blob: d55b3675b0474b205742a28790df3e0867f5e782 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Unit tests for eliding and formatting utility functions.
#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_render_params.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
struct FileTestcase {
const base::FilePath::StringType input;
const std::u16string output;
// If this value is specified, we will try to cut the path down to the render
// width of this string; if not specified, output will be used.
const std::u16string using_width_of = std::u16string();
struct Testcase {
const std::u16string input;
const std::u16string output;
} // namespace
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideEmail) {
// Test emails and their expected elided forms (from which the available
// widths will be derived).
// For elided forms in which both the username and domain must be elided:
// the result (how many characters are left on each side) can be font
// dependent. To avoid this, the username is prefixed with the characters
// expected to remain in the domain.
Testcase testcases[] = {
{u"g@g.c", u"g@g.c"},
{u"g@g.c", u"…"},
{u"", u"ga@c…a"},
{u"", u"s…@s…"},
{u"", u"s…"},
{u"", u""},
{u"", u"short@long….com"},
{u"", u"la…@l…a"},
{u"", u"long…"},
{u"", u"e…"},
{u"", u"thatom…@tha…om"},
{u"", u"namefits@butthedo…"},
{u"", u"…"},
{u"nospaceforusername@l", u"…"},
{u"", u"l…@l…"},
{u"", u"l@lllll….com"},
{u"noca_messed\"up@whyanat\"", u"noca…@no…ca"},
// Special case: "m..." takes more than half of the available width; thus
// the domain must elide to "l..." and not "l...l" as it must allow enough
// space for the minimal username elision although its half of the
// available width would normally allow it to elide to "l...l".
{u"mmmmm@llllllllll", u"m…@l…"},
const FontList font_list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(testcases); ++i) {
const std::u16string expected_output = testcases[i].output;
ElideText(testcases[i].input, font_list,
GetStringWidthF(expected_output, font_list), ELIDE_EMAIL));
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideEmailMoreSpace) {
const int test_widths_extra_spaces[] = {
const char16_t* const test_emails[] = {
const FontList font_list;
for (const auto* test_email : test_emails) {
const int mimimum_width = GetStringWidth(test_email, font_list);
for (int extra_space : test_widths_extra_spaces) {
// Extra space is available: the email should not be elided.
ElideText(test_email, font_list, mimimum_width + extra_space,
TEST(TextEliderTest, TestFilenameEliding) {
const base::FilePath::StringType kPathSeparator =
base::FilePath::StringType().append(1, base::FilePath::kSeparators[0]);
FileTestcase testcases[] = {
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("."), u"."},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("filename.exe"), u"filename.exe"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".longext"), u".longext"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("pie"), u"pie"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("c:") + kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("path") +
kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("filename.pie"),
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("c:") + kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("path") +
kPathSeparator + FILE_PATH_LITERAL("longfilename.pie"),
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""), u"filename.pie"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""), u"long….pie"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("piesmashingtacularpants"), u"pie…"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".piesmashingtacularpants"), u".pie…"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("cheese."), u"cheese."},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("file name.longext"), u"file….longext"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("fil ename.longext"), u"fil….longext",
u"fil ….longext"},
{FILE_PATH_LITERAL("filename.longext"), u"file….longext"},
static const FontList font_list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(testcases); ++i) {
base::FilePath filepath(testcases[i].input);
std::u16string expected = testcases[i].output;
std::u16string using_width_of = testcases[i].using_width_of.empty()
? testcases[i].output
: testcases[i].using_width_of;
expected = base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality(expected);
ElideFilename(filepath, font_list,
GetStringWidthF(using_width_of, font_list)));
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideTextTruncate) {
const FontList font_list;
const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(u"Test", font_list);
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
float width;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"", 0, u""},
{u"Test", 0, u""},
{u"", kTestWidth, u""},
{u"Tes", kTestWidth, u"Tes"},
{u"Test", kTestWidth, u"Test"},
{u"Tests", kTestWidth, u"Test"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
std::u16string result =
ElideText(cases[i].input, font_list, cases[i].width, TRUNCATE);
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideTextEllipsis) {
const FontList font_list;
const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(u"Test", font_list);
const float kEllipsisWidth = GetStringWidthF(u"…", font_list);
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
float width;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"", 0, u""},
{u"Test", 0, u""},
{u"Test", kEllipsisWidth, u"…"},
{u"", kTestWidth, u""},
{u"Tes", kTestWidth, u"Tes"},
{u"Test", kTestWidth, u"Test"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
std::u16string result =
ElideText(cases[i].input, font_list, cases[i].width, ELIDE_TAIL);
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideTextEllipsisFront) {
const FontList font_list;
const float kTestWidth = GetStringWidthF(u"Test", font_list);
const float kEllipsisWidth = GetStringWidthF(u"…", font_list);
const float kEllipsis23Width = GetStringWidthF(u"…23", font_list);
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
float width;
const std::u16string output;
} cases[] = {
{u"", 0, std::u16string()},
{u"Test", 0, std::u16string()},
{u"Test", kEllipsisWidth, u"…"},
{u"", kTestWidth, std::u16string()},
{u"Tes", kTestWidth, u"Tes"},
{u"Test", kTestWidth, u"Test"},
{u"Test123", kEllipsis23Width, u"…23"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
std::u16string result =
ElideText(cases[i].input, font_list, cases[i].width, ELIDE_HEAD);
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result);
// Checks that all occurrences of |first_char| are followed by |second_char| and
// all occurrences of |second_char| are preceded by |first_char| in |text|. Can
// be used to test surrogate pairs or two-character combining sequences.
static void CheckCodeUnitPairs(const std::u16string& text,
char16_t first_char,
char16_t second_char) {
for (size_t index = 0; index < text.length(); ++index) {
EXPECT_NE(second_char, text[index]);
if (text[index] == first_char) {
ASSERT_LT(++index, text.length());
EXPECT_EQ(second_char, text[index]);
// Test that both both UTF-16 surrogate pairs and combining character sequences
// do not get split by ElideText.
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideTextAtomicSequences) {
// Needed to bypass DCHECK in GetFallbackFont.
base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment task_environment(
const FontList font_list;
std::vector<std::u16string> pairs;
// The below is 'MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF' (U+1D11E), which is represented in
// UTF-16 as two code units forming a surrogate pair: 0xD834 0xDD1E.
// The below is a Devanagari two-character combining sequence U+0921 U+093F.
// The sequence forms a single display character and should not be separated.
for (const std::u16string& pair : pairs) {
char16_t first_char = pair[0];
char16_t second_char = pair[1];
std::u16string test_string = pair + u"x" + pair;
const float test_string_width = GetStringWidthF(test_string, font_list);
std::u16string result;
// Elide |text_string| to all possible widths and check that no instance of
// |pair| was split in two.
for (float width = 0; width <= test_string_width; width++) {
result = ElideText(test_string, font_list, width, TRUNCATE);
CheckCodeUnitPairs(result, first_char, second_char);
result = ElideText(test_string, font_list, width, ELIDE_TAIL);
CheckCodeUnitPairs(result, first_char, second_char);
result = ElideText(test_string, font_list, width, ELIDE_MIDDLE);
CheckCodeUnitPairs(result, first_char, second_char);
result = ElideText(test_string, font_list, width, ELIDE_HEAD);
CheckCodeUnitPairs(result, first_char, second_char);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideTextLongStrings) {
std::u16string data_scheme(u"data:text/plain,");
size_t data_scheme_length = data_scheme.length();
std::u16string ten_a(10, 'a');
std::u16string hundred_a(100, 'a');
std::u16string thousand_a(1000, 'a');
std::u16string ten_thousand_a(10'000, 'a');
std::u16string hundred_thousand_a(100'000, 'a');
std::u16string million_a(1'000'000, 'a');
// TODO(gbillock): Improve these tests by adding more string diversity and
// doing string compares instead of length compares. See bug 338836.
size_t number_of_as = 156;
std::u16string long_string_end(data_scheme +
std::u16string(number_of_as, 'a') + u"…");
Testcase testcases_end[] = {
{data_scheme + ten_a, data_scheme + ten_a},
{data_scheme + hundred_a, data_scheme + hundred_a},
{data_scheme + thousand_a, long_string_end},
{data_scheme + ten_thousand_a, long_string_end},
{data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_end},
{data_scheme + million_a, long_string_end},
const FontList font_list;
float ellipsis_width = GetStringWidthF(u"…", font_list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(testcases_end); ++i) {
// Compare sizes rather than actual contents because if the test fails,
// output is rather long.
ElideText(testcases_end[i].input, font_list,
GetStringWidthF(testcases_end[i].output, font_list),
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", ElideText(testcases_end[i].input, font_list, ellipsis_width,
size_t number_of_trailing_as = (data_scheme_length + number_of_as) / 2;
std::u16string long_string_middle(
data_scheme + std::u16string(number_of_as - number_of_trailing_as, 'a') +
u"…" + std::u16string(number_of_trailing_as, 'a'));
long_string_middle += u"…";
Testcase testcases_middle[] = {
{data_scheme + ten_a, data_scheme + ten_a},
{data_scheme + hundred_a, data_scheme + hundred_a},
{data_scheme + thousand_a, long_string_middle},
{data_scheme + ten_thousand_a, long_string_middle},
{data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_middle},
{data_scheme + million_a, long_string_middle},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(testcases_middle); ++i) {
// Compare sizes rather than actual contents because if the test fails,
// output is rather long.
ElideText(testcases_middle[i].input, font_list,
GetStringWidthF(testcases_middle[i].output, font_list),
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", ElideText(testcases_middle[i].input, font_list,
ellipsis_width, ELIDE_MIDDLE));
std::u16string long_string_beginning(u"…" +
std::u16string(number_of_as, 'a'));
long_string_beginning += u"…";
Testcase testcases_beginning[] = {
{data_scheme + ten_a, data_scheme + ten_a},
{data_scheme + hundred_a, data_scheme + hundred_a},
{data_scheme + thousand_a, long_string_beginning},
{data_scheme + ten_thousand_a, long_string_beginning},
{data_scheme + hundred_thousand_a, long_string_beginning},
{data_scheme + million_a, long_string_beginning},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(testcases_beginning); ++i) {
testcases_beginning[i].input, font_list,
GetStringWidthF(testcases_beginning[i].output, font_list),
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", ElideText(testcases_beginning[i].input, font_list,
ellipsis_width, ELIDE_HEAD));
// Detailed tests for StringSlicer. These are faster and test more of the edge
// cases than the above tests which are more end-to-end.
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicerBasicTest) {
// Must store strings in variables (StringSlicer retains a reference to them).
std::u16string text(u"Hello, world!");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
StringSlicer slicer(text, ellipsis, false, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"", slicer.CutString(0, false));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(0, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hell", slicer.CutString(4, false));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hell…", slicer.CutString(4, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text, slicer.CutString(text.length(), false));
EXPECT_EQ(text + u"…", slicer.CutString(text.length(), true));
StringSlicer slicer_begin(text, ellipsis, false, true);
EXPECT_EQ(u"rld!", slicer_begin.CutString(4, false));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…rld!", slicer_begin.CutString(4, true));
StringSlicer slicer_mid(text, ellipsis, true, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"Held!", slicer_mid.CutString(5, false));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hel…d!", slicer_mid.CutString(5, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicerWhitespace_UseDefault) {
// Must store strings in variables (StringSlicer retains a reference to them).
std::u16string text(u"Hello, world!");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
// Eliding the end of a string should result in whitespace being removed
// before the ellipsis by default.
StringSlicer slicer_end(text, ellipsis, false, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello,…", slicer_end.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello,…", slicer_end.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello, w…", slicer_end.CutString(8, true));
// Eliding the start of a string should result in whitespace being removed
// after the ellipsis by default.
StringSlicer slicer_begin(text, ellipsis, false, true);
EXPECT_EQ(u"…world!", slicer_begin.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…world!", slicer_begin.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…, world!", slicer_begin.CutString(8, true));
// Eliding the middle of a string should *NOT* result in whitespace being
// removed around the ellipsis by default.
StringSlicer slicer_mid(text, ellipsis, true, false);
text = u"Hey world!";
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…ld!", slicer_mid.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey …ld!", slicer_mid.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey …rld!", slicer_mid.CutString(8, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicerWhitespace_NoTrim) {
// Must store strings in variables (StringSlicer retains a reference to them).
std::u16string text(u"Hello, world!");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
// Eliding the end of a string should not result in whitespace being removed
// before the ellipsis in no-trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_end(text, ellipsis, false, false, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello,…", slicer_end.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello, …", slicer_end.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello, w…", slicer_end.CutString(8, true));
// Eliding the start of a string should not result in whitespace being removed
// after the ellipsis in no-trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_begin(text, ellipsis, false, true, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"…world!", slicer_begin.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"… world!", slicer_begin.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…, world!", slicer_begin.CutString(8, true));
// Eliding the middle of a string should *NOT* result in whitespace being
// removed around the ellipsis in no-trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_mid(text, ellipsis, true, false, false);
text = u"Hey world!";
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…ld!", slicer_mid.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey …ld!", slicer_mid.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey …rld!", slicer_mid.CutString(8, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicerWhitespace_Trim) {
// Must store strings in variables (StringSlicer retains a reference to them).
std::u16string text(u"Hello, world!");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
// Eliding the end of a string should result in whitespace being removed
// before the ellipsis in trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_end(text, ellipsis, false, false, true);
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello,…", slicer_end.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello,…", slicer_end.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hello, w…", slicer_end.CutString(8, true));
// Eliding the start of a string should result in whitespace being removed
// after the ellipsis in trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_begin(text, ellipsis, false, true, true);
EXPECT_EQ(u"…world!", slicer_begin.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…world!", slicer_begin.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…, world!", slicer_begin.CutString(8, true));
// Eliding the middle of a string *should* result in whitespace being removed
// around the ellipsis in trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_mid(text, ellipsis, true, false, true);
text = u"Hey world!";
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…ld!", slicer_mid.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…ld!", slicer_mid.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…rld!", slicer_mid.CutString(8, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicer_ElideMiddle_MultipleWhitespace) {
// Must store strings in variables (StringSlicer retains a reference to them).
std::u16string text(u"Hello world!");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
// Eliding the middle of a string should not result in whitespace being
// removed around the ellipsis in default whitespace mode.
StringSlicer slicer_default(text, ellipsis, true, false);
text = u"Hey U man";
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…man", slicer_default.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey …man", slicer_default.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey … man", slicer_default.CutString(8, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey … man", slicer_default.CutString(9, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey … man", slicer_default.CutString(10, true));
// Eliding the middle of a string should not result in whitespace being
// removed around the ellipsis in no-trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_notrim(text, ellipsis, true, false, false);
text = u"Hey U man";
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…man", slicer_notrim.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey …man", slicer_notrim.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey … man", slicer_notrim.CutString(8, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey … man", slicer_notrim.CutString(9, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey … man", slicer_notrim.CutString(10, true));
// Eliding the middle of a string *should* result in whitespace being removed
// around the ellipsis in trim mode.
StringSlicer slicer_trim(text, ellipsis, true, false, true);
text = u"Hey U man";
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…man", slicer_trim.CutString(6, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…man", slicer_trim.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…man", slicer_trim.CutString(8, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…man", slicer_trim.CutString(9, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"Hey…man", slicer_trim.CutString(10, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicerSurrogate) {
// The below is 'MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF' (U+1D11E), which is represented in
// UTF-16 as two code units forming a surrogate pair: 0xD834 0xDD1E.
const std::u16string kSurrogate = u"\U0001d11e";
ASSERT_EQ(2u, kSurrogate.size());
ASSERT_EQ(u'\xD834', kSurrogate[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(u'\xDD1E', kSurrogate[1]);
std::u16string text(u"abc" + kSurrogate + u"xyz");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
StringSlicer slicer(text, ellipsis, false, false);
// Cut surrogate on the right. Should round left and exclude the surrogate.
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(0, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"abc…", slicer.CutString(4, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text + u"…", slicer.CutString(text.length(), true));
// Cut surrogate on the left. Should round right and exclude the surrogate.
StringSlicer slicer_begin(text, ellipsis, false, true);
EXPECT_EQ(u"…xyz", slicer_begin.CutString(4, true));
// Cut surrogate in the middle. Should round right and exclude the surrogate.
std::u16string short_text(u"abc" + kSurrogate);
StringSlicer slicer_mid(short_text, ellipsis, true, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"a…", slicer_mid.CutString(2, true));
// String that starts with a dangling trailing surrogate.
std::u16string dangling_trailing_text = kSurrogate.substr(1);
StringSlicer slicer_dangling_trailing(dangling_trailing_text, ellipsis, false,
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer_dangling_trailing.CutString(0, true));
EXPECT_EQ(dangling_trailing_text + u"…",
slicer_dangling_trailing.CutString(1, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicerCombining) {
// The following string contains three combining character sequences (one for
// each category of combining mark):
std::u16string text(u"e\u0301\u0327 x\u20e3 \u0921\u093f");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
StringSlicer slicer(text, ellipsis, false, false);
// Attempt to cut the string for all lengths. When a combining sequence is
// cut, it should always round left and exclude the combining sequence.
// Whitespace is also cut adjacent to the ellipsis.
// First sequence:
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(0, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(1, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(2, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text.substr(0, 3) + u"…", slicer.CutString(3, true));
// Second sequence:
EXPECT_EQ(text.substr(0, 3) + u"…", slicer.CutString(4, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text.substr(0, 3) + u"…", slicer.CutString(5, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text.substr(0, 6) + u"…", slicer.CutString(6, true));
// Third sequence:
EXPECT_EQ(text.substr(0, 6) + u"…", slicer.CutString(7, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text.substr(0, 6) + u"…", slicer.CutString(8, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text + u"…", slicer.CutString(9, true));
// Cut string in the middle, splitting the second sequence in half. Should
// round both left and right, excluding the second sequence.
StringSlicer slicer_mid(text, ellipsis, true, false);
EXPECT_EQ(text.substr(0, 4) + u"…" + text.substr(6),
slicer_mid.CutString(9, true));
// String that starts with a dangling combining mark.
char16_t dangling_mark_chars[] = {text[1], 0};
std::u16string dangling_mark_text(dangling_mark_chars);
StringSlicer slicer_dangling_mark(dangling_mark_text, ellipsis, false, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer_dangling_mark.CutString(0, true));
EXPECT_EQ(dangling_mark_text + u"…", slicer_dangling_mark.CutString(1, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, StringSlicerCombiningSurrogate) {
// The ultimate test: combining sequences comprised of surrogate pairs.
// The following string contains a single combining character sequence:
// Represented as four UTF-16 code units.
std::u16string text(u"\U0001d11e\U0001d16e");
std::u16string ellipsis(u"…");
StringSlicer slicer(text, ellipsis, false, false);
// Attempt to cut the string for all lengths. Should always round left and
// exclude the combining sequence.
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(0, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(1, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(2, true));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer.CutString(3, true));
EXPECT_EQ(text + u"…", slicer.CutString(4, true));
// Cut string in the middle. Should exclude the sequence.
StringSlicer slicer_mid(text, ellipsis, true, false);
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", slicer_mid.CutString(4, true));
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideString) {
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
size_t max_len;
bool result;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"Hello", 0, true, u""},
{u"", 0, false, u""},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 1, true, u"H"},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 2, true, u"He"},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 3, true, u"H.m"},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 4, true, u"H..m"},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 5, true, u"H...m"},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 6, true, u"He...m"},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 7, true, u""},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 10, true, u"Hell...Tom"},
{u"Hello, my name is Tom", 100, false, u"Hello, my name is Tom"}};
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
std::u16string output;
ElideString(cases[i].input, cases[i].max_len, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, output);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleText) {
const FontList font_list;
const int line_height = font_list.GetHeight();
const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(u"Test", font_list);
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
float available_pixel_width;
int available_pixel_height;
bool truncated_y;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"", 0, 0, false, nullptr},
{u"", 1, 1, false, nullptr},
{u"Test", test_width, 0, true, nullptr},
{u"Test", test_width, 1, false, u"Test"},
{u"Test", test_width, line_height, false, u"Test"},
{u"Test Test", test_width, line_height, true, u"Test"},
{u"Test Test", test_width, line_height + 1, false, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test Test", test_width, line_height * 2, false, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test Test", test_width, line_height * 3, false, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test Test", test_width * 2, line_height * 2, false, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test Test", test_width * 3, line_height, false, u"Test Test"},
{u"Test\nTest", test_width * 3, line_height * 2, false, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Te\nst Te", test_width, line_height * 3, false, u"Te|st|Te"},
{u"\nTest", test_width, line_height * 2, false, u"|Test"},
{u"\nTest", test_width, line_height, true, u""},
{u"\n\nTest", test_width, line_height * 3, false, u"||Test"},
{u"\n\nTest", test_width, line_height * 2, true, u"|"},
{u"Test\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, u"Test|"},
{u"Test\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, u"Test||"},
{u"Test\n\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false, u"Test|||"},
{u"Test\nTest\n\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false,
{u"Test\n\nTest\n", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false,
{u"Test\n\n\nTest", 2 * test_width, line_height * 5, false,
{u"Te ", test_width, line_height, false, u"Te"},
{u"Te Te Test", test_width, 3 * line_height, false, u"Te|Te|Test"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
std::vector<std::u16string> lines;
ElideRectangleText(cases[i].input, font_list,
if (cases[i].output) {
const std::u16string result = base::JoinString(lines, u"|");
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(lines.empty()) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleTextFirstWordTruncated) {
const FontList font_list;
const int line_height = font_list.GetHeight();
const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(u"Test", font_list);
const float tes_width = GetStringWidthF(u"Tes", font_list);
std::vector<std::u16string> lines;
auto result_for_width = [&](const char16_t* input, float width) {
return ElideRectangleText(input, font_list, width, line_height * 4,
// Test base case.
EXPECT_EQ(0, result_for_width(u"Test", test_width));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, lines.size());
EXPECT_EQ(u"Test", lines[0]);
// First word truncated.
result_for_width(u"Test", tes_width));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, lines.size());
EXPECT_EQ(u"Tes", lines[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"t", lines[1]);
// Two words truncated.
result_for_width(u"Test\nTest", tes_width));
EXPECT_EQ(4u, lines.size());
EXPECT_EQ(u"Tes", lines[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"t", lines[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"Tes", lines[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"t", lines[3]);
// Word truncated, but not the first.
EXPECT_EQ(0, result_for_width(u"T Test", tes_width));
EXPECT_EQ(3u, lines.size());
EXPECT_EQ(u"T", lines[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"Tes", lines[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"t", lines[2]);
// Leading \n.
EXPECT_EQ(0, result_for_width(u"\nTest", tes_width));
EXPECT_EQ(3u, lines.size());
EXPECT_EQ(u"", lines[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"Tes", lines[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(u"t", lines[2]);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleTextPunctuation) {
const FontList font_list;
const int line_height = font_list.GetHeight();
const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(u"Test", font_list);
const float test_t_width = GetStringWidthF(u"Test T", font_list);
constexpr int kResultMask =
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
float available_pixel_width;
int available_pixel_height;
bool wrap_words;
bool truncated_x;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"Test T.", test_t_width, line_height * 2, false, false, u"Test|T."},
{u"Test T ?", test_t_width, line_height * 2, false, false, u"Test|T ?"},
{u"Test. Test", test_width, line_height * 3, false, true, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test. Test", test_width, line_height * 3, true, false, u"Test|.|Test"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
std::vector<std::u16string> lines;
const WordWrapBehavior wrap_behavior =
(cases[i].wrap_words ? WRAP_LONG_WORDS : TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS);
cases[i].input, font_list, cases[i].available_pixel_width,
cases[i].available_pixel_height, wrap_behavior, &lines) &
if (cases[i].output) {
const std::u16string result = base::JoinString(lines, u"|");
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(lines.empty()) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleTextLongWords) {
const FontList font_list;
const int kAvailableHeight = 1000;
const std::u16string kElidedTesting = u"Tes…";
const float elided_width = GetStringWidthF(kElidedTesting, font_list);
const float test_width = GetStringWidthF(u"Test", font_list);
constexpr int kResultMask =
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
float available_pixel_width;
WordWrapBehavior wrap_behavior;
bool truncated_x;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Testing"},
{u"X Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, u"X|Testing"},
{u"Test Testing", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Testing"},
{u"Test\nTesting", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Testing"},
{u"Test Tests ", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Tests"},
{u"Test Tests T", test_width, IGNORE_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Tests|T"},
{u"Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Tes…"},
{u"X Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"X|Tes…"},
{u"Test Testing", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Test|Tes…"},
{u"Test\nTesting", elided_width, ELIDE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Test|Tes…"},
{u"Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Test"},
{u"X Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"X|Test"},
{u"Test Testing", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test\nTesting", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test Tests ", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Test|Test"},
{u"Test Tests T", test_width, TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS, true, u"Test|Test|T"},
{u"Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|ing"},
{u"X Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, u"X|Test|ing"},
{u"Test Testing", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Test|ing"},
{u"Test\nTesting", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Test|ing"},
{u"Test Tests ", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Test|s"},
{u"Test Tests T", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Test|s T"},
{u"TestTestTest", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false, u"Test|Test|Test"},
{u"TestTestTestT", test_width, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, false,
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
std::vector<std::u16string> lines;
cases[i].input, font_list, cases[i].available_pixel_width,
kAvailableHeight, cases[i].wrap_behavior, &lines) &
std::u16string expected_output(cases[i].output);
const std::u16string result = base::JoinString(lines, u"|");
EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, result) << "Case " << i << " failed!";
// This test is to make sure that the width of each wrapped line does not
// exceed the available width. On some platform like Mac, this test used to
// fail because the truncated integer width is returned for the string
// and the accumulation of the truncated values causes the elide function
// to wrap incorrectly.
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleTextCheckLineWidth) {
FontList font_list;
// Use a specific font to expose the line width exceeding problem.
font_list = FontList(Font("LucidaGrande", 12));
const float kAvailableWidth = 235;
const int kAvailableHeight = 1000;
const char16_t text[] = u"that Russian place we used to go to after fencing";
std::vector<std::u16string> lines;
EXPECT_EQ(0, ElideRectangleText(text, font_list, kAvailableWidth,
kAvailableHeight, WRAP_LONG_WORDS, &lines));
ASSERT_EQ(2u, lines.size());
EXPECT_LE(GetStringWidthF(lines[0], font_list), kAvailableWidth);
EXPECT_LE(GetStringWidthF(lines[1], font_list), kAvailableWidth);
// This test was created specifically to test a message from
// It tests that width of concatenation of words equals sum of widths of the
// words.
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleTextCheckConcatWidthEqualsSumOfWidths) {
FontList font_list;
font_list = FontList("Noto Sans UI,ui-sans, 12px");
#define WIDTH(x) GetStringWidthF((x), font_list)
EXPECT_EQ(WIDTH(u"The administrator for this account has"),
WIDTH(u"The ") + WIDTH(u"administrator ") + WIDTH(u"for ") +
WIDTH(u"this ") + WIDTH(u"account ") + WIDTH(u"has"));
#undef WIDTH
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleString) {
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
int max_rows;
int max_cols;
bool result;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"", 0, 0, false, u""},
{u"", 1, 1, false, u""},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 0, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 0, true, u"\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 1, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 1, true, u"H\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 1, true, u"H\ni\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 1, true, u"H\ni\n,\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 1, true, u"H\ni\n,\n \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 1, true, u"H\ni\n,\n \nm\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 2, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 2, true, u"Hi\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \nmy\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \nmy\n n\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \nmy\n n\nam\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 0, 3, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 3, true, u"Hi,\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n na\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n na\nme \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n na\nme \nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 4, true, u"Hi, \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 4, true, u"Hi, \nmy n\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 4, true, u"Hi, \nmy n\name \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 4, true, u"Hi, \nmy n\name \nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 4, false, u"Hi, \nmy n\name \nis\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 5, true, u"Hi, \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 5, true, u"Hi, \nmy na\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 5, true, u"Hi, \nmy na\nme \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 5, true, u"Hi, \nmy na\nme \nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 5, false, u"Hi, \nmy na\nme \nis\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 6, true, u"Hi, \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 6, true, u"Hi, \nmy \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 6, true, u"Hi, \nmy \nname \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 6, true, u"Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 6, false, u"Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 7, true, u"Hi, \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 7, true, u"Hi, \nmy \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 7, true, u"Hi, \nmy \nname \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 7, true, u"Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 5, 7, false, u"Hi, \nmy \nname \nis\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 8, true, u"Hi, my \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 8, true, u"Hi, my \nname \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 8, true, u"Hi, my \nname \nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 4, 8, false, u"Hi, my \nname \nis\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 9, true, u"Hi, my \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 9, true, u"Hi, my \nname is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 9, false, u"Hi, my \nname is\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 10, true, u"Hi, my \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 10, true, u"Hi, my \nname is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 10, false, u"Hi, my \nname is\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 11, true, u"Hi, my \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 11, true, u"Hi, my \nname is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 11, false, u"Hi, my \nname is\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 12, true, u"Hi, my \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 12, true, u"Hi, my \nname is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 12, false, u"Hi, my \nname is\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 13, true, u"Hi, my name \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 13, true, u"Hi, my name \nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 3, 13, false, u"Hi, my name \nis\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 1, 20, true, u"Hi, my name is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name is\nTom", 2, 20, false, u"Hi, my name is\nTom"},
{u"Hi, my name is Tom", 1, 40, false, u"Hi, my name is Tom"},
std::u16string output;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
ElideRectangleString(cases[i].input, cases[i].max_rows,
cases[i].max_cols, true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, output);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleStringNotStrict) {
struct TestData {
const char16_t* input;
int max_rows;
int max_cols;
bool result;
const char16_t* output;
} cases[] = {
{u"", 0, 0, false, u""},
{u"", 1, 1, false, u""},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 0, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 0, true, u"\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 1, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 1, true, u"H\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 1, true, u"H\ni\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 1, true, u"H\ni\n,\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 1, true, u"H\ni\n,\n \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 1, true, u"H\ni\n,\n \nm\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 2, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 2, true, u"Hi\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \nmy\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \nmy\n n\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 2, true, u"Hi\n, \nmy\n n\nam\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 0, 3, true, u"..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 3, true, u"Hi,\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n na\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n na\nme_\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 3, true, u"Hi,\n my\n na\nme_\nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 4, true, u"Hi, ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 4, true, u"Hi, my n\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 4, true, u"Hi, my n\name_\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 4, true, u"Hi, my n\name_\nis\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 4, false, u"Hi, my n\name_\nis\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 5, true, u"Hi, ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 5, true, u"Hi, my na\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 5, true, u"Hi, my na\nme_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 5, true, u"Hi, my na\nme_is\n\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 5, false, u"Hi, my na\nme_is\n\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 6, true, u"Hi, ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 6, true, u"Hi, my nam\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 6, true, u"Hi, my nam\ne_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 6, false, u"Hi, my nam\ne_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 6, false, u"Hi, my nam\ne_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 7, true, u"Hi, ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 7, true, u"Hi, my name\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 7, true, u"Hi, my name\n_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 4, 7, false, u"Hi, my name\n_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 5, 7, false, u"Hi, my name\n_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 8, true, u"Hi, my n\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 8, true, u"Hi, my n\name_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 8, false, u"Hi, my n\name_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 9, true, u"Hi, my ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 9, true, u"Hi, my name_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 9, false, u"Hi, my name_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 10, true, u"Hi, my ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 10, true, u"Hi, my name_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 10, false, u"Hi, my name_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 11, true, u"Hi, my ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 11, true, u"Hi, my name_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 11, false, u"Hi, my name_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 12, true, u"Hi, my ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 12, true, u"Hi, my name_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 12, false, u"Hi, my name_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 13, true, u"Hi, my ..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 13, true, u"Hi, my name_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 3, 13, false, u"Hi, my name_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 1, 20, true, u"Hi, my name_is\n..."},
{u"Hi, my name_is\nDick", 2, 20, false, u"Hi, my name_is\nDick"},
{u"Hi, my name_is Dick", 1, 40, false, u"Hi, my name_is Dick"},
std::u16string output;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(cases); ++i) {
ElideRectangleString(cases[i].input, cases[i].max_rows,
cases[i].max_cols, false, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].output, output);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleWide16) {
// Two greek words separated by space.
const std::u16string str(u"Παγκόσμιος Ιστός");
const std::u16string out1(u"Παγκ\nόσμι\n...");
const std::u16string out2(u"Παγκόσμιος \nΙστός");
std::u16string output;
EXPECT_TRUE(ElideRectangleString(str, 2, 4, true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(out1, output);
EXPECT_FALSE(ElideRectangleString(str, 2, 12, true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(out2, output);
TEST(TextEliderTest, ElideRectangleWide32) {
const std::u16string str(u"𝒜𝒜𝒜𝒜 aaaaa");
const std::u16string out(u"𝒜𝒜𝒜\n𝒜 \naaa\n...");
std::u16string output;
EXPECT_TRUE(ElideRectangleString(str, 3, 3, true, &output));
EXPECT_EQ(out, output);
TEST(TextEliderTest, TruncateString) {
std::u16string str = u"fooooey bxxxar baz ";
// Test breaking at character 0.
EXPECT_EQ(std::u16string(), TruncateString(str, 0, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(std::u16string(), TruncateString(str, 0, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking at character 1.
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str, 1, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str, 1, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking in the middle of the first word.
EXPECT_EQ(u"f…", TruncateString(str, 2, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"f…", TruncateString(str, 2, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking in between words.
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey…", TruncateString(str, 9, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey…", TruncateString(str, 9, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking at the start of a later word.
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey…", TruncateString(str, 11, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey…", TruncateString(str, 11, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking in the middle of a word.
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey…", TruncateString(str, 12, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey…", TruncateString(str, 12, CHARACTER_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey…", TruncateString(str, 14, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey bx…", TruncateString(str, 14, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking in whitespace at the end of the string.
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey bxxxar baz…", TruncateString(str, 22, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"fooooey bxxxar baz…",
TruncateString(str, 22, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking at the end of the string.
EXPECT_EQ(str, TruncateString(str, str.length(), WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(str, TruncateString(str, str.length(), CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking past the end of the string.
EXPECT_EQ(str, TruncateString(str, str.length() + 10, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(str, TruncateString(str, str.length() + 10, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Tests of strings with leading whitespace:
std::u16string str2 = u" foo";
// Test breaking in leading whitespace.
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str2, 2, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str2, 2, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking at the beginning of the first word, with leading whitespace.
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str2, 3, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str2, 3, CHARACTER_BREAK));
// Test breaking in the middle of the first word, with leading whitespace.
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str2, 4, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u"…", TruncateString(str2, 4, CHARACTER_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u" f…", TruncateString(str2, 5, WORD_BREAK));
EXPECT_EQ(u" f…", TruncateString(str2, 5, CHARACTER_BREAK));
} // namespace gfx