blob: 010497183adcb95151afb7da33b98009d6a4a7ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/browser/lifecycle_console_commands.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "starboard/system.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace browser {
const char kBlurCommand[] = "blur";
const char kBlurCommandShortHelp[] = "Sends a request to blur Cobalt.";
const char kBlurCommandLongHelp[] =
"Sends a request to the platform to blur Cobalt, indicating that it is "
"not in focus and sending a blur event to the web application.";
const char kFocusCommand[] = "focus";
const char kFocusCommandShortHelp[] = "Sends a request to focus Cobalt.";
const char kFocusCommandLongHelp[] =
"Sends a request to the platform to focus Cobalt, resulting in a Focus "
"event being sent to the web application.";
const char kConcealCommand[] = "conceal";
const char kConcealCommandShortHelp[] = "Sends a request to conceal Cobalt.";
const char kConcealCommandLongHelp[] =
"Sends a request to the platform to conceal Cobalt, indicating that it is "
"not visible and sending a hidden event to the web application. Note that "
"Cobalt may become unresponsive after this call in which case you will "
"need to resume it in a platform-specific way.";
const char kFreezeCommand[] = "freeze";
const char kFreezeCommandShortHelp[] = "Sends a request to freeze Cobalt.";
const char kFreezeCommandLongHelp[] =
"Sends a request to the platform to freeze Cobalt, indicating that it is "
"not visible, sending a hidden event to the web application, and halt "
"processing. Note that Cobalt may become unresponsive after this call in "
"which case you will need to resume it in a platform-specific way.";
const char kRevealCommand[] = "reveal";
const char kRevealCommandShortHelp[] = "Sends a request to reveal Cobalt.";
const char kRevealCommandLongHelp[] =
"Sends a request to the platform to reveal Cobalt, indicating that it is "
"visible but not focues, and sending a visible event to the web "
"application. Note that "
"Cobalt may be unresponsive in which case you will need to "
"resume it in a platform-specific way.";
const char kQuitCommand[] = "quit";
const char kQuitCommandShortHelp[] = "Sends a request to stop Cobalt.";
const char kQuitCommandLongHelp[] =
"Sends a request to the platform to stop Cobalt, shutting it down and "
"ending the process (peacefully).";
namespace {
void OnBlur(const std::string&) { SbSystemRequestBlur(); }
void OnFocus(const std::string&) { SbSystemRequestFocus(); }
void OnConceal(const std::string&) {
<< "Concealing Cobalt through the console. Note that Cobalt may "
"become unresponsive after this call in which case you will "
"need to resume it in a platform-specific way.";
void OnFreeze(const std::string&) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Freezing Cobalt through the console. Note that Cobalt may "
"become unresponsive after this call in which case you will "
"need to resume it in a platform-specific way.";
void OnReveal(const std::string&) { SbSystemRequestReveal(); }
void OnQuit(const std::string& /*message*/) { SbSystemRequestStop(0); }
} // namespace
: blur_command_handler_(kBlurCommand, base::Bind(OnBlur),
kBlurCommandShortHelp, kBlurCommandLongHelp),
focus_command_handler_(kFocusCommand, base::Bind(OnFocus),
kFocusCommandShortHelp, kFocusCommandLongHelp),
conceal_command_handler_(kConcealCommand, base::Bind(OnConceal),
freeze_command_handler_(kFreezeCommand, base::Bind(OnFreeze),
kFreezeCommandShortHelp, kFreezeCommandLongHelp),
reveal_command_handler_(kRevealCommand, base::Bind(OnReveal),
kRevealCommandShortHelp, kRevealCommandLongHelp),
quit_command_handler_(kQuitCommand, base::Bind(OnQuit),
kQuitCommandShortHelp, kQuitCommandLongHelp) {}
} // namespace browser
} // namespace cobalt