blob: 2f45a7e30738a94391d6307b53792ecfc624c5db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tuple>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_conversions.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
// Helper struct for testing purposes.
struct ColorTest {
std::tuple<float, float, float> input;
std::tuple<float, float, float> expected;
} // namespace
TEST(ColorConversions, LabToXYZD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.9642f, 1.0f, 0.8252f}}, // white
{{33.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0727f, 0.0754f, 0.0622f}}, // gray1
{{66.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.3406f, 0.3532f, 0.2915f}}, // gray2
{{20.0f, -35.0f, 45.0f}, {0.0134f, 0.0299f, -0.0056f}}, // dark_green
{{80.0f, -60.0f, 70.0f}, {0.3416f, 0.5668f, 0.0899f}}, // ligth_green
{{35.0f, 60.0f, 70.0f}, {0.1690f, 0.0850f, -0.0051f}}, // purple
{{75.0f, 45.0f, -100.0f}, {0.6448f, 0.4828f, 1.7488f}}, // lile
{{75.0f, 100.0f, 80.0f}, {0.92f, 0.4828f, 0.0469f}}}; // red
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_a, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
LabToXYZD50(input_l, input_a, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50ToLab) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9642f, 1.0f, 0.8252f}, {100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // white
{{0.0727f, 0.0754f, 0.0622f}, {33.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // gray1
{{0.3406f, 0.3532f, 0.2915f}, {66.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // gray2
{{0.0134f, 0.0299f, -0.0056f}, {20.0f, -35.0f, 45.0f}}, // dark_green
{{0.3416f, 0.5668f, 0.0899f}, {80.0f, -60.0f, 70.0f}}, // ligth_green
{{0.1690f, 0.0850f, -0.0051f}, {35.0f, 60.0f, 70.0f}}, // purple
{{0.6448f, 0.4828f, 1.7488f}, {75.0f, 45.0f, -100.0f}}, // lile
{{0.92f, 0.4828f, 0.0469f}, {75.0f, 100.0f, 80.0f}}}; // red
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_l, expected_a, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_l, output_a, output_b] =
XYZD50ToLab(input_x, input_y, input_z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_l, expected_l, 0.1f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_a, expected_a, 0.1f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.1f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, OklabToXYZD65) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{100.0f, 0.0, 0.0f},
{0.9504559270516717f, 1.0f, 1.0890577507598784f}}, // white
{{86.64396115356694f, -0.23388757418790818f, 0.17949847989672985f},
{0.357584339383878f, 0.715168678767756f, 0.11919477979462598f}}, // lime
{{42.09136612058102f, 0.16470430417002319f, -0.10147178154592906f},
{0.1279775574172914f, 0.06148383144929487f,
0.20935510595451154f}}, // purple
{{48.06125447400232f, 0.1440294785250731f, 0.0688902950420287f},
{0.167625056565021f, 0.09823806119130823f,
0.03204123425728893f}}, // brown
{{51.97518277948419f, -0.14030232755310995f, 0.10767589774360209f},
{0.07718833433230218f, 0.15437666866460437f,
0.025729444777434055f}}}; // green
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_a, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
OklabToXYZD65(input_l, input_a, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD65ToOklab) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9504559270516717f, 1.0f, 1.0890577507598784f},
{100.0f, 0.0, 0.0f}}, // white
{{0.357584339383878f, 0.715168678767756f, 0.11919477979462598f},
{86.64396115356694f, -0.23388757418790818f,
0.17949847989672985f}}, // lime
{{0.1279775574172914f, 0.06148383144929487f, 0.20935510595451154f},
{42.09136612058102f, 0.16470430417002319f,
-0.10147178154592906f}}, // purple
{{0.167625056565021f, 0.09823806119130823f, 0.03204123425728893f},
{48.06125447400232f, 0.1440294785250731f,
0.0688902950420287f}}, // brown
{{0.07718833433230218f, 0.15437666866460437f, 0.025729444777434055f},
{51.97518277948419f, -0.14030232755310995f,
0.10767589774360209f}}}; // green
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_a, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
XYZD65ToOklab(input_l, input_a, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50ToD65) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.95047f, 1.0f, 1.0888f}, {0.95392f, 1.00594f, 1.439698f}}, // white
{{0.412, 0.213f, 0.019f}, {0.389938f, 0.20384f, 0.025982f}},
{{0.358f, 0.715f, 0.119f}, {0.33307f, 0.714494f, 0.1480589f}},
{{0.18f, 0.072f, 0.95f}, {0.23041847f, 0.087602f, 1.264587f}},
{{0.23f, 0.107f, 0.555f}, {0.252396f, 0.113222f, 0.73899f}},
{{0.114f, 0.09f, 0.087f}, {0.112348f, 0.089496f, 0.115299f}}};
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
XYZD50ToD65(input_x, input_y, input_z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD65ToD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.95392f, 1.00594f, 1.439698f}, {0.95047f, 1.0f, 1.0888f}}, // white
{{0.389938f, 0.20384f, 0.025982f}, {0.412, 0.213f, 0.019f}},
{{0.33307f, 0.714494f, 0.1480589f}, {0.358f, 0.715f, 0.119f}},
{{0.23041847f, 0.087602f, 1.264587f}, {0.18f, 0.072f, 0.95f}},
{{0.252396f, 0.113222f, 0.73899f}, {0.23f, 0.107f, 0.555f}},
{{0.112348f, 0.089496f, 0.115299f}, {0.114f, 0.09f, 0.087f}}};
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
XYZD65ToD50(input_x, input_y, input_z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50TosRGBLinear) {
// Color conversions obtained from
std::tuple<float, float, float> colors_tests[] = {
{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, // black
{0.95047f, 1.0f, 1.0888f}, // white
{0.412, 0.213f, 0.019f}, {0.358f, 0.715f, 0.119f},
{0.18f, 0.072f, 0.95f}, {0.23f, 0.107f, 0.555f},
{0.114f, 0.09f, 0.087f}};
for (auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] : colors_tests) {
auto [output_r, output_g, output_b] =
XYZD50TosRGBLinear(input_x, input_y, input_z);
auto [x, y, z] = XYZD50ToD65(input_x, input_y, input_z);
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = XYZD65TosRGBLinear(x, y, z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_r, expected_r, 0.1f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_g, expected_g, 0.1f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.1f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, LchToLab) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{89.11f, 69.04f, 161.5f},
{89.11f, -65.472265155436f, 21.906713478207564f}},
{{29.6915239933531f, 66.82572352143814f, 327.1054738802461f},
{29.6915239933531f, 56.11167248735513f,
-36.292665028011974f}}, // purple
{{38.14895894517021f, 59.598372928277406f, 32.286662896162966f},
{38.14895894517021f, 50.38364171345111f, 31.834803335164764f}}, // brown
{{46.27770902748027f, 67.9842594463414f, 134.3838583288382f},
{46.27770902748027f, -47.55240796497723f,
48.586294664234586f}}}; // green
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_c, input_h] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_l, expected_a, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_l, output_a, output_b] =
LchToLab(input_l, input_c, absl::optional<float>(input_h));
EXPECT_NEAR(output_l, expected_l, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_a, expected_a, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
// Try with a none hue value (white).
float input_l = 100.0f;
float input_c = 0.000010331815288315629f;
absl::optional<float> input_h = absl::nullopt;
float expected_l = 100.0f;
float expected_a = -0.000007807961277528364f;
float expected_b = 0.000006766250648659877f;
auto [output_l, output_a, output_b] =
LchToLab(input_l, input_c, absl::optional<float>(input_h));
EXPECT_NEAR(output_l, expected_l, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_l << ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << output_l << ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_a, expected_a, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_l << ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << output_l << ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_l << ' ' << expected_a << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << output_l << ' ' << output_a << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, LabToLch) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}},
{{89.11f, -65.472265155436f, 21.906713478207564f},
{89.11f, 69.04f, 161.5f}},
{{29.6915239933531f, 56.11167248735513f, -36.292665028011974f},
{29.6915239933531f, 66.82572352143814f,
-32.894523620605469f}}, // purple
{{38.14895894517021f, 50.38364171345111f, 31.834803335164764f},
{38.14895894517021f, 59.598372928277406f,
32.286662896162966f}}, // brown
{{46.27770902748027f, -47.55240796497723f, 48.586294664234586f},
{46.27770902748027f, 67.9842594463414f, 134.3838583288382f}}}; // green
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_a, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_l, expected_c, expected_h] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_l, output_c, output_h] = LabToLch(input_l, input_a, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_l, expected_l, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_c << ' ' << expected_h << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_c << ' ' << output_h;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_c, expected_c, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_c << ' ' << expected_h << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_c << ' ' << output_h;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_h, expected_h, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_l
<< ' ' << expected_c << ' ' << expected_h << " produced " << output_l
<< ' ' << output_c << ' ' << output_h;
TEST(ColorConversions, LchToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{87.81853633115202f, 113.33150206540324f, 134.38385832883824f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{29.6915239933531f, 66.82572352143814f, 327.1054738802461f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{38.14895894517021f, 59.598372928277406f, 32.286662896162966f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{46.27770902748027f, 67.9842594463414f, 134.3838583288382f},
{0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f}}}; // green
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_c, input_h] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color =
LchToSkColor4f(input_l, input_c, absl::optional<float>(input_h), 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
// Try with a none hue value (white).
float input_l = 100.0f;
float input_c = 0.000010331815288315629f;
absl::optional<float> input_h = absl::nullopt;
float expected_r = 1.0f;
float expected_g = 1.0f;
float expected_b = 1.0f;
SkColor4f color =
LchToSkColor4f(input_l, input_c, absl::optional<float>(input_h), 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_r << ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << color.fR << ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_r << ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << color.fR << ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_r << ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << color.fR << ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, OklchToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{86.64396115356694f, 0.2948272403370167f, 142.49533888780996f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{42.09136612058102f, 0.19345291484554133f, 328.36341792345144f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{48.06125447400232f, 0.1596570181206647f, 25.562112067668068f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{51.97518277948419f, 0.17685825418032036f, 142.4953388878099f},
{0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f}}}; // green
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_c, input_h] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = OklchToSkColor4f(input_l, input_c,
absl::optional<float>(input_h), 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << input_h << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
// Try with a none hue value (white).
float input_l = 100.0f;
float input_c = 0.000010331815288315629f;
absl::optional<float> input_h = absl::nullopt;
float expected_r = 1.0f;
float expected_g = 1.0f;
float expected_b = 1.0f;
SkColor4f color =
OklchToSkColor4f(input_l, input_c, absl::optional<float>(input_h), 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_r << ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << color.fR << ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_r << ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << color.fR << ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_c << ' ' << "none"
<< " to " << expected_r << ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b
<< " produced " << color.fR << ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, SRGBLinearToXYZD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f,
0.8251045485672053f}}, // white
{{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f,
0.09708128566574631f}}, // lime
{{0.37626212299090644f, 0.02315336617811041f, 0.02315336617811041f},
{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f,
0.024020600356509242f}}, // brown
{{1.0f, 0.5271151257058131f, 0.5972017883637634f},
{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f,
0.4915583325045292f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
SRGBLinearToXYZD50(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, SRGBToXYZD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f,
0.8251045485672053f}}, // white
{{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f,
0.09708128566574631f}}, // lime
{{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f, 0.16470588235294117f},
{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f,
0.024020600356509242f}}, // brown
{{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f},
{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f,
0.4915583325045292f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
SRGBToXYZD50(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, SRGBToHSL) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, {0.0f, 0.f, 1.f}}, // white
{{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}, {120.0f / 60.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f}}, // lime
{{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f, 0.16470588235294117f},
{0.0f, 0.59420289855072475f, 0.40588235294117645f}}, // brown
{{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f},
{300.0f / 60.0f, 1.0f, 0.250980392156862741f}}, // purple
{{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f},
{349.5238095238096f / 60.0f, 1.00f, 0.876470588235294f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_h, expected_s, expected_l] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_h, output_s, output_l] = SRGBToHSL(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_h, expected_h, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_h
<< ' ' << expected_s << ' ' << expected_l << " produced " << output_h
<< ' ' << output_s << ' ' << output_l;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_s, expected_s, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_h
<< ' ' << expected_s << ' ' << expected_l << " produced " << output_h
<< ' ' << output_s << ' ' << output_l;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_l, expected_l, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_h
<< ' ' << expected_s << ' ' << expected_l << " produced " << output_h
<< ' ' << output_s << ' ' << output_l;
TEST(ColorConversions, SRGBToHWB) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}}, // black
{{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, {0.0f, 1.f, 0.f}}, // white
{{0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f}}, // grey
{{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}, {120.0f / 60.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f, 0.16470588235294117f},
{0.0f, 0.1647058823529411f, 0.35294117647058826f}}, // brown
{{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f},
{300.0f / 60.0f, 0.0f, 0.4980392156862745f}}, // purple
{{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f},
{349.5238095238096f / 60.0f, 0.7529411764705883f, 0.0f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_h, expected_w, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_h, output_w, output_b] = SRGBToHWB(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_h, expected_h, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_h
<< ' ' << expected_w << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_h
<< ' ' << output_w << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_w, expected_w, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_h
<< ' ' << expected_w << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_h
<< ' ' << output_w << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_h
<< ' ' << expected_w << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_h
<< ' ' << output_w << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50ToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f, 0.8251045485672053f},
{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f, 0.09708128566574631f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f, 0.024020600356509242f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f, 0.4915583325045292f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = XYZD50ToSkColor4f(input_x, input_y, input_z, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD65ToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9504559270516717f, 1.f, 1.0890577507598784f},
{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.357584339383878f, 0.715168678767756f, 0.11919477979462598f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.167625056565021f, 0.09823806119130823f, 0.032041234257288932f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{0.7086623628695997f, 0.6327286137205872f, 0.6498196912712672f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}, // pink
{{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.085f, 0.9769f, 0.9587f}}};
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = XYZD65ToSkColor4f(input_x, input_y, input_z, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, LabToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{46.2775f, -47.521f, 48.5837f}, {0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f}}, // green
{{50.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f}, {0.756208f, 0.304487f, 0.475634f}},
{{70.0f, -45.0f, 0.0f}, {0.10751f, 0.75558f, 0.66398f}},
{{70.0f, 0.0f, 70.0f}, {0.766254f, 0.663607f, 0.055775f}},
{{55.0f, 0.0f, -60.0f}, {0.128128f, 0.53105f, 0.927645f}},
{{100.115f, 9.06448f, 5.80177f}, {1.085f, 0.9769f, 0.9587f}}};
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_l, input_a, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = LabToSkColor4f(input_l, input_a, input_b, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_l << ' ' << input_a << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, SRGBLinearToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.f, 0.21586050011389923f, 0.f},
{0.f, 0.5019607843137255f, 0.f}}, // green
{{0.21586050011389923f, 0.f, 0.21586050011389923f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{1.f, 0.5271151257058131f, 0.5972017883637634f},
{1.f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}, // pink
{{0.37626212299090644f, 0.02315336617811041f, 0.02315336617811041f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}}; // brown
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = SRGBLinearToSkColor4f(input_r, input_g, input_b, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, DisplayP3ToXYZD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9999999999999999f, 0.9999999999999997f, 0.9999999999999999f},
{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f,
0.8251045485672053f}}, // white
{{0.45840159019103005f, 0.9852645833250543f, 0.29829470783345835f},
{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f,
0.09708128566574631f}}, // lime
{{0.5957181607237907f, 0.2055939145569215f, 0.18695695018247227f},
{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f,
0.024020600356509242f}}, // brown
{{0.4584004101072638f, 0.07977226603250179f, 0.4847907338567859f},
{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f,
0.15715146562446167f}}, // purple
{{0.962148711796773f, 0.7628803605364196f, 0.7971503318758075f},
{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f,
0.4915583325045292f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
DisplayP3ToXYZD50(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50ToDisplayP3) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f, 0.8251045485672053f},
{0.9999999999999999f, 0.9999999999999997f,
0.9999999999999999f}}, // white
{{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f, 0.09708128566574631f},
{0.45840159019103005f, 0.9852645833250543f,
0.29829470783345835f}}, // lime
{{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f, 0.024020600356509242f},
{0.5957181607237907f, 0.2055939145569215f,
0.18695695018247227f}}, // brown
{{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f, 0.15715146562446167f},
{0.4584004101072638f, 0.07977226603250179f,
0.4847907338567859f}}, // purple
{{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f, 0.4915583325045292f},
{0.962148711796773f, 0.7628803605364196f,
0.7971503318758075f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_r, output_g, output_b] =
XYZD50ToDisplayP3(input_x, input_y, input_z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_r, expected_r, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_g, expected_g, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, DisplayP3ToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9999999999999999f, 0.9999999999999997f, 0.9999999999999999f},
{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.45840159019103005f, 0.9852645833250543f, 0.29829470783345835f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.5957181607237907f, 0.2055939145569215f, 0.18695695018247227f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{0.4584004101072638f, 0.07977226603250179f, 0.4847907338567859f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{0.962148711796773f, 0.7628803605364196f, 0.7971503318758075f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = DisplayP3ToSkColor4f(input_r, input_g, input_b, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, ProPhotoToXYZD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9999999886663737f, 1.0000000327777285f, 0.9999999636791804f},
{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f,
0.8251045485672053f}}, // white
{{0.5402807890930262f, 0.9275948938161531f, 0.30456598218387576f},
{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f,
0.09708128566574631f}}, // lime
{{0.4202512875251534f, 0.20537448341387265f, 0.14018716364460992f},
{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f,
0.024020600356509242f}}, // brown
{{0.3415199027593793f, 0.13530888280806527f, 0.3980101298732242f},
{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f,
0.15715146562446167f}}, // purple
{{0.8755612852965058f, 0.7357597566543541f, 0.7499575746802042f},
{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f,
0.4915583325045292f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
ProPhotoToXYZD50(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50ToProPhoto) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f, 0.8251045485672053f},
{0.9999999886663737f, 1.0000000327777285f,
0.9999999636791804f}}, // white
{{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f, 0.09708128566574631f},
{0.5402807890930262f, 0.9275948938161531f,
0.30456598218387576f}}, // lime
{{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f, 0.024020600356509242f},
{0.4202512875251534f, 0.20537448341387265f,
0.14018716364460992f}}, // brown
{{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f, 0.15715146562446167f},
{0.3415199027593793f, 0.13530888280806527f,
0.3980101298732242f}}, // purple
{{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f, 0.4915583325045292f},
{0.8755612852965058f, 0.7357597566543541f,
0.7499575746802042f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_r, output_g, output_b] =
XYZD50ToProPhoto(input_x, input_y, input_z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_r, expected_r, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_g, expected_g, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, ProPhotoToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9999999886663737f, 1.0000000327777285f, 0.9999999636791804f},
{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.5402807890930262f, 0.9275948938161531f, 0.30456598218387576f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.4202512875251534f, 0.20537448341387265f, 0.14018716364460992f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{0.3415199027593793f, 0.13530888280806527f, 0.3980101298732242f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{0.8755612852965058f, 0.7357597566543541f, 0.7499575746802042f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = ProPhotoToSkColor4f(input_r, input_g, input_b, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, AdobeRGBToXYZD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0000000000000002f, 0.9999999999999999f, 1.f},
{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f,
0.8251045485672053f}}, // white
{{0.564972265988564f, 0.9999999999999999f, 0.23442379872902916f},
{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f,
0.09708128566574631f}}, // lime
{{0.5565979160264471f, 0.18045907254050694f, 0.18045907254050705f},
{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f,
0.024020600356509242f}}, // brown
{{0.4275929819700999f, 0.0f, 0.4885886519419426f},
{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f,
0.15715146562446167f}}, // purple
{{0.9363244100721754f, 0.7473920857106169f, 0.7893042668092753f},
{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f,
0.4915583325045292f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
AdobeRGBToXYZD50(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50ToAdobeRGB) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f, 0.8251045485672053f},
{1.0000000000000002f, 0.9999999999999999f, 1.f}}, // white
{{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f, 0.09708128566574631f},
{0.564972265988564f, 0.9999999999999999f,
0.23442379872902916f}}, // lime
{{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f, 0.024020600356509242f},
{0.5565979160264471f, 0.18045907254050694f,
0.18045907254050705f}}, // brown
{{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f, 0.15715146562446167f},
{0.4275929819700999f, 0.0f, 0.4885886519419426f}}, // purple
{{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f, 0.4915583325045292f},
{0.9363244100721754f, 0.7473920857106169f,
0.7893042668092753f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_r, output_g, output_b] =
XYZD50ToAdobeRGB(input_x, input_y, input_z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_r, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_g, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, AdobeRGBToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0000000000000002f, 0.9999999999999999f, 1.f},
{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.564972265988564f, 0.9999999999999999f, 0.23442379872902916f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.5565979160264471f, 0.18045907254050694f, 0.18045907254050705f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{0.4275929819700999f, 0.0f, 0.4885886519419426f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{0.9363244100721754f, 0.7473920857106169f, 0.7893042668092753f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = AdobeRGBToSkColor4f(input_r, input_g, input_b, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, Rec2020ToXYZD50) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0000000000000002f, 1.f, 1.f},
{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f,
0.8251045485672053f}}, // white
{{0.5675424725933591f, 0.959278677099374f, 0.2689692617052188f},
{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f,
0.09708128566574631f}}, // lime
{{0.4841434514625542f, 0.17985588424119636f, 0.12395667053434403f},
{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f,
0.024020600356509242f}}, // brown
{{0.36142160262090384f, 0.0781562275109019f, 0.429742223818931f},
{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f,
0.15715146562446167f}}, // purple
{{0.9098509851821579f, 0.747938726996672f, 0.7726929727190115f},
{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f,
0.4915583325045292f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_x, expected_y, expected_z] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_x, output_y, output_z] =
Rec2020ToXYZD50(input_r, input_g, input_b);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_x, expected_x, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_y, expected_y, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_z, expected_z, 0.001f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_x
<< ' ' << expected_y << ' ' << expected_z << " produced " << output_x
<< ' ' << output_y << ' ' << output_z;
TEST(ColorConversions, XYZD50ToRec2020) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.9642956660812443f, 1.0000000361162846f, 0.8251045485672053f},
{1.0000000000000002f, 1.f, 1.f}}, // white
{{0.3851514688337912f, 0.7168870538238823f, 0.09708128566574631f},
{0.5675424725933591f, 0.959278677099374f, 0.2689692617052188f}}, // lime
{{0.1763053229982614f, 0.10171766135467991f, 0.024020600356509242f},
{0.4841434514625542f, 0.17985588424119636f,
0.12395667053434403f}}, // brown
{{0.1250143560558979f, 0.0611129099463755f, 0.15715146562446167f},
{0.36142160262090384f, 0.0781562275109019f,
0.429742223818931f}}, // purple
{{0.7245316165924385f, 0.6365774485679174f, 0.4915583325045292f},
{0.9098509851821579f, 0.747938726996672f,
0.7726929727190115f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_x, input_y, input_z] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
auto [output_r, output_g, output_b] =
XYZD50ToRec2020(input_x, input_y, input_z);
EXPECT_NEAR(output_r, expected_r, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_g, expected_g, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
EXPECT_NEAR(output_b, expected_b, 0.001f)
<< input_x << ' ' << input_y << ' ' << input_z << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << output_r
<< ' ' << output_g << ' ' << output_b;
TEST(ColorConversions, Rec2020ToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{1.0000000000000002f, 1.f, 1.f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.5675424725933591f, 0.959278677099374f, 0.2689692617052188f},
{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.4841434514625542f, 0.17985588424119636f, 0.12395667053434403f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{0.36142160262090384f, 0.0781562275109019f, 0.429742223818931f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{0.9098509851821579f, 0.747938726996672f, 0.7726929727190115f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_r, input_g, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = Rec2020ToSkColor4f(input_r, input_g, input_b, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_r << ' ' << input_g << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, HSLToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.0f, 0.f, 1.f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{120.0f / 60.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f}, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.0f, 0.59420289855072475f, 0.40588235294117645f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{300.0f / 60.0f, 1.0f, 0.250980392156862741f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{349.5238095238096f / 60.0f, 1.00f, 0.876470588235294f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_h, input_s, input_l] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = HSLToSkColor4f(input_h, input_s, input_l, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_h << ' ' << input_s << ' ' << input_l << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_h << ' ' << input_s << ' ' << input_l << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_h << ' ' << input_s << ' ' << input_l << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
TEST(ColorConversions, HWBToSkColor4f) {
// Color conversions obtained from
ColorTest colors_tests[] = {
{{0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}}, // black
{{0.0f, 1.f, 0.f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}, // white
{{0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f}, {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}}, // grey
{{5.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f}, {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}}, // grey
{{120.0f / 60.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}}, // lime
{{0.0f, 0.1647058823529411f, 0.35294117647058826f},
{0.6470588235294118f, 0.16470588235294117f,
0.16470588235294117f}}, // brown
{{300.0f / 60.0f, 0.0f, 0.4980392156862745f},
{0.5019607843137255f, 0.0f, 0.5019607843137255f}}, // purple
{{349.5238095238096f / 60.0f, 0.7529411764705883f, 0.0f},
{1.0f, 0.7529411764705882f, 0.796078431372549f}}}; // pink
for (auto& color_pair : colors_tests) {
auto [input_h, input_w, input_b] = color_pair.input;
auto [expected_r, expected_g, expected_b] = color_pair.expected;
SkColor4f color = HWBToSkColor4f(input_h, input_w, input_b, 1.0f);
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fR, expected_r, 0.01f)
<< input_h << ' ' << input_w << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fG, expected_g, 0.01f)
<< input_h << ' ' << input_w << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
EXPECT_NEAR(color.fB, expected_b, 0.01f)
<< input_h << ' ' << input_w << ' ' << input_b << " to " << expected_r
<< ' ' << expected_g << ' ' << expected_b << " produced " << color.fR
<< ' ' << color.fG << ' ' << color.fB;
} // namespace gfx