blob: 19b2c7a864acd00420c5801225ce8351cd92f686 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/color_space_export.h"
namespace gfx {
// This structure is used to define the HDR static capabilities of a display.
// Reflects CEA 861.G-2018, Sec.7.5.13, "HDR Static Metadata Data Block"
// A value of 0.0 in any of the fields means that it's not indicated.
struct COLOR_SPACE_EXPORT HDRStaticMetadata {
// "Desired Content Max Luminance Data. This is the content’s absolute peak
// luminance (in cd/m2) (likely only in a small area of the screen) that the
// display prefers for optimal content rendering."
double max;
// "Desired Content Max Frame-average Luminance. This is the content’s max
// frame-average luminance (in cd/m2) that the display prefers for optimal
// content rendering."
double max_avg;
// "Desired Content Min Luminance. This is the minimum value of the content
// (in cd/m2) that the display prefers for optimal content rendering."
double min;
HDRStaticMetadata(double max, double max_avg, double min);
HDRStaticMetadata(const HDRStaticMetadata& rhs);
HDRStaticMetadata& operator=(const HDRStaticMetadata& rhs);
bool operator==(const HDRStaticMetadata& rhs) const {
return ((max == rhs.max) && (max_avg == rhs.max_avg) && (min == rhs.min));
} // namespace gfx