blob: 8a1bd1f3817ab347ea697c55b777a181c133c000 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace gfx {
// This is the result of ProcessForCALayerOverlays() and is for macOS only.
// This enum is used for histogram states and should only have new values added
// to the end before COUNT. tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml should be updated
// together.
// All changes made to enum CALayerResult should be added to
// ui/gfx/mojom/ca_layer_result.mojom.
enum CALayerResult {
kCALayerSuccess = 0,
kCALayerFailedUnknown = 1,
// kCALayerFailedIOSurfaceNotCandidate = 2,
kCALayerFailedStreamVideoNotCandidate = 3,
// kCALayerFailedStreamVideoTransform = 4,
kCALayerFailedTextureNotCandidate = 5,
// kCALayerFailedTextureYFlipped = 6,
kCALayerFailedTileNotCandidate = 7,
kCALayerFailedQuadBlendMode = 8,
// kCALayerFailedQuadTransform = 9,
kCALayerFailedQuadClipping = 10,
kCALayerFailedDebugBoarder = 11,
kCALayerFailedPictureContent = 12,
// kCALayerFailedRenderPass = 13,
kCALayerFailedSurfaceContent = 14,
// kCALayerFailedYUVVideoContent = 15,
kCALayerFailedDifferentClipSettings = 16,
kCALayerFailedDifferentVertexOpacities = 17,
// kCALayerFailedRenderPassfilterScale = 18,
kCALayerFailedRenderPassBackdropFilters = 19,
kCALayerFailedRenderPassPassMask = 20,
kCALayerFailedRenderPassFilterOperation = 21,
kCALayerFailedRenderPassSortingContextId = 22,
kCALayerFailedTooManyRenderPassDrawQuads = 23,
// kCALayerFailedQuadRoundedCorner = 24,
// kCALayerFailedQuadRoundedCornerClipMismatch = 25,
kCALayerFailedQuadRoundedCornerNotUniform = 26,
kCALayerFailedTooManyQuads = 27,
kCALayerFailedYUVNotCandidate = 28,
kCALayerFailedYUVTexcoordMismatch = 29,
kCALayerFailedYUVInvalidPlanes = 30,
kCALayerFailedCopyRequests = 31,
kCALayerFailedOverlayDisabled = 32,
kCALayerFailedVideoCaptureEnabled = 33,
kCALayerUnknownDidNotSwap = 34, // For gpu_bench_marking only
kCALayerUnknownNoWidget = 35, // For gpu_bench_marking only
kMaxValue = kCALayerUnknownNoWidget,
} // namespace gfx