blob: 278ab0f0ec7468ffa71fb513735628bd4ca1c77c [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <utility>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <bool copyMoveNoexcept, bool convertNoexcept = true>
struct TracedBase {
struct state {
bool copyCtorCalled = false;
bool copyAssignCalled = false;
bool moveCtorCalled = false;
bool moveAssignCalled = false;
bool dtorCalled = false;
state* state_ = nullptr;
bool copiedFromInt = false;
bool movedFromInt = false;
bool copiedFromTmp = false;
bool movedFromTmp = false;
int data_;
constexpr TracedBase(const int& ii) noexcept(convertNoexcept) : data_(ii) { copiedFromInt = true; }
constexpr TracedBase(int&& ii) noexcept(convertNoexcept) : data_(ii) { movedFromInt = true; }
constexpr TracedBase(state& s, int ii) noexcept : state_(&s), data_(ii) {}
constexpr TracedBase(const TracedBase& other) noexcept(copyMoveNoexcept) : state_(other.state_), data_(other.data_) {
if (state_) {
state_->copyCtorCalled = true;
} else {
copiedFromTmp = true;
constexpr TracedBase(TracedBase&& other) noexcept(copyMoveNoexcept) : state_(other.state_), data_(other.data_) {
if (state_) {
state_->moveCtorCalled = true;
} else {
movedFromTmp = true;
constexpr TracedBase& operator=(const TracedBase& other) noexcept(copyMoveNoexcept) {
data_ = other.data_;
state_->copyAssignCalled = true;
return *this;
constexpr TracedBase& operator=(TracedBase&& other) noexcept(copyMoveNoexcept) {
data_ = other.data_;
state_->moveAssignCalled = true;
return *this;
constexpr ~TracedBase() {
if (state_) {
state_->dtorCalled = true;
using Traced = TracedBase<false>;
using TracedNoexcept = TracedBase<true>;
using MoveThrowConvNoexcept = TracedBase<false, true>;
using MoveNoexceptConvThrow = TracedBase<true, false>;
using BothMayThrow = TracedBase<false, false>;
using BothNoexcept = TracedBase<true, true>;
struct ADLSwap {
int i;
bool adlSwapCalled = false;
constexpr ADLSwap(int ii) : i(ii) {}
constexpr friend void swap(ADLSwap& x, ADLSwap& y) {
std::swap(x.i, y.i);
x.adlSwapCalled = true;
y.adlSwapCalled = true;
template <bool Noexcept>
struct TrackedMove {
int i;
int numberOfMoves = 0;
bool swapCalled = false;
constexpr TrackedMove(int ii) : i(ii) {}
constexpr TrackedMove(TrackedMove&& other) noexcept(Noexcept)
: i(other.i), numberOfMoves(other.numberOfMoves), swapCalled(other.swapCalled) {
constexpr friend void swap(TrackedMove& x, TrackedMove& y) {
std::swap(x.i, y.i);
std::swap(x.numberOfMoves, y.numberOfMoves);
x.swapCalled = true;
y.swapCalled = true;
struct Except {};
struct ThrowOnCopyConstruct {
ThrowOnCopyConstruct() = default;
ThrowOnCopyConstruct(const ThrowOnCopyConstruct&) { throw Except{}; }
ThrowOnCopyConstruct& operator=(const ThrowOnCopyConstruct&) = default;
struct ThrowOnMoveConstruct {
ThrowOnMoveConstruct() = default;
ThrowOnMoveConstruct(ThrowOnMoveConstruct&&) { throw Except{}; }
ThrowOnMoveConstruct& operator=(ThrowOnMoveConstruct&&) = default;
struct ThrowOnConvert {
ThrowOnConvert() = default;
ThrowOnConvert(const int&) { throw Except{}; }
ThrowOnConvert(int&&) { throw Except{}; }
ThrowOnConvert(const ThrowOnConvert&) noexcept(false) {}
ThrowOnConvert& operator=(const ThrowOnConvert&) = default;
ThrowOnConvert(ThrowOnConvert&&) noexcept(false) {}
ThrowOnConvert& operator=(ThrowOnConvert&&) = default;
struct ThrowOnMove {
bool* destroyed = nullptr;
ThrowOnMove() = default;
ThrowOnMove(bool& d) : destroyed(&d) {}
ThrowOnMove(ThrowOnMove&&) { throw Except{}; };
ThrowOnMove& operator=(ThrowOnMove&&) = default;
~ThrowOnMove() {
if (destroyed) {
*destroyed = true;