blob: 829dcdbff0e44901dfb75c3df8a9b75958d13565 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace network::mojom {
class FrameSiteEnabledNetworkIsolationKeyDataView;
class CrossSiteFlagEnabledNetworkIsolationKeyDataView;
namespace net {
class CookiePartitionKey;
namespace net {
// Key used to isolate shared network stack resources used by requests based on
// the context on which they were made.
class NET_EXPORT NetworkIsolationKey {
class SerializationPasskey {
friend struct mojo::StructTraits<
friend struct mojo::StructTraits<
SerializationPasskey() = default;
~SerializationPasskey() = default;
class CookiePartitionKeyPasskey {
friend class CookiePartitionKey;
CookiePartitionKeyPasskey() = default;
~CookiePartitionKeyPasskey() = default;
// This constructor is used for deserialization when `GetMode()` returns
// `kCrossSiteFlagEnabled`.
SchemefulSite top_frame_site,
SchemefulSite frame_site,
bool is_cross_site,
absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken> nonce);
// Full constructor. When a request is initiated by the top frame, it must
// also populate the |frame_site| parameter when calling this constructor.
const SchemefulSite& top_frame_site,
const SchemefulSite& frame_site,
const absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken>& nonce = absl::nullopt);
// Alternative constructor that takes ownership of arguments, to save copies.
SchemefulSite&& top_frame_site,
SchemefulSite&& frame_site,
absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken>&& nonce = absl::nullopt);
// Legacy constructor.
// TODO( Remove this in favor of above
// constructor.
NetworkIsolationKey(const url::Origin& top_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& frame_origin);
// Construct an empty key.
NetworkIsolationKey(const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
NetworkIsolationKey(NetworkIsolationKey&& network_isolation_key);
NetworkIsolationKey& operator=(
const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
NetworkIsolationKey& operator=(NetworkIsolationKey&& network_isolation_key);
// Creates a transient non-empty NetworkIsolationKey by creating an opaque
// origin. This prevents the NetworkIsolationKey from sharing data with other
// NetworkIsolationKeys. Data for transient NetworkIsolationKeys is not
// persisted to disk.
static NetworkIsolationKey CreateTransient();
// Creates a new key using |top_frame_site_| and |new_frame_site|.
NetworkIsolationKey CreateWithNewFrameSite(
const SchemefulSite& new_frame_site) const;
// Intended for temporary use in locations that should be using main frame and
// frame origin, but are currently only using frame origin, because the
// creating object may be shared across main frame objects. Having a special
// constructor for these methods makes it easier to keep track of locating
// callsites that need to have their NetworkIsolationKey filled in.
static NetworkIsolationKey ToDoUseTopFrameOriginAsWell(
const url::Origin& incorrectly_used_frame_origin) {
return NetworkIsolationKey(incorrectly_used_frame_origin,
// Compare keys for equality, true if all enabled fields are equal.
bool operator==(const NetworkIsolationKey& other) const {
if (GetMode() != Mode::kFrameSiteEnabled) {
return std::tie(top_frame_site_, is_cross_site_, nonce_) ==
std::tie(other.top_frame_site_, other.is_cross_site_,
return std::tie(top_frame_site_, frame_site_, is_cross_site_, nonce_) ==
std::tie(other.top_frame_site_, other.frame_site_,
other.is_cross_site_, other.nonce_);
// Compare keys for inequality, true if any enabled field varies.
bool operator!=(const NetworkIsolationKey& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// Provide an ordering for keys based on all enabled fields.
bool operator<(const NetworkIsolationKey& other) const {
if (GetMode() != Mode::kFrameSiteEnabled) {
return std::tie(top_frame_site_, is_cross_site_, nonce_) <
std::tie(other.top_frame_site_, other.is_cross_site_,
return std::tie(top_frame_site_, frame_site_, is_cross_site_, nonce_) <
std::tie(other.top_frame_site_, other.frame_site_,
other.is_cross_site_, other.nonce_);
// Returns the string representation of the key for use in string-keyed disk
// cache. This is the string representation of each piece of the key separated
// by spaces. Returns nullopt if the network isolation key is transient, in
// which case, nothing should typically be saved to disk using the key.
absl::optional<std::string> ToCacheKeyString() const;
// Returns string for debugging. Difference from ToString() is that transient
// entries may be distinguishable from each other.
std::string ToDebugString() const;
// Returns true if all parts of the key are non-empty.
bool IsFullyPopulated() const;
// Returns true if this key's lifetime is short-lived, or if
// IsFullyPopulated() returns true. It may not make sense to persist state to
// disk related to it (e.g., disk cache).
bool IsTransient() const;
// Getters for the top frame and frame sites. These accessors are primarily
// intended for IPC calls, and to be able to create an IsolationInfo from a
// NetworkIsolationKey.
const absl::optional<SchemefulSite>& GetTopFrameSite() const {
return top_frame_site_;
enum class Mode {
// This scheme indicates that "triple-key" NetworkIsolationKeys are used to
// partition the HTTP cache. This key will have the following properties:
// `top_frame_site` -> the schemeful site of the top level page.
// `frame_site ` -> the schemeful site of the frame.
// `is_cross_site` -> absl::nullopt.
// This scheme indicates that "2.5-key" NetworkIsolationKeys are used to
// partition the HTTP cache. This key will have the following properties:
// `top_frame_site_` -> the schemeful site of the top level page.
// `frame_site_` -> should only be accessed for serialization or building
// nonced CookiePartitionKeys.
// `is_cross_site_` -> a boolean indicating whether the frame site is
// schemefully cross-site from the top-level site.
// Returns the cache key scheme currently in use.
static Mode GetMode();
// Getter for `frame_site_`. Will return absl::nullopt if the
// `NetworkIsolationKey` is empty.
// Note: This will CHECK if `GetMode()` does not return `kFrameSiteEnabled`.
const absl::optional<SchemefulSite>& GetFrameSite() const;
// Do not use outside of testing. Returns the `frame_site_`.
const absl::optional<SchemefulSite> GetFrameSiteForTesting() const {
if (GetMode() == Mode::kCrossSiteFlagEnabled) {
return absl::nullopt;
return frame_site_;
// Getter for the boolean indicating that `frame_site_` is cross-site from
// `top_frame_site_`. If the `NetworkIsolationKey` is empty, this will return
// absl::nullopt.
// Note: This will CHECK if `GetMode()` does not return
// `kCrossSiteFlagEnabled`.
absl::optional<bool> GetIsCrossSite() const;
// When serializing a NIK for sending via mojo we want to access the frame
// site directly. We don't want to expose this broadly, though, hence the
// passkey.
const absl::optional<SchemefulSite>& GetFrameSiteForSerialization(
SerializationPasskey) const {
return frame_site_;
// We also need to access the frame site directly when constructing
// CookiePartitionKey for nonced partitions. We also use a passkey for this
// case.
const absl::optional<SchemefulSite>& GetFrameSiteForCookiePartitionKey(
CookiePartitionKeyPasskey) const {
return frame_site_;
// Same as above but for the is-cross-site bit.
const absl::optional<bool>& GetIsCrossSiteForSerialization(
SerializationPasskey) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetMode(), Mode::kCrossSiteFlagEnabled);
return is_cross_site_;
// Getter for the nonce.
const absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken>& GetNonce() const {
return nonce_;
// Returns true if all parts of the key are empty.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Whether this key has opaque origins or a nonce.
bool IsOpaque() const;
// The origin/etld+1 of the top frame of the page making the request.
absl::optional<SchemefulSite> top_frame_site_;
// The origin/etld+1 of the frame that initiates the request.
absl::optional<SchemefulSite> frame_site_;
// A boolean indicating whether the frame origin is cross-site from the
// top-level origin. This will be used for experiments to determine the
// the difference in performance between partitioning the HTTP cache using the
// top-level origin and frame origin ("triple-keying") vs. the top-level
// origin and an is-cross-site bit ("2.5-keying") like the
// `NetworkAnonymizationKey` uses for network state partitioning. This will be
// absl::nullopt when `GetMode()` returns `Mode::kFrameSiteEnabled`, or for an
// empty `NetworkIsolationKey`.
absl::optional<bool> is_cross_site_;
// Having a nonce is a way to force a transient opaque `NetworkIsolationKey`
// for non-opaque origins.
absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken> nonce_;
} // namespace net