blob: aa243a7c49ca1a1768b77f3069040814cb432dae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_mac.h"
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <CoreText/CoreText.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#import "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
namespace gfx {
using Weight = Font::Weight;
TEST(PlatformFontMacTest, DeriveFont) {
// macOS 13.0 bug: For non-system fonts with 0-valued traits,
// `kCFBooleanFalse` is used instead of a `CFNumberRef` of 0. See
// Filed as FB11673021, fixed in macOS 13.1.
auto GetValueFromDictionaryAndWorkAroundMacOS13Bug = [](CFDictionaryRef dict,
CFStringRef key) {
NSOperatingSystemVersion version =
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersion];
if (version.majorVersion == 13 && version.minorVersion == 0) {
CFTypeRef value = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, key);
if (value == kCFBooleanFalse) {
CGFloat zero = 0;
return (CFNumberRef)CFAutorelease(
CFNumberCreate(nullptr, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &zero));
return base::mac::GetValueFromDictionary<CFNumberRef>(dict, key);
// |weight_tri| is either -1, 0, or 1 meaning "light", "normal", or "bold".
auto CheckExpected = [GetValueFromDictionaryAndWorkAroundMacOS13Bug](
const Font& font, int weight_tri, bool isItalic) {
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFDictionaryRef> traits(
CFNumberRef cf_slant = GetValueFromDictionaryAndWorkAroundMacOS13Bug(
traits, kCTFontSlantTrait);
CGFloat slant;
CFNumberGetValue(cf_slant, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &slant);
if (isItalic)
EXPECT_GT(slant, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(slant, 0);
CFNumberRef cf_weight = GetValueFromDictionaryAndWorkAroundMacOS13Bug(
traits, kCTFontWeightTrait);
CGFloat weight;
CFNumberGetValue(cf_weight, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &weight);
if (weight_tri < 0)
EXPECT_LT(weight, 0);
else if (weight_tri == 0)
EXPECT_EQ(weight, 0);
EXPECT_GT(weight, 0);
// Use a base font that support all traits.
Font base_font("Helvetica", 13);
SCOPED_TRACE("plain font");
CheckExpected(base_font, 0, false);
// Italic
Font italic_font(base_font.Derive(0, Font::ITALIC, Weight::NORMAL));
SCOPED_TRACE("italic font");
CheckExpected(italic_font, 0, true);
// Bold
Font bold_font(base_font.Derive(0, Font::NORMAL, Weight::BOLD));
SCOPED_TRACE("bold font");
CheckExpected(bold_font, 1, false);
// Bold italic
Font bold_italic_font(base_font.Derive(0, Font::ITALIC, Weight::BOLD));
SCOPED_TRACE("bold italic font");
CheckExpected(bold_italic_font, 1, true);
// Non-existent thin will return the closest weight, light
Font thin_font(base_font.Derive(0, Font::NORMAL, Weight::THIN));
SCOPED_TRACE("thin font");
CheckExpected(thin_font, -1, false);
// Non-existent black will return the closest weight, bold
Font black_font(base_font.Derive(0, Font::NORMAL, Weight::BLACK));
SCOPED_TRACE("black font");
CheckExpected(black_font, 1, false);
TEST(PlatformFontMacTest, DeriveFontUnderline) {
// Create a default font.
Font base_font;
// Make the font underlined.
Font derived_font(base_font.Derive(0, base_font.GetStyle() | Font::UNDERLINE,
// Validate the derived font properties against its native font instance.
NSFontTraitMask traits = [NSFontManager.sharedFontManager
Weight actual_weight =
(traits & NSFontBoldTrait) ? Weight::BOLD : Weight::NORMAL;
int actual_style = Font::UNDERLINE;
if (traits & NSFontItalicTrait)
actual_style |= Font::ITALIC;
EXPECT_TRUE(derived_font.GetStyle() & Font::UNDERLINE);
EXPECT_EQ(derived_font.GetStyle(), actual_style);
EXPECT_EQ(derived_font.GetWeight(), actual_weight);
// Tests internal methods for extracting Font properties from the
// underlying CTFont representation.
TEST(PlatformFontMacTest, ConstructFromNativeFont) {
NSFont* ns_light_font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Light" size:12];
Font light_font(base::mac::NSToCFCast(ns_light_font));
EXPECT_EQ(12, light_font.GetFontSize());
EXPECT_EQ("Helvetica", light_font.GetFontName());
EXPECT_EQ(Font::NORMAL, light_font.GetStyle());
EXPECT_EQ(Weight::LIGHT, light_font.GetWeight());
NSFont* ns_light_italic_font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-LightOblique"
Font light_italic_font(base::mac::NSToCFCast(ns_light_italic_font));
EXPECT_EQ(14, light_italic_font.GetFontSize());
EXPECT_EQ("Helvetica", light_italic_font.GetFontName());
EXPECT_EQ(Font::ITALIC, light_italic_font.GetStyle());
EXPECT_EQ(Weight::LIGHT, light_italic_font.GetWeight());
NSFont* ns_normal_font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:12];
Font normal_font(base::mac::NSToCFCast(ns_normal_font));
EXPECT_EQ(12, normal_font.GetFontSize());
EXPECT_EQ("Helvetica", normal_font.GetFontName());
EXPECT_EQ(Font::NORMAL, normal_font.GetStyle());
EXPECT_EQ(Weight::NORMAL, normal_font.GetWeight());
NSFont* ns_italic_font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Oblique" size:14];
Font italic_font(base::mac::NSToCFCast(ns_italic_font));
EXPECT_EQ(14, italic_font.GetFontSize());
EXPECT_EQ("Helvetica", italic_font.GetFontName());
EXPECT_EQ(Font::ITALIC, italic_font.GetStyle());
EXPECT_EQ(Weight::NORMAL, italic_font.GetWeight());
NSFont* ns_bold_font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:12];
Font bold_font(base::mac::NSToCFCast(ns_bold_font));
EXPECT_EQ(12, bold_font.GetFontSize());
EXPECT_EQ("Helvetica", bold_font.GetFontName());
EXPECT_EQ(Font::NORMAL, bold_font.GetStyle());
EXPECT_EQ(Weight::BOLD, bold_font.GetWeight());
NSFont* ns_bold_italic_font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-BoldOblique"
Font bold_italic_font(base::mac::NSToCFCast(ns_bold_italic_font));
EXPECT_EQ(14, bold_italic_font.GetFontSize());
EXPECT_EQ("Helvetica", bold_italic_font.GetFontName());
EXPECT_EQ(Font::ITALIC, bold_italic_font.GetStyle());
EXPECT_EQ(Weight::BOLD, bold_italic_font.GetWeight());
// Test font derivation for fine-grained font weights.
TEST(PlatformFontMacTest, DerivedFineGrainedFonts) {
// The resulting, actual font weight after deriving |weight| from |base|.
auto DerivedIntWeight = [](Weight weight) {
Font base; // The default system font.
Font derived(base.Derive(0, 0, weight));
// PlatformFont should always pass the requested weight, not what the OS
// could provide. This just checks a constructor argument, so not very
// interesting.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(weight), static_cast<int>(derived.GetWeight()));
return static_cast<int>(PlatformFontMac::GetFontWeightFromCTFontForTesting(
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(Weight::THIN), DerivedIntWeight(Weight::THIN));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(Weight::LIGHT), DerivedIntWeight(Weight::LIGHT));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(Weight::NORMAL), DerivedIntWeight(Weight::NORMAL));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(Weight::MEDIUM), DerivedIntWeight(Weight::MEDIUM));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(Weight::BOLD), DerivedIntWeight(Weight::BOLD));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(Weight::BLACK), DerivedIntWeight(Weight::BLACK));
// Ensures that the Font's reported height is consistent with the native font's
// ascender and descender metrics.
TEST(PlatformFontMacTest, ValidateFontHeight) {
// Use the default ResourceBundle system font (i.e. San Francisco).
Font default_font;
Font::FontStyle styles[] = {Font::NORMAL, Font::ITALIC, Font::UNDERLINE};
for (auto& style : styles) {
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Font::FontStyle: " << style);
// Include the range of sizes used by ResourceBundle::FontStyle (-1 to +8).
for (int delta = -1; delta <= 8; ++delta) {
Font font = default_font.Derive(delta, style, Weight::NORMAL);
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "FontSize(): " << font.GetFontSize());
NSFont* ns_font = base::mac::CFToNSCast(font.GetCTFont());
// Font height (an integer) should be the sum of these.
CGFloat ascender = ns_font.ascender;
CGFloat descender = ns_font.descender;
CGFloat leading = ns_font.leading;
// NSFont always gives a negative value for descender. Others positive.
EXPECT_GE(0, descender);
EXPECT_LE(0, ascender);
EXPECT_LE(0, leading);
int sum = ceil(ascender - descender + leading);
// Text layout is performed using an integral baseline offset derived from
// the ascender. The height needs to be enough to fit the full descender
// (plus baseline). So the height depends on the rounding of the ascender,
// and can be as much as 1 greater than the simple sum of floats.
EXPECT_LE(sum, font.GetHeight());
EXPECT_GE(sum + 1, font.GetHeight());
// Recreate the rounding performed for GetBaseLine().
EXPECT_EQ(ceil(ceil(ascender) - descender + leading), font.GetHeight());
// Test to ensure we cater for the AppKit quirk that can make the font italic
// when asking for a fine-grained weight. See Note that
// Appkit's bug was detected on macOS 10.10 which uses Helvetica Neue as the
// system font.
TEST(PlatformFontMacTest, DerivedSemiboldFontIsNotItalic) {
Font base_font;
NSFontTraitMask base_traits = [NSFontManager.sharedFontManager
ASSERT_FALSE(base_traits & NSItalicFontMask);
Font semibold_font = base_font.Derive(0, Font::NORMAL, Weight::SEMIBOLD);
NSFontTraitMask semibold_traits = [NSFontManager.sharedFontManager
EXPECT_FALSE(semibold_traits & NSItalicFontMask);
} // namespace gfx