blob: ffba50e7f6d4355f02fe87d0f7b2d23c93e7dfa9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "cc/paint/paint_shader.h"
#include "ui/gfx/gfx_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/shadow_value.h"
class SkDrawLooper;
class SkMatrix;
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkiaRep;
// Creates a bitmap shader for the image rep with the image rep's scale factor.
// Sets the created shader's local matrix such that it displays the image rep at
// the correct scale factor.
// The shader's local matrix should not be changed after the shader is created.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Allow shader's local matrix to be changed after the shader
// is created.
GFX_EXPORT sk_sp<cc::PaintShader> CreateImageRepShader(
const gfx::ImageSkiaRep& image_rep,
SkTileMode tile_mode_x,
SkTileMode tile_mode_y,
const SkMatrix& local_matrix);
// Creates a bitmap shader for the image rep with the passed in scale factor.
GFX_EXPORT sk_sp<cc::PaintShader> CreateImageRepShaderForScale(
const gfx::ImageSkiaRep& image_rep,
SkTileMode tile_mode_x,
SkTileMode tile_mode_y,
const SkMatrix& local_matrix,
SkScalar scale);
// Creates a gradient shader. The caller owns the shader.
GFX_EXPORT sk_sp<cc::PaintShader> CreateGradientShader(
const gfx::Point& start_point,
const gfx::Point& end_point,
SkColor start_color,
SkColor end_color);
// Creates a draw looper to generate |shadows|. The caller owns the draw looper.
// NULL is returned if |shadows| is empty since no draw looper is needed in
// this case.
GFX_EXPORT sk_sp<SkDrawLooper> CreateShadowDrawLooper(
const std::vector<ShadowValue>& shadows);
} // namespace gfx