blob: b5c4bbbb8c135faa22df0680d356384be3204761 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/color_transform.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkM44.h"
#include "third_party/skia/modules/skcms/skcms.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_space.h"
#include "ui/gfx/icc_profile.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_color_space_util.h"
using std::abs;
using std::copysign;
using std::endl;
using std::exp;
using std::log;
using std::max;
using std::min;
using std::pow;
using std::sqrt;
namespace gfx {
namespace {
void InitStringStream(std::stringstream* ss) {
*ss << std::scientific;
std::string Str(float f) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << f;
return ss.str();
SkM44 Invert(const SkM44& t) {
SkM44 ret = t;
if (!t.invert(&ret)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Inverse should always be possible.";
return ret;
float FromLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID id, float v) {
switch (id) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG:
if (v < 0.01f)
return 0.0f;
return 1.0f + log(v) / log(10.0f) / 2.0f;
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG_SQRT:
if (v < sqrt(10.0f) / 1000.0f)
return 0.0f;
return 1.0f + log(v) / log(10.0f) / 2.5f;
case ColorSpace::TransferID::IEC61966_2_4: {
float a = 1.099296826809442f;
float b = 0.018053968510807f;
if (v < -b)
return -a * pow(-v, 0.45f) + (a - 1.0f);
else if (v <= b)
return 4.5f * v;
return a * pow(v, 0.45f) - (a - 1.0f);
case ColorSpace::TransferID::BT1361_ECG: {
float a = 1.099f;
float b = 0.018f;
float l = 0.0045f;
if (v < -l)
return -(a * pow(-4.0f * v, 0.45f) + (a - 1.0f)) / 4.0f;
else if (v <= b)
return 4.5f * v;
return a * pow(v, 0.45f) - (a - 1.0f);
// Handled by skcms_TransferFunction.
return 0;
float ToLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID id, float v) {
switch (id) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG:
if (v < 0.0f)
return 0.0f;
return pow(10.0f, (v - 1.0f) * 2.0f);
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG_SQRT:
if (v < 0.0f)
return 0.0f;
return pow(10.0f, (v - 1.0f) * 2.5f);
case ColorSpace::TransferID::IEC61966_2_4: {
float a = 1.099296826809442f;
// Equal to FromLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID::IEC61966_2_4, -a).
float from_linear_neg_a = -1.047844f;
// Equal to FromLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID::IEC61966_2_4, b).
float from_linear_b = 0.081243f;
if (v < from_linear_neg_a)
return -pow((a - 1.0f - v) / a, 1.0f / 0.45f);
else if (v <= from_linear_b)
return v / 4.5f;
return pow((v + a - 1.0f) / a, 1.0f / 0.45f);
case ColorSpace::TransferID::BT1361_ECG: {
float a = 1.099f;
// Equal to FromLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID::BT1361_ECG, -l).
float from_linear_neg_l = -0.020250f;
// Equal to FromLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID::BT1361_ECG, b).
float from_linear_b = 0.081000f;
if (v < from_linear_neg_l)
return -pow((1.0f - a - v * 4.0f) / a, 1.0f / 0.45f) / 4.0f;
else if (v <= from_linear_b)
return v / 4.5f;
return pow((v + a - 1.0f) / a, 1.0f / 0.45f);
// Handled by skcms_TransferFunction.
return 0;
// Returns true if tone mapping will be a non-identity operation. Computes the
// constants used by the tone mapping algorithm described in
bool ComputePQToneMapConstants(const gfx::ColorTransform::Options& options,
float& a,
float& b) {
const auto hdr_metadata = gfx::HDRMetadata::PopulateUnspecifiedWithDefaults(
const float src_max_lum_nits =
hdr_metadata.max_content_light_level > 0
? hdr_metadata.max_content_light_level
: hdr_metadata.color_volume_metadata.luminance_max;
const float src_max_lum_relative =
src_max_lum_nits / options.sdr_max_luminance_nits;
if (src_max_lum_relative > options.dst_max_luminance_relative) {
a = options.dst_max_luminance_relative /
(src_max_lum_relative * src_max_lum_relative);
b = 1.f / options.dst_max_luminance_relative;
return true;
a = 0;
b = 0;
return false;
void ComputeHLGToneMapConstants(const gfx::ColorTransform::Options& options,
float& gamma_minus_one) {
const float dst_max_luminance_nits =
options.sdr_max_luminance_nits * options.dst_max_luminance_relative;
gamma_minus_one =
1.2f + 0.42f * logf(dst_max_luminance_nits / 1000.f) / logf(10.f) - 1.f;
} // namespace
class ColorTransformMatrix;
class ColorTransformSkTransferFn;
class ColorTransformFromLinear;
class ColorTransformFromBT2020CL;
class ColorTransformNull;
class ColorTransformStep {
ColorTransformStep() {}
ColorTransformStep(const ColorTransformStep&) = delete;
ColorTransformStep& operator=(const ColorTransformStep&) = delete;
virtual ~ColorTransformStep() {}
virtual ColorTransformFromLinear* GetFromLinear() { return nullptr; }
virtual ColorTransformFromBT2020CL* GetFromBT2020CL() { return nullptr; }
virtual ColorTransformSkTransferFn* GetSkTransferFn() { return nullptr; }
virtual ColorTransformMatrix* GetMatrix() { return nullptr; }
virtual ColorTransformNull* GetNull() { return nullptr; }
// Join methods, returns true if the |next| transform was successfully
// assimilated into |this|.
// If Join() returns true, |next| is no longer needed and can be deleted.
virtual bool Join(ColorTransformStep* next) { return false; }
// Return true if this is a null transform.
virtual bool IsNull() { return false; }
virtual void Transform(ColorTransform::TriStim* color, size_t num) const = 0;
virtual void AppendSkShaderSource(std::stringstream* src) const = 0;
class ColorTransformInternal : public ColorTransform {
ColorTransformInternal(const ColorSpace& src,
const ColorSpace& dst,
const Options& options);
~ColorTransformInternal() override;
gfx::ColorSpace GetSrcColorSpace() const override { return src_; }
gfx::ColorSpace GetDstColorSpace() const override { return dst_; }
void Transform(TriStim* colors, size_t num) const override {
for (const auto& step : steps_) {
step->Transform(colors, num);
sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> GetSkRuntimeEffect() const override;
bool IsIdentity() const override { return steps_.empty(); }
size_t NumberOfStepsForTesting() const override { return steps_.size(); }
void AppendColorSpaceToColorSpaceTransform(const ColorSpace& src,
const ColorSpace& dst,
const Options& options);
void Simplify();
std::list<std::unique_ptr<ColorTransformStep>> steps_;
gfx::ColorSpace src_;
gfx::ColorSpace dst_;
class ColorTransformNull : public ColorTransformStep {
ColorTransformNull* GetNull() override { return this; }
bool IsNull() override { return true; }
void Transform(ColorTransform::TriStim* color, size_t num) const override {}
void AppendSkShaderSource(std::stringstream* src) const override {}
class ColorTransformMatrix : public ColorTransformStep {
explicit ColorTransformMatrix(const SkM44& matrix) : matrix_(matrix) {}
ColorTransformMatrix* GetMatrix() override { return this; }
bool Join(ColorTransformStep* next_untyped) override {
ColorTransformMatrix* next = next_untyped->GetMatrix();
if (!next)
return false;
return true;
bool IsNull() override { return SkM44IsApproximatelyIdentity(matrix_); }
void Transform(ColorTransform::TriStim* colors, size_t num) const override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
auto& color = colors[i];
SkV4 mapped =, color.y(), color.z(), 1);
color.SetPoint(mapped.x, mapped.y, mapped.z);
void AppendSkShaderSource(std::stringstream* src) const override {
*src << " color = half4x4(";
*src << matrix_.rc(0, 0) << ", " << matrix_.rc(1, 0) << ", "
<< matrix_.rc(2, 0) << ", 0,";
*src << endl;
*src << " ";
*src << matrix_.rc(0, 1) << ", " << matrix_.rc(1, 1) << ", "
<< matrix_.rc(2, 1) << ", 0,";
*src << endl;
*src << " ";
*src << matrix_.rc(0, 2) << ", " << matrix_.rc(1, 2) << ", "
<< matrix_.rc(2, 2) << ", 0,";
*src << endl;
*src << "0, 0, 0, 1)";
*src << " * color;" << endl;
// Only print the translational component if it isn't the identity.
if (matrix_.rc(0, 3) != 0.f || matrix_.rc(1, 3) != 0.f ||
matrix_.rc(2, 3) != 0.f) {
*src << " color += half4(";
*src << matrix_.rc(0, 3) << ", " << matrix_.rc(1, 3) << ", "
<< matrix_.rc(2, 3);
*src << ", 0);" << endl;
class SkM44 matrix_;
class ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn : public ColorTransformStep {
explicit ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(bool extended)
: extended_(extended) {}
void Transform(ColorTransform::TriStim* colors, size_t num) const override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
ColorTransform::TriStim& c = colors[i];
if (extended_) {
c.set_x(copysign(Evaluate(abs(c.x())), c.x()));
c.set_y(copysign(Evaluate(abs(c.y())), c.y()));
c.set_z(copysign(Evaluate(abs(c.z())), c.z()));
} else {
void AppendSkShaderSource(std::stringstream* src) const override {
if (extended_) {
*src << "{ half v = abs(color.r);" << endl;
AppendTransferShaderSource(src, false /* is_glsl */);
*src << " color.r = sign(color.r) * v; }" << endl;
*src << "{ half v = abs(color.g);" << endl;
AppendTransferShaderSource(src, false /* is_glsl */);
*src << " color.g = sign(color.g) * v; }" << endl;
*src << "{ half v = abs(color.b);" << endl;
AppendTransferShaderSource(src, false /* is_glsl */);
*src << " color.b = sign(color.b) * v; }" << endl;
} else {
*src << "{ half v = color.r;" << endl;
AppendTransferShaderSource(src, false /* is_glsl */);
*src << " color.r = v; }" << endl;
*src << "{ half v = color.g;" << endl;
AppendTransferShaderSource(src, false /* is_glsl */);
*src << " color.g = v; }" << endl;
*src << "{ half v = color.b;" << endl;
AppendTransferShaderSource(src, false /* is_glsl */);
*src << " color.b = v; }" << endl;
virtual float Evaluate(float x) const = 0;
virtual void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* src,
bool is_glsl) const = 0;
// True if the transfer function is extended to be defined for all real
// values by point symmetry.
bool extended_ = false;
// This class represents the piecewise-HDR function using three new parameters,
// P, Q, and R. The function is defined as:
// 0 : x < 0
// T(x) = sRGB(x/P) : x < P
// Q*x+R : x >= P
// This then expands to
// 0 : x < 0
// T(x) = C*x/P+F : x < P*D
// (A*x/P+B)**G + E : x < P
// Q*x+R : else
class ColorTransformPiecewiseHDR : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
static void GetParams(const gfx::ColorSpace color_space,
skcms_TransferFunction* fn,
float* p,
float* q,
float* r) {
float sdr_joint = 1;
float hdr_level = 1;
color_space.GetPiecewiseHDRParams(&sdr_joint, &hdr_level);
// P is exactly |sdr_joint|.
*p = sdr_joint;
if (sdr_joint < 1.f) {
// Q and R are computed such that |sdr_joint| maps to 1 and 1) maps to
// |hdr_level|.
*q = (hdr_level - 1.f) / (1.f - sdr_joint);
*r = (1.f - hdr_level * sdr_joint) / (1.f - sdr_joint);
} else {
// If |sdr_joint| is exactly 1, then just saturate at 1 (there is no HDR).
*q = 0;
*r = 1;
// Compute |fn| so that, at x, it evaluates to sRGB(x*P).
fn->d *= sdr_joint;
if (sdr_joint != 0) {
// If |sdr_joint| is 0, then we will never evaluate |fn| anyway.
fn->a /= sdr_joint;
fn->c /= sdr_joint;
static void InvertParams(skcms_TransferFunction* fn,
float* p,
float* q,
float* r) {
*fn = SkTransferFnInverse(*fn);
float old_p = *p;
float old_q = *q;
float old_r = *r;
*p = old_q * old_p + old_r;
if (old_q != 0.f) {
*q = 1.f / old_q;
*r = -old_r / old_q;
} else {
*q = 0.f;
*r = 1.f;
ColorTransformPiecewiseHDR(const skcms_TransferFunction fn,
float p,
float q,
float r)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(false),
r_(r) {}
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override {
if (v < 0)
return 0;
else if (v < fn_.d)
return fn_.c * v + fn_.f;
else if (v < p_)
return std::pow(fn_.a * v + fn_.b, fn_.g) + fn_.e;
return q_ * v + r_;
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* result,
bool is_glsl) const override {
*result << " if (v < 0.0) {\n";
*result << " v = 0.0;\n";
*result << " } else if (v < " << Str(fn_.d) << ") {\n";
*result << " v = " << Str(fn_.c) << " * v + " << Str(fn_.f) << ";"
<< endl;
*result << " } else if (v < " << Str(p_) << ") {\n";
*result << " v = pow(" << Str(fn_.a) << " * v + " << Str(fn_.b) << ", "
<< Str(fn_.g) << ") + " << Str(fn_.e) << ";\n";
*result << " } else {\n";
*result << " v = " << Str(q_) << " * v + " << Str(r_) << ";\n";
*result << " }\n";
// Parameters of the SDR part.
const skcms_TransferFunction fn_;
// The SDR joint. Below this value in the domain, the function is defined by
// |fn_|.
const float p_;
// The slope of the linear HDR part.
const float q_;
// The intercept of the linear HDR part.
const float r_;
class ColorTransformSkTransferFn : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
explicit ColorTransformSkTransferFn(const skcms_TransferFunction& fn,
bool extended)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(extended), fn_(fn) {}
// ColorTransformStep implementation.
ColorTransformSkTransferFn* GetSkTransferFn() override { return this; }
bool Join(ColorTransformStep* next_untyped) override {
ColorTransformSkTransferFn* next = next_untyped->GetSkTransferFn();
if (!next)
return false;
if (SkTransferFnsApproximatelyCancel(fn_, next->fn_)) {
// Set to be the identity.
fn_.a = 1;
fn_.b = 0;
fn_.c = 1;
fn_.d = 0;
fn_.e = 0;
fn_.f = 0;
fn_.g = 1;
return true;
return false;
bool IsNull() override { return SkTransferFnIsApproximatelyIdentity(fn_); }
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override {
// Note that the sign-extension is performed by the caller.
return SkTransferFnEvalUnclamped(fn_, v);
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* result,
bool is_glsl) const override {
const float kEpsilon = 1.f / 1024.f;
// Construct the linear segment
// linear = C * x + F
// Elide operations that will be close to the identity.
std::string linear = "v";
if (std::abs(fn_.c - 1.f) > kEpsilon)
linear = Str(fn_.c) + " * " + linear;
if (std::abs(fn_.f) > kEpsilon)
linear = linear + " + " + Str(fn_.f);
// Construct the nonlinear segment.
// nonlinear = pow(A * x + B, G) + E
// Elide operations (especially the pow) that will be close to the
// identity.
std::string nonlinear = "v";
if (std::abs(fn_.a - 1.f) > kEpsilon)
nonlinear = Str(fn_.a) + " * " + nonlinear;
if (std::abs(fn_.b) > kEpsilon)
nonlinear = nonlinear + " + " + Str(fn_.b);
if (std::abs(fn_.g - 1.f) > kEpsilon)
nonlinear = "pow(" + nonlinear + ", " + Str(fn_.g) + ")";
if (std::abs(fn_.e) > kEpsilon)
nonlinear = nonlinear + " + " + Str(fn_.e);
*result << " if (v < " << Str(fn_.d) << ")" << endl;
*result << " v = " << linear << ";" << endl;
*result << " else" << endl;
*result << " v = " << nonlinear << ";" << endl;
skcms_TransferFunction fn_;
class ColorTransformHLGFromLinear : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
explicit ColorTransformHLGFromLinear(float sdr_white_level)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(false),
sdr_scale_factor_(sdr_white_level /
gfx::ColorSpace::kDefaultSDRWhiteLevel) {}
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override {
v *= sdr_scale_factor_;
// Spec:
constexpr float a = 0.17883277f;
constexpr float b = 0.28466892f;
constexpr float c = 0.55991073f;
v = max(0.0f, v);
if (v <= 1)
return 0.5f * sqrt(v);
return a * log(v - b) + c;
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* src,
bool is_glsl) const override {
std::string scalar_type = is_glsl ? "float" : "half";
*src << " v = v * " << sdr_scale_factor_ << ";\n"
<< " v = max(0.0, v);\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " a = 0.17883277;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " b = 0.28466892;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " c = 0.55991073;\n"
<< " if (v <= 1.0)\n"
" v = 0.5 * sqrt(v);\n"
" else\n"
" v = a * log(v - b) + c;\n";
const float sdr_scale_factor_;
class ColorTransformPQFromLinear : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
explicit ColorTransformPQFromLinear(float sdr_white_level)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(false),
sdr_white_level_(sdr_white_level) {}
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override {
v *= sdr_white_level_ / 10000.0f;
v = max(0.0f, v);
float m1 = (2610.0f / 4096.0f) / 4.0f;
float m2 = (2523.0f / 4096.0f) * 128.0f;
float c1 = 3424.0f / 4096.0f;
float c2 = (2413.0f / 4096.0f) * 32.0f;
float c3 = (2392.0f / 4096.0f) * 32.0f;
float p = powf(v, m1);
return powf((c1 + c2 * p) / (1.0f + c3 * p), m2);
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* src,
bool is_glsl) const override {
std::string scalar_type = is_glsl ? "float" : "half";
*src << " v *= " << sdr_white_level_
<< " / 10000.0;\n"
" v = max(0.0, v);\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " m1 = (2610.0 / 4096.0) / 4.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " m2 = (2523.0 / 4096.0) * 128.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " c1 = 3424.0 / 4096.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " c2 = (2413.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type
<< " c3 = (2392.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n"
" v = pow((c1 + c2 * pow(v, m1)) / \n"
" (1.0 + c3 * pow(v, m1)), m2);\n";
const float sdr_white_level_;
class ColorTransformHLGToLinear : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
explicit ColorTransformHLGToLinear(float sdr_white_level)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(false),
sdr_scale_factor_(ColorSpace::kDefaultSDRWhiteLevel / sdr_white_level) {
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override {
// Spec:
v = max(0.0f, v);
constexpr float a = 0.17883277f;
constexpr float b = 0.28466892f;
constexpr float c = 0.55991073f;
if (v <= 0.5f)
v = v * v * 4.0f;
v = exp((v - c) / a) + b;
return v * sdr_scale_factor_;
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* src,
bool is_glsl) const override {
std::string scalar_type = is_glsl ? "float" : "half";
*src << " v = max(0.0, v);\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " a = 0.17883277;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " b = 0.28466892;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " c = 0.55991073;\n"
<< " if (v <= 0.5)\n"
" v = v * v * 4.0;\n"
" else\n"
" v = exp((v - c) / a) + b;\n"
" v = v * "
<< sdr_scale_factor_ << ";\n";
const float sdr_scale_factor_;
class ColorTransformPQToLinear : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
explicit ColorTransformPQToLinear(float sdr_white_level)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(false),
sdr_white_level_(sdr_white_level) {}
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override {
v = max(0.0f, v);
float m1 = (2610.0f / 4096.0f) / 4.0f;
float m2 = (2523.0f / 4096.0f) * 128.0f;
float c1 = 3424.0f / 4096.0f;
float c2 = (2413.0f / 4096.0f) * 32.0f;
float c3 = (2392.0f / 4096.0f) * 32.0f;
float p = pow(v, 1.0f / m2);
v = powf(max(p - c1, 0.0f) / (c2 - c3 * p), 1.0f / m1);
v *= 10000.0f / sdr_white_level_;
return v;
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* src,
bool is_glsl) const override {
std::string scalar_type = is_glsl ? "float" : "half";
*src << " v = max(0.0, v);\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " m1 = (2610.0 / 4096.0) / 4.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " m2 = (2523.0 / 4096.0) * 128.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " c1 = 3424.0 / 4096.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " c2 = (2413.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " c3 = (2392.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n";
if (is_glsl) {
*src << " #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n"
" highp float v2 = v;\n"
" #else\n"
" float v2 = v;\n"
" #endif\n";
} else {
*src << " " << scalar_type << " v2 = v;\n";
*src << " v2 = pow(max(pow(v2, 1.0 / m2) - c1, 0.0) /\n"
" (c2 - c3 * pow(v2, 1.0 / m2)), 1.0 / m1);\n"
" v = v2 * 10000.0 / "
<< sdr_white_level_ << ";\n";
const float sdr_white_level_;
class ColorTransformFromLinear : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
// ColorTransformStep implementation.
explicit ColorTransformFromLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID transfer)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(false), transfer_(transfer) {}
ColorTransformFromLinear* GetFromLinear() override { return this; }
bool IsNull() override { return transfer_ == ColorSpace::TransferID::LINEAR; }
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override { return FromLinear(transfer_, v); }
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* src,
bool is_glsl) const override {
std::string scalar_type = is_glsl ? "float" : "half";
// This is a string-ized copy-paste from FromLinear.
switch (transfer_) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG:
*src << " if (v < 0.01)\n"
" v = 0.0;\n"
" else\n"
" v = 1.0 + log(v) / log(10.0) / 2.0;\n";
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG_SQRT:
*src << " if (v < sqrt(10.0) / 1000.0)\n"
" v = 0.0;\n"
" else\n"
" v = 1.0 + log(v) / log(10.0) / 2.5;\n";
case ColorSpace::TransferID::IEC61966_2_4:
*src << " " << scalar_type << " a = 1.099296826809442;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " b = 0.018053968510807;\n"
<< " if (v < -b)\n"
" v = -a * pow(-v, 0.45) + (a - 1.0);\n"
" else if (v <= b)\n"
" v = 4.5 * v;\n"
" else\n"
" v = a * pow(v, 0.45) - (a - 1.0);\n";
case ColorSpace::TransferID::BT1361_ECG:
*src << " " << scalar_type << " a = 1.099;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " b = 0.018;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " l = 0.0045;\n"
<< " if (v < -l)\n"
" v = -(a * pow(-4.0 * v, 0.45) + (a - 1.0)) / 4.0;\n"
" else if (v <= b)\n"
" v = 4.5 * v;\n"
" else\n"
" v = a * pow(v, 0.45) - (a - 1.0);\n";
friend class ColorTransformToLinear;
ColorSpace::TransferID transfer_;
class ColorTransformToLinear : public ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn {
explicit ColorTransformToLinear(ColorSpace::TransferID transfer)
: ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn(false), transfer_(transfer) {}
// ColorTransformStep implementation:
bool Join(ColorTransformStep* next_untyped) override {
ColorTransformFromLinear* next = next_untyped->GetFromLinear();
if (!next)
return false;
if (transfer_ == next->transfer_) {
transfer_ = ColorSpace::TransferID::LINEAR;
return true;
return false;
bool IsNull() override { return transfer_ == ColorSpace::TransferID::LINEAR; }
// ColorTransformPerChannelTransferFn implementation:
float Evaluate(float v) const override { return ToLinear(transfer_, v); }
// This is a string-ized copy-paste from ToLinear.
void AppendTransferShaderSource(std::stringstream* src,
bool is_glsl) const override {
std::string scalar_type = is_glsl ? "float" : "half";
switch (transfer_) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG:
*src << " if (v < 0.0)\n"
" v = 0.0;\n"
" else\n"
" v = pow(10.0, (v - 1.0) * 2.0);\n";
case ColorSpace::TransferID::LOG_SQRT:
*src << " if (v < 0.0)\n"
" v = 0.0;\n"
" else\n"
" v = pow(10.0, (v - 1.0) * 2.5);\n";
case ColorSpace::TransferID::IEC61966_2_4:
*src << " " << scalar_type << " a = 1.099296826809442;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " from_linear_neg_a = -1.047844;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " from_linear_b = 0.081243;\n"
<< " if (v < from_linear_neg_a)\n"
" v = -pow((a - 1.0 - v) / a, 1.0 / 0.45);\n"
" else if (v <= from_linear_b)\n"
" v = v / 4.5;\n"
" else\n"
" v = pow((v + a - 1.0) / a, 1.0 / 0.45);\n";
case ColorSpace::TransferID::BT1361_ECG:
*src << " " << scalar_type << " a = 1.099;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " from_linear_neg_l = -0.020250;\n"
<< " " << scalar_type << " from_linear_b = 0.081000;\n"
<< " if (v < from_linear_neg_l)\n"
" v = -pow((1.0 - a - v * 4.0) / a, 1.0 / 0.45) / 4.0;\n"
" else if (v <= from_linear_b)\n"
" v = v / 4.5;\n"
" else\n"
" v = pow((v + a - 1.0) / a, 1.0 / 0.45);\n";
ColorSpace::TransferID transfer_;
// BT2020 Constant Luminance is different than most other
// ways to encode RGB values as YUV. The basic idea is that
// transfer functions are applied on the Y value instead of
// on the RGB values. However, running the transfer function
// on the U and V values doesn't make any sense since they
// are centered at 0.5. To work around this, the transfer function
// is applied to the Y, R and B values, and then the U and V
// values are calculated from that.
// In our implementation, the YUV->RGB matrix is used to
// convert YUV to RYB (the G value is replaced with an Y value.)
// Then we run the transfer function like normal, and finally
// this class is inserted as an extra step which takes calculates
// the U and V values.
class ColorTransformFromBT2020CL : public ColorTransformStep {
void Transform(ColorTransform::TriStim* YUV, size_t num) const override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
float Y = YUV[i].x();
float U = YUV[i].y() - 0.5;
float V = YUV[i].z() - 0.5;
float B_Y, R_Y;
if (U <= 0) {
B_Y = U * (-2.0 * -0.9702);
} else {
B_Y = U * (2.0 * 0.7910);
if (V <= 0) {
R_Y = V * (-2.0 * -0.8591);
} else {
R_Y = V * (2.0 * 0.4969);
// Return an RYB value, later steps will fix it.
YUV[i] = ColorTransform::TriStim(R_Y + Y, Y, B_Y + Y);
void AppendSkShaderSource(std::stringstream* src) const override {
// Apply the HLG OOTF for a specified maximum luminance.
class ColorTransformHLGOOTF : public ColorTransformStep {
explicit ColorTransformHLGOOTF(float gamma_minus_one,
float dst_max_luminance_relative)
: gamma_minus_one_(gamma_minus_one),
dst_max_luminance_relative_(dst_max_luminance_relative) {}
// The luminance vector in linear space.
static constexpr float kLr = 0.2627;
static constexpr float kLg = 0.6780;
static constexpr float kLb = 0.0593;
// ColorTransformStep implementation:
void Transform(ColorTransform::TriStim* color, size_t num) const override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
float L = kLr * color[i].x() + kLg * color[i].y() + kLb * color[i].z();
if (L > 0.f) {
color[i].Scale(powf(L, gamma_minus_one_));
// Scale the result to the full HDR range.
void AppendSkShaderSource(std::stringstream* src) const override {
*src << "{\n"
<< " half4 luma_vec = half4(" << kLr << ", " << kLg << ", " << kLb
<< ", 0.0);\n"
<< " half L = dot(color, luma_vec);\n"
<< " if (L > 0.0) {\n"
<< " color.rgb *= pow(L, hlg_ootf_gamma_minus_one);\n"
<< " color.rgb *= hlg_dst_max_luminance_relative;\n"
<< " }\n"
<< "}\n";
// The gamma parameter for the power function specified in Rec 2100.
const float gamma_minus_one_;
const float dst_max_luminance_relative_;
// Scale the color such that the luminance `input_max_value` maps to
// `output_max_value`.
class ColorTransformToneMapInRec2020Linear : public ColorTransformStep {
ColorTransformToneMapInRec2020Linear(float a, float b) : a_(a), b_(b) {}
// The luminance vector in linear space.
static constexpr float kLr = 0.2627;
static constexpr float kLg = 0.6780;
static constexpr float kLb = 0.0593;
// ColorTransformStep implementation:
void Transform(ColorTransform::TriStim* color, size_t num) const override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
float L = kLr * color[i].x() + kLg * color[i].y() + kLb * color[i].z();
if (L > 0.f)
color[i].Scale((1.f + a_ * L) / (1.f + b_ * L));
void AppendSkShaderSource(std::stringstream* src) const override {
*src << "{\n"
<< " half4 luma_vec = half4(" << kLr << ", " << kLg << ", " << kLb
<< ", 0.0);\n"
<< " half L = dot(color, luma_vec);\n"
<< " if (L > 0.0) {\n"
<< " color.rgb *= (1.0 + pq_tonemap_a *L) / \n"
<< " (1.0 + pq_tonemap_b *L);\n"
<< " }\n"
<< "}\n";
// Constants derived from `input_max_value` and `output_max_value`.
const float a_;
const float b_;
void ColorTransformInternal::AppendColorSpaceToColorSpaceTransform(
const ColorSpace& src,
const ColorSpace& dst,
const Options& options) {
// ITU-T H.273: If MatrixCoefficients is equal to 0 (Identity) or 8 (YCgCo),
// range adjustment is performed on R,G,B samples rather than Y,U,V samples.
const bool src_matrix_is_identity_or_ycgco =
src.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::GBR ||
src.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::YCOCG;
auto src_range_adjust_matrix = std::make_unique<ColorTransformMatrix>(
if (!src_matrix_is_identity_or_ycgco)
if (src.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::BT2020_CL) {
// BT2020 CL is a special case.
} else {
if (src_matrix_is_identity_or_ycgco)
// If the target color space is not defined, just apply the adjust and
// tranfer matrices. This path is used by YUV to RGB color conversion
// when full color conversion is not enabled.
if (!dst.IsValid())
switch (src.GetTransferID()) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::HLG:
if (options.tone_map_pq_and_hlg_to_dst) {
// Convert to linear with a maximum value of 1.
12.f * ColorSpace::kDefaultSDRWhiteLevel));
} else {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::PQ:
case ColorSpace::TransferID::PIECEWISE_HDR: {
skcms_TransferFunction fn;
float p, q, r;
ColorTransformPiecewiseHDR::GetParams(src, &fn, &p, &q, &r);
std::make_unique<ColorTransformPiecewiseHDR>(fn, p, q, r));
default: {
skcms_TransferFunction src_to_linear_fn;
if (src.GetTransferFunction(&src_to_linear_fn,
options.sdr_max_luminance_nits)) {
src_to_linear_fn, src.HasExtendedSkTransferFn()));
} else {
if (src.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::BT2020_CL) {
// BT2020 CL is a special case.
// Perform tone mapping in a linear space
if (options.tone_map_pq_and_hlg_to_dst) {
switch (src.GetTransferID()) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::HLG: {
// Apply the HLG OOTF for the specified maximum luminance.
float gamma_minus_one = 0.f;
ComputeHLGToneMapConstants(options, gamma_minus_one);
gamma_minus_one, options.dst_max_luminance_relative));
case ColorSpace::TransferID::PQ: {
float a = 0.f;
float b = 0.f;
ComputePQToneMapConstants(options, a, b);
const ColorSpace rec2020_linear(
ColorSpace::PrimaryID::BT2020, ColorSpace::TransferID::LINEAR,
ColorSpace::MatrixID::RGB, ColorSpace::RangeID::FULL);
std::make_unique<ColorTransformToneMapInRec2020Linear>(a, b));
if (dst.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::BT2020_CL) {
// BT2020 CL is a special case.
switch (dst.GetTransferID()) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::HLG:
case ColorSpace::TransferID::PQ:
case ColorSpace::TransferID::PIECEWISE_HDR: {
skcms_TransferFunction fn;
float p, q, r;
ColorTransformPiecewiseHDR::GetParams(dst, &fn, &p, &q, &r);
ColorTransformPiecewiseHDR::InvertParams(&fn, &p, &q, &r);
std::make_unique<ColorTransformPiecewiseHDR>(fn, p, q, r));
default: {
skcms_TransferFunction dst_from_linear_fn;
if (dst.GetInverseTransferFunction(&dst_from_linear_fn,
options.sdr_max_luminance_nits)) {
dst_from_linear_fn, dst.HasExtendedSkTransferFn()));
} else {
// ITU-T H.273: If MatrixCoefficients is equal to 0 (Identity) or 8 (YCgCo),
// range adjustment is performed on R,G,B samples rather than Y,U,V samples.
const bool dst_matrix_is_identity_or_ycgco =
dst.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::GBR ||
dst.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::YCOCG;
auto dst_range_adjust_matrix = std::make_unique<ColorTransformMatrix>(
if (dst_matrix_is_identity_or_ycgco)
if (dst.GetMatrixID() == ColorSpace::MatrixID::BT2020_CL) {
} else {
if (!dst_matrix_is_identity_or_ycgco)
ColorTransformInternal::ColorTransformInternal(const ColorSpace& src,
const ColorSpace& dst,
const Options& options)
: src_(src), dst_(dst) {
// If no source color space is specified, do no transformation.
// TODO(ccameron): We may want dst assume sRGB at some point in the future.
if (!src_.IsValid())
AppendColorSpaceToColorSpaceTransform(src_, dst_, options);
if (!options.disable_optimizations)
sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> ColorTransformInternal::GetSkRuntimeEffect() const {
std::stringstream src;
src << "uniform half offset;\n"
<< "uniform half multiplier;\n"
<< "uniform half pq_tonemap_a;\n"
<< "uniform half pq_tonemap_b;\n"
<< "uniform half hlg_ootf_gamma_minus_one;\n"
<< "uniform half hlg_dst_max_luminance_relative;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "half4 main(half4 color) {\n"
<< " // Un-premultiply alpha\n"
<< " if (color.a > 0)\n"
<< " color.rgb /= color.a;\n"
<< "\n"
<< " color.rgb -= offset;\n"
<< " color.rgb *= multiplier;\n";
for (const auto& step : steps_)
src << " // premultiply alpha\n"
" color.rgb *= color.a;\n"
" return color;\n"
auto sksl_source = src.str();
auto result = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForColorFilter(
SkString(sksl_source.c_str(), sksl_source.size()),
DCHECK(result.effect) << '\n'
<< result.errorText.c_str() << "\n\nShader Source:\n"
<< sksl_source;
return result.effect;
struct SkShaderUniforms {
float offset = 0.f;
float multiplier = 0.f;
float pq_tonemap_a = 1.f;
float pq_tonemap_b = 1.f;
float hlg_ootf_gamma_minus_one = 0.f;
float hlg_dst_max_luminance_relative = 1.0f;
// static
sk_sp<SkData> ColorTransform::GetSkShaderUniforms(const ColorSpace& src,
const ColorSpace& dst,
float offset,
float multiplier,
const Options& options) {
SkShaderUniforms data;
data.offset = offset;
data.multiplier = multiplier;
data.hlg_dst_max_luminance_relative = options.dst_max_luminance_relative;
switch (src.GetTransferID()) {
case ColorSpace::TransferID::PQ:
ComputePQToneMapConstants(options, data.pq_tonemap_a, data.pq_tonemap_b);
case ColorSpace::TransferID::HLG:
ComputeHLGToneMapConstants(options, data.hlg_ootf_gamma_minus_one);
return SkData::MakeWithCopy(&data, sizeof(data));
ColorTransformInternal::~ColorTransformInternal() {}
void ColorTransformInternal::Simplify() {
for (auto iter = steps_.begin(); iter != steps_.end();) {
std::unique_ptr<ColorTransformStep>& this_step = *iter;
// Try to Join |next_step| into |this_step|. If successful, re-visit the
// step before |this_step|.
auto iter_next = iter;
if (iter_next != steps_.end()) {
std::unique_ptr<ColorTransformStep>& next_step = *iter_next;
if (this_step->Join(next_step.get())) {
if (iter != steps_.begin())
// If |this_step| step is a no-op, remove it, and re-visit the step before
// |this_step|.
if (this_step->IsNull()) {
iter = steps_.erase(iter);
if (iter != steps_.begin())
// static
std::unique_ptr<ColorTransform> ColorTransform::NewColorTransform(
const ColorSpace& src,
const ColorSpace& dst) {
Options options;
return std::make_unique<ColorTransformInternal>(src, dst, options);
// static
std::unique_ptr<ColorTransform> ColorTransform::NewColorTransform(
const ColorSpace& src,
const ColorSpace& dst,
const Options& options) {
return std::make_unique<ColorTransformInternal>(src, dst, options);
ColorTransform::ColorTransform() {}
ColorTransform::~ColorTransform() {}
} // namespace gfx