blob: 167224bf4426495ee9c3c018e617ca5514b7d1f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/statistics_recorder.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_provider.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
namespace metrics {
// FileMetricsProvider gathers and logs histograms written to files on disk.
// Any number of files can be registered and will be polled once per upload
// cycle (at startup and periodically thereafter -- about every 30 minutes
// for desktop) for data to send.
class FileMetricsProvider : public MetricsProvider,
public base::StatisticsRecorder::HistogramProvider {
struct Params;
enum SourceType {
// "Atomic" files are a collection of histograms that are written
// completely in a single atomic operation (typically a write followed
// by an atomic rename) and the file is never updated again except to
// be replaced by a completely new set of histograms. This is the only
// option that can be used if the file is not writeable by *this*
// process. Once the file has been read, an attempt will be made to
// delete it thus providing some measure of safety should different
// instantiations (such as by different users of a system-level install)
// try to read it. In case the delete operation fails, this class
// persistently tracks the last-modified time of the file so it will
// not be read a second time.
// A directory of atomic PMA files. This handles a directory in which
// files of metrics are atomically added. Only files ending with ".pma"
// will be read. They are read according to their last-modified time and
// never read more that once (unless they change). Only one file will
// be read per reporting cycle. Filenames that start with a dot (.) or
// an underscore (_) are ignored so temporary files (perhaps created by
// the ImportantFileWriter) will not get read. Files that have been
// read will be attempted to be deleted; should those files not be
// deletable by this process, it is the reponsibility of the producer
// to keep the directory pruned in some manner. Added files must have a
// timestamp later (not the same or earlier) than the newest file that
// already exists or it may be assumed to have been already uploaded.
// "Active" files may be open by one or more other processes and updated
// at any time with new samples or new histograms. Such files may also be
// inactive for any period of time only to be opened again and have new
// data written to them. The file should probably never be deleted because
// there would be no guarantee that the data has been reported.
// TODO(bcwhite): Enable when read/write mem-mapped files are supported.
enum SourceAssociation {
// Associates the metrics in the file with the current run of the browser.
// The reporting will take place as part of the normal logging of
// histograms.
// Associates the metrics in the file with the previous run of the browesr.
// The reporting will take place as part of the "stability" histograms.
// This is important when metrics are dumped as part of a crash of the
// previous run. This can only be used with FILE_HISTOGRAMS_ATOMIC.
// Associates the metrics in the file with the a profile embedded in the
// same file. The reporting will take place at a convenient time after
// startup when the browser is otherwise idle. If there is no embedded
// system profile, these metrics will be lost.
// Like above but fall back to ASSOCIATE_PREVIOUS_RUN if there is no
// embedded profile. This has a small cost during startup as that is
// when previous-run metrics are sent so the file has be checked at
// that time even though actual transfer will be delayed if an
// embedded profile is found.
enum FilterAction {
// Process this file normally.
// This file is the active metrics file for the current process. Don't
// do anything with it. This is effectively "try later" but isn't
// added to the results histogram because the file has to be ignored
// throughout the life of the browser and that skews the distribution.
// Try again. This could happen within milliseconds or minutes but no other
// files from the same source will get processed in between. The process
// must have permission to "touch" the file and alter its last-modified
// time because files are always processed in order of those stamps.
// Skip this file. This file will not be processed until it has changed
// (i.e. had its last-modifided time updated). If it is "atomic", an
// attempt will be made to delete it.
// A "filter" can be defined to determine what to do on a per-file basis.
// This is called only after a file has been found to be the next one to
// be processed so it's okay if filter calls are relatively expensive.
// Calls are made on a background thread of low-priority and capable of
// doing I/O.
using FilterCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<FilterAction(const base::FilePath& path)>;
// Parameters for RegisterSource, defined as a structure to allow new
// ones to be added (with default values) that doesn't require changes
// to all call sites.
struct Params {
Params(const base::FilePath& path,
SourceType type,
SourceAssociation association,
base::StringPiece prefs_key = base::StringPiece());
// The standard parameters, set during construction.
const base::FilePath path;
const SourceType type;
const SourceAssociation association;
const base::StringPiece prefs_key;
// Other parameters that can be set after construction.
FilterCallback filter; // Run-time check for what to do with file.
base::TimeDelta max_age; // Maximum age of a file (0=unlimited).
size_t max_dir_kib = 0; // Maximum bytes in a directory (0=inf).
size_t max_dir_files = 100; // Maximum files in a directory (0=inf).
explicit FileMetricsProvider(PrefService* local_state);
~FileMetricsProvider() override;
// Indicates a file or directory to be monitored and how the file or files
// within that directory are used. Because some metadata may need to persist
// across process restarts, preferences entries are used based on the
// |prefs_key| name. Call RegisterPrefs() with the same name to create the
// necessary keys in advance. Set |prefs_key| empty (nullptr will work) if
// no persistence is required. ACTIVE files shouldn't have a pref key as
// they update internal state about what has been previously sent.
void RegisterSource(const Params& params);
// Registers all necessary preferences for maintaining persistent state
// about a monitored file across process restarts. The |prefs_key| is
// typically the filename.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* prefs,
const base::StringPiece prefs_key);
// Sets the task runner to use for testing.
static void SetTaskRunnerForTesting(
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner);
friend class FileMetricsProviderTest;
// The different results that can occur accessing a file.
enum AccessResult {
// File was successfully mapped.
// File does not exist.
// File exists but not modified since last read.
// File is not valid: is a directory or zero-size.
// System could not map file into memory.
// File had invalid contents.
// File could not be opened.
// File contents were internally deleted.
// File is scheduled to be tried again later.
// File was skipped according to filtering rules.
// File was skipped because it exceeds the maximum age.
// File was skipped because too many files in directory.
// File was skipped because too many bytes in directory.
// The file was skipped because it's being written by this process.
// The file had no embedded system profile.
// The file had internal data corruption.
// Information about sources being monitored; defined and used exclusively
// inside the .cc file.
struct SourceInfo;
using SourceInfoList = std::list<std::unique_ptr<SourceInfo>>;
// Records an access result in a histogram.
static void RecordAccessResult(AccessResult result);
// Looks for the next file to read within a directory. Returns true if a
// file was found. This is part of CheckAndMapNewMetricSourcesOnTaskRunner
// and so runs on an thread capable of I/O. The |source| structure will
// be internally updated to indicate the next file to be read.
static bool LocateNextFileInDirectory(SourceInfo* source);
// Handles the completion of a source.
static void FinishedWithSource(SourceInfo* source, AccessResult result);
// Checks a list of sources (on a task-runner allowed to do I/O) and merge
// any data found within them.
static void CheckAndMergeMetricSourcesOnTaskRunner(SourceInfoList* sources);
// Checks a single source and maps it into memory.
static AccessResult CheckAndMapMetricSource(SourceInfo* source);
// Merges all of the histograms from a |source| to the StatisticsRecorder.
static void MergeHistogramDeltasFromSource(SourceInfo* source);
// Records all histograms from a given source via a snapshot-manager.
static void RecordHistogramSnapshotsFromSource(
base::HistogramSnapshotManager* snapshot_manager,
SourceInfo* source);
// Calls source filter (if any) and returns the desired action.
static AccessResult HandleFilterSource(SourceInfo* source,
const base::FilePath& path);
// Creates a task to check all monitored sources for updates.
void ScheduleSourcesCheck();
// Takes a list of sources checked by an external task and determines what
// to do with each.
void RecordSourcesChecked(SourceInfoList* checked);
// Schedules the deletion of a file in the background using the task-runner.
void DeleteFileAsync(const base::FilePath& path);
// Updates the persistent state information to show a source as being read.
void RecordSourceAsRead(SourceInfo* source);
// metrics::MetricsProvider:
void OnDidCreateMetricsLog() override;
bool ProvideIndependentMetrics(
SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto,
base::HistogramSnapshotManager* snapshot_manager) override;
bool HasPreviousSessionData() override;
void RecordInitialHistogramSnapshots(
base::HistogramSnapshotManager* snapshot_manager) override;
// base::StatisticsRecorder::HistogramProvider:
void MergeHistogramDeltas() override;
// A task-runner capable of performing I/O.
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> task_runner_;
// A list of sources not currently active that need to be checked for changes.
SourceInfoList sources_to_check_;
// A list of currently active sources to be merged when required.
SourceInfoList sources_mapped_;
// A list of currently active sources to be merged when required.
SourceInfoList sources_with_profile_;
// A list of sources for a previous run. These are held separately because
// they are not subject to the periodic background checking that handles
// metrics for the current run.
SourceInfoList sources_for_previous_run_;
// The preferences-service used to store persistent state about sources.
PrefService* pref_service_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FileMetricsProvider> weak_factory_;
} // namespace metrics