blob: 8b2004767a03a8035e09a7cdd4ce097efdefee1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef UI_GFX_CANVAS_H_
#define UI_GFX_CANVAS_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_canvas.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_flags.h"
#include "cc/paint/skia_paint_canvas.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_color_map.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_frame_data.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_text_property_value.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_constants.h"
namespace cc {
class SkottieWrapper;
} // namespace cc
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
class RectF;
class FontList;
class Point;
class PointF;
class Size;
class Transform;
class Vector2d;
// Canvas is a PaintCanvas wrapper that provides a number of methods for
// common operations used throughout an application built using ui/gfx.
// All methods that take integer arguments (as is used throughout views)
// end with Int. If you need to use methods provided by PaintCanvas, you'll
// need to do a conversion. In particular you'll need to use |SkIntToScalar()|,
// or if converting from a scalar to an integer |SkScalarRound()|.
// A handful of methods in this class are overloaded providing an additional
// argument of type SkBlendMode. SkBlendMode specifies how the
// source and destination colors are combined. Unless otherwise specified,
// the variant that does not take a SkBlendMode uses a transfer mode
// of kSrcOver_Mode.
class GFX_EXPORT Canvas {
enum {
// Specifies the alignment for text rendered with the DrawStringRect method.
// Specifies the text consists of multiple lines.
MULTI_LINE = 1 << 4,
// By default DrawStringRect does not process the prefix ('&') character
// specially. That is, the string "&foo" is rendered as "&foo". When
// rendering text from a resource that uses the prefix character for
// mnemonics, the prefix should be processed and can be rendered as an
// underline (SHOW_PREFIX), or not rendered at all (HIDE_PREFIX).
SHOW_PREFIX = 1 << 5,
HIDE_PREFIX = 1 << 6,
// Prevent ellipsizing
NO_ELLIPSIS = 1 << 7,
// Specifies if words can be split by new lines.
// This only works with MULTI_LINE.
// Instructs DrawStringRect() to not use subpixel rendering. This is useful
// when rendering text onto a fully- or partially-transparent background
// that will later be blended with another image.
// Creates an empty canvas with image_scale of 1x.
// Creates canvas with provided DIP |size| and |image_scale|.
// If this canvas is not opaque, it's explicitly cleared to transparent before
// being returned.
Canvas(const Size& size, float image_scale, bool is_opaque);
// Creates a Canvas backed by an |sk_canvas| with |image_scale_|.
// |sk_canvas| is assumed to be already scaled based on |image_scale|
// so no additional scaling is applied.
// Note: the caller must ensure that sk_canvas outlives this object, or until
// RecreateBackingCanvas is called.
Canvas(cc::PaintCanvas* sk_canvas, float image_scale);
Canvas(const Canvas&) = delete;
Canvas& operator=(const Canvas&) = delete;
virtual ~Canvas();
// Recreates the backing platform canvas with DIP |size| and |image_scale_|.
// If the canvas is not opaque, it is explicitly cleared.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Push the image_scale into skia::PlatformCanvas such that
// this method can be private.
void RecreateBackingCanvas(const Size& size,
float image_scale,
bool is_opaque);
// Compute the size required to draw some text with the provided fonts.
// Attempts to fit the text with the provided width and height. Increases
// height and then width as needed to make the text fit. This method
// supports multiple lines. On Skia only a line_height can be specified and
// specifying a 0 value for it will cause the default height to be used.
static void SizeStringInt(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list,
int* width,
int* height,
int line_height,
int flags);
// This is same as SizeStringInt except that fractional size is returned.
// See comment in GetStringWidthF for its usage.
static void SizeStringFloat(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list,
float* width,
float* height,
int line_height,
int flags);
// Returns the number of horizontal pixels needed to display the specified
// |text| with |font_list|.
static int GetStringWidth(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list);
// This is same as GetStringWidth except that fractional width is returned.
// Use this method for the scenario that multiple string widths need to be
// summed up. This is because GetStringWidth returns the ceiled width and
// adding multiple ceiled widths could cause more precision loss for certain
// platform like Mac where the fractional width is used.
static float GetStringWidthF(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list);
// Returns the default text alignment to be used when drawing text on a
// Canvas based on the directionality of the system locale language.
// This function is used by Canvas::DrawStringRect when the text alignment
// is not specified.
// This function returns either Canvas::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT or
static int DefaultCanvasTextAlignment();
// Unscales by the image scale factor (aka device scale factor), and returns
// that factor. This is useful when callers want to draw directly in the
// native scale.
float UndoDeviceScaleFactor();
// Saves a copy of the drawing state onto a stack, operating on this copy
// until a balanced call to Restore() is made.
void Save();
// As with Save(), except draws to a layer that is blended with the canvas
// at the specified alpha once Restore() is called.
// |layer_bounds| are the bounds of the layer relative to the current
// transform.
void SaveLayerAlpha(uint8_t alpha);
void SaveLayerAlpha(uint8_t alpha, const Rect& layer_bounds);
// Like SaveLayerAlpha but draws the layer with an arbitrary set of
// PaintFlags once Restore() is called.
void SaveLayerWithFlags(const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Restores the drawing state after a call to Save*(). It is an error to
// call Restore() more times than Save*().
void Restore();
// Applies |rect| to the current clip using the specified region |op|.
void ClipRect(const Rect& rect, SkClipOp op = SkClipOp::kIntersect);
void ClipRect(const RectF& rect, SkClipOp op = SkClipOp::kIntersect);
// Adds |path| to the current clip. |do_anti_alias| is true if the clip
// should be antialiased.
void ClipPath(const SkPath& path, bool do_anti_alias);
// Returns the bounds of the current clip (in local coordinates) in the
// |bounds| parameter, and returns true if it is non empty.
bool GetClipBounds(Rect* bounds);
void Translate(const Vector2d& offset);
void Scale(float x_scale, float y_scale);
// Fills the entire canvas' bitmap (restricted to current clip) with
// specified |color| using a transfer mode of SkBlendMode::kSrcOver.
void DrawColor(SkColor color);
// Fills the entire canvas' bitmap (restricted to current clip) with
// specified |color| and |mode|.
void DrawColor(SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode);
// Fills |rect| with |color| using a transfer mode of
// SkBlendMode::kSrcOver.
void FillRect(const Rect& rect, SkColor color);
// Fills |rect| with the specified |color| and |mode|.
void FillRect(const Rect& rect, SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode);
// Draws a single pixel rect in the specified region with the specified
// color, using a transfer mode of SkBlendMode::kSrcOver.
// NOTE: if you need a single pixel line, use DrawLine.
void DrawRect(const RectF& rect, SkColor color);
// Draws a single pixel rect in the specified region with the specified
// color and transfer mode.
// NOTE: if you need a single pixel line, use DrawLine.
void DrawRect(const RectF& rect, SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode);
// Draws the given rectangle with the given |flags| parameters.
// DEPRECATED in favor of the RectF version below.
// TODO(funkysidd): Remove this (
void DrawRect(const Rect& rect, const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws the given rectangle with the given |flags| parameters.
void DrawRect(const RectF& rect, const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws a single pixel line with the specified color.
// DEPRECATED in favor of the RectF version below.
// TODO(funkysidd): Remove this (
void DrawLine(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, SkColor color);
// Draws a single dip line with the specified color.
void DrawLine(const PointF& p1, const PointF& p2, SkColor color);
// Draws a line with the given |flags| parameters.
// DEPRECATED in favor of the RectF version below.
// TODO(funkysidd): Remove this (
void DrawLine(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws a line with the given |flags| parameters.
void DrawLine(const PointF& p1,
const PointF& p2,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws a line that's a single DIP. At fractional scale factors, this is
// floored to the nearest integral number of pixels.
void DrawSharpLine(PointF p1, PointF p2, SkColor color);
// As above, but draws a single pixel at all scale factors.
void Draw1pxLine(PointF p1, PointF p2, SkColor color);
// Draws a circle with the given |flags| parameters.
// DEPRECATED in favor of the RectF version below.
// TODO(funkysidd): Remove this (
void DrawCircle(const Point& center_point,
int radius,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws a circle with the given |flags| parameters.
void DrawCircle(const PointF& center_point,
float radius,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws the given rectangle with rounded corners of |radius| using the
// given |flags| parameters. DEPRECATED in favor of the RectF version below.
// TODO(mgiuca): Remove this (
void DrawRoundRect(const Rect& rect, int radius, const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws the given rectangle with rounded corners of |radius| using the
// given |flags| parameters.
void DrawRoundRect(const RectF& rect,
float radius,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws the given path using the given |flags| parameters.
void DrawPath(const SkPath& path, const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws an image with the origin at the specified location. The upper left
// corner of the bitmap is rendered at the specified location.
// Parameters are specified relative to current canvas scale not in pixels.
// Thus, x is 2 pixels if canvas scale = 2 & |x| = 1.
void DrawImageInt(const ImageSkia&, int x, int y);
// Helper for DrawImageInt(..., flags) that constructs a temporary flags and
// calls flags.setAlpha(alpha).
void DrawImageInt(const ImageSkia&, int x, int y, uint8_t alpha);
// Draws an image with the origin at the specified location, using the
// specified flags. The upper left corner of the bitmap is rendered at the
// specified location.
// Parameters are specified relative to current canvas scale not in pixels.
// Thus, |x| is 2 pixels if canvas scale = 2 & |x| = 1.
void DrawImageInt(const ImageSkia& image,
int x,
int y,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws a portion of an image in the specified location. The src parameters
// correspond to the region of the bitmap to draw in the region defined
// by the dest coordinates.
// If the width or height of the source differs from that of the destination,
// the image will be scaled. When scaling down, a mipmap will be generated.
// Set |filter| to use filtering for images, otherwise the nearest-neighbor
// algorithm is used for resampling.
// An optional custom cc::PaintFlags can be provided.
// Parameters are specified relative to current canvas scale not in pixels.
// Thus, |x| is 2 pixels if canvas scale = 2 & |x| = 1.
void DrawImageInt(const ImageSkia& image,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_w,
int src_h,
int dest_x,
int dest_y,
int dest_w,
int dest_h,
bool filter);
void DrawImageInt(const ImageSkia& image,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_w,
int src_h,
int dest_x,
int dest_y,
int dest_w,
int dest_h,
bool filter,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Same as the DrawImageInt functions above. Difference being this does not
// do any scaling, i.e. it does not scale the output by the device scale
// factor (the internal image_scale_). It takes an ImageSkiaRep instead of
// an ImageSkia as the caller chooses the exact scale/pixel representation to
// use, which will not be scaled while drawing it into the canvas.
void DrawImageIntInPixel(const ImageSkiaRep& image_rep,
int dest_x,
int dest_y,
int dest_w,
int dest_h,
bool filter,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws an |image| with the top left corner at |x| and |y|, clipped to
// |path|.
// Parameters are specified relative to current canvas scale not in pixels.
// Thus, x is 2 pixels if canvas scale = 2 & |x| = 1.
void DrawImageInPath(const ImageSkia& image,
int x,
int y,
const SkPath& path,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags);
// Draws the frame of the |skottie| animation specified by the normalized time
// instant t [0->first frame .. 1->last frame] onto the region corresponded by
// |dst| in the canvas. |images| is a map from asset id to the corresponding
// image to use when rendering this frame; it may be empty if this animation
// frame does not contain any images in it.
void DrawSkottie(scoped_refptr<cc::SkottieWrapper> skottie,
const Rect& dst,
float t,
cc::SkottieFrameDataMap images,
const cc::SkottieColorMap& color_map,
cc::SkottieTextPropertyValueMap text_map);
// Draws text with the specified color, fonts and location. The text is
// aligned to the left, vertically centered, clipped to the region. If the
// text is too big, it is truncated and '...' is added to the end.
void DrawStringRect(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list,
SkColor color,
const Rect& display_rect);
// Draws text with the specified color, fonts and location. The last argument
// specifies flags for how the text should be rendered. It can be one of
void DrawStringRectWithFlags(const std::u16string& text,
const FontList& font_list,
SkColor color,
const Rect& display_rect,
int flags);
// Draws a |rect| in the specified region with the specified |color|. The
// width of the stroke is |thickness| dip, but the actual pixel width will be
// floored to ensure an integral value.
void DrawSolidFocusRect(RectF rect, SkColor color, int thickness);
// Tiles the image in the specified region.
// Parameters are specified relative to current canvas scale not in pixels.
// Thus, |x| is 2 pixels if canvas scale = 2 & |x| = 1.
void TileImageInt(const ImageSkia& image,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
void TileImageInt(const ImageSkia& image,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int dest_x,
int dest_y,
int w,
int h,
float tile_scale = 1.0f,
SkTileMode tile_mode_x = SkTileMode::kRepeat,
SkTileMode tile_mode_y = SkTileMode::kRepeat,
cc::PaintFlags* flags = nullptr);
// Helper for TileImageInt(). Initializes |flags| for tiling |image| with the
// given parameters. Returns false if the provided image does not have a
// representation for the current scale.
bool InitPaintFlagsForTiling(const ImageSkia& image,
int src_x,
int src_y,
float tile_scale_x,
float tile_scale_y,
int dest_x,
int dest_y,
SkTileMode tile_mode_x,
SkTileMode tile_mode_y,
cc::PaintFlags* flags);
// Apply transformation on the canvas.
void Transform(const Transform& transform);
// Note that writing to this bitmap will modify pixels stored in this canvas.
SkBitmap GetBitmap() const;
// TODO(enne): rename sk_canvas members and interface.
cc::PaintCanvas* sk_canvas() { return canvas_; }
float image_scale() const { return image_scale_; }
// Tests whether the provided rectangle intersects the current clip rect.
bool IntersectsClipRect(const SkRect& rect);
// Helper for the DrawImageInt functions declared above. The
// |remove_image_scale| parameter indicates if the scale of the |image_rep|
// should be removed when drawing the image, to avoid double-scaling it.
void DrawImageIntHelper(const ImageSkiaRep& image_rep,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_w,
int src_h,
int dest_x,
int dest_y,
int dest_w,
int dest_h,
bool filter,
const cc::PaintFlags& flags,
bool remove_image_scale);
cc::PaintCanvas* CreateOwnedCanvas(const Size& size, bool is_opaque);
// The device scale factor at which drawing on this canvas occurs.
// An additional scale can be applied via Canvas::Scale(). However,
// Canvas::Scale() does not affect |image_scale_|.
float image_scale_;
// canvas_ is our active canvas object. Sometimes we are also the owner,
// in which case bitmap_ and owned_canvas_ will be set. Other times we are
// just borrowing someone else's canvas, in which case canvas_ will point
// there but bitmap_ and owned_canvas_ will not exist.
absl::optional<SkBitmap> bitmap_;
absl::optional<cc::SkiaPaintCanvas> owned_canvas_;
raw_ptr<cc::PaintCanvas> canvas_;
} // namespace gfx
#endif // UI_GFX_CANVAS_H_