_cpu == "arm"
# Whether or not cfi table should be enabled on arm.
# TODO( Replace can_unwind_with_cfi_table with this once
# sampling profiler is enabled on android.
enable_arm_cfi_table = is_android && !is_component_build && current_cpu == "arm"
declare_args() {
# Whether to use the gold linker from binutils instead of lld or bfd.
use_gold = !use_lld && !(is_castos &&
(current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "mipsel")) &&
(((is_linux || is_chromeos_lacros) &&
(current_cpu == "x64" || current_cpu == "x86" ||
current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64" ||
current_cpu == "mipsel" || current_cpu == "mips64el")) ||
(is_android && (current_cpu == "x86" || current_cpu == "x64" ||
current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "arm64")))
# Use relative paths for debug info. This is important to make the build
# results independent of the checkout and build directory names, which
# in turn is important for goma compile hit rate.
# Setting this to true may make it harder to debug binaries on Linux, see
# It's not clear if the crash server will correctly handle dSYMs with relative
# paths, so we disable this feature for official benefit. The main benefit is
# deterministic builds to reduce compile times, so this is less relevant for
# official builders.
strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols_default =
is_android || is_fuchsia || is_nacl || (is_win && use_lld) || is_linux ||
is_chromeos || (is_apple && !enable_dsyms)
# If the platform uses stripped absolute paths by default, then we don't expose
# it as a configuration option. If this is causing problems, please file a bug.
if (strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols_default) {
strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols = true
} else {
declare_args() {
strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols = false
# If it wasn't manually set, then default use_debug_fission to false.
use_debug_fission == "default" || use_debug_fission || !use_debug_fission,
"Invalid use_debug_fission.")
if (use_debug_fission == "default") {
use_debug_fission = is_debug && !is_android && !is_fuchsia && !is_apple &&
!is_win && (use_gold || use_lld) && cc_wrapper == ""
# If it wasn't manually set, set to an appropriate default.
assert(symbol_level >= -1 && symbol_level <= 2, "Invalid symbol_level")
if (symbol_level == -1) {
if (is_android && !is_component_build && !use_debug_fission) {
# Prefer faster & smaller release builds.
symbol_level = 1
} else if (is_chromeos_device) {
# Use lower symbol level in Simple Chrome build for faster link time.
# For Simple Chrome, this should take precedence over is_official_build,
# turned on by --internal.
if ((target_cpu == "x64" || target_cpu == "x86") && !is_debug) {
# For release x86/x64 build, specify symbol_level=0 for faster link time.
# x86/x64 shows backtraces with symbol_level=0 (arm requires
# symbol_level=1).
symbol_level = 0
} else {
symbol_level = 1
} else if (using_sanitizer) {
# Sanitizers need line table info for stack traces. They don't need type
# info or variable info, so we can leave that out to speed up the build.
# Sanitizers also require symbols for filename suppressions to work.
symbol_level = 1
} else if ((!is_nacl && !is_linux && !is_chromeos && !is_fuchsia &&
current_os != "aix") || is_debug || is_official_build ||
is_castos || is_cast_android) {
# Linux builds slower by having symbols as part of the target binary,
# whereas Mac and Windows have them separate, so in Release Linux, default
# them off, but keep them on for Official builds and Chromecast builds.
symbol_level = 2
} else {
symbol_level = 0
# Split dwarf works only for symbol_level == 2.
use_debug_fission = use_debug_fission && symbol_level == 2
# Non-component debug builds with symbol_level = 2 are an undesirable (very slow
# build times) and unsupported (some test binaries will fail with > 4 GB PDBs)
# combination. This is only checked when current_toolchain == default_toolchain
# because the is_component_build flag is set to false in various components of
# the build (like nacl) and we don't want to assert on those.
# iOS does not support component builds so add an exception for this platform.
if (forbid_non_component_debug_builds) {
symbol_level != 2 || current_toolchain != default_toolchain ||
is_component_build || !is_debug || is_ios || use_debug_fission,
"Can't do non-component debug builds at symbol_level=2 without use_debug_fission=true")
# TODO( For Windows, to assemble lzma_sdk's assembly files,
# ml64.exe needs to be utilized as llvm-ml cannot yet assemble it. Once llvm-ml
# is able to assemble lzma_sdk assembly files, remove this.
# LzmaDecOpt.asm only works on x64 and not x86.
disable_llvm_ml = host_os == "win" && target_cpu == "x64" && !is_msan