blob: c35bb9bfbca32d266f15068f4f629ace4c21b070 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/base/transport_info.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
namespace net {
base::StringPiece TransportTypeToString(TransportType type) {
switch (type) {
case TransportType::kDirect:
return "TransportType::kDirect";
case TransportType::kProxied:
return "TransportType::kProxied";
case TransportType::kCached:
return "TransportType::kCached";
case TransportType::kCachedFromProxy:
return "TransportType::kCachedFromProxy";
// We define this here instead of as a `default` clause above so as to force
// a compiler error if a new value is added to the enum and this method is
// not updated to reflect it.
return "<invalid transport type>";
TransportInfo::TransportInfo() = default;
TransportInfo::TransportInfo(TransportType type_arg,
IPEndPoint endpoint_arg,
std::string accept_ch_frame_arg)
: type(type_arg),
accept_ch_frame(std::move(accept_ch_frame_arg)) {
switch (type) {
case TransportType::kCached:
case TransportType::kCachedFromProxy:
DCHECK_EQ(accept_ch_frame, "");
case TransportType::kDirect:
case TransportType::kProxied:
// `accept_ch_frame` can be empty or not. We use an exhaustive switch
// statement to force this check to account for changes in the definition
// of `TransportType`.
TransportInfo::TransportInfo(const TransportInfo&) = default;
TransportInfo::~TransportInfo() = default;
bool TransportInfo::operator==(const TransportInfo& other) const {
return type == other.type && endpoint == other.endpoint &&
accept_ch_frame == other.accept_ch_frame;
bool TransportInfo::operator!=(const TransportInfo& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
std::string TransportInfo::ToString() const {
return base::StrCat({
"TransportInfo{ type = ",
", endpoint = ",
", accept_ch_frame = ",
" }",
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, TransportType type) {
return out << TransportTypeToString(type);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TransportInfo& info) {
return out << info.ToString();
} // namespace net