blob: deb2feafda572439fd6e4b60e1e662399bb3a676 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/profiler/stack_sampling_profiler.h"
#include "base/sampling_heap_profiler/module_cache.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/metrics/call_stack_profile_params.h"
#include "components/metrics/child_call_stack_profile_collector.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/sampled_profile.pb.h"
namespace metrics {
class SampledProfile;
// An instance of the class is meant to be passed to base::StackSamplingProfiler
// to collect profiles. The profiles collected are uploaded via the metrics log.
class CallStackProfileBuilder
: public base::StackSamplingProfiler::ProfileBuilder {
// Frame represents an individual sampled stack frame with module information.
struct Frame {
Frame(uintptr_t instruction_pointer, size_t module_index);
// Default constructor to satisfy IPC macros. Do not use explicitly.
// The sampled instruction pointer within the function.
uintptr_t instruction_pointer;
// Index of the module in the associated vector of mofules. We don't
// represent module state directly here to save space.
size_t module_index;
// Sample represents a set of stack frames with some extra information.
struct Sample {
Sample(const Sample& sample);
// These constructors are used only during testing.
Sample(const Frame& frame);
Sample(const std::vector<Frame>& frames);
// The entire stack frame when the sample is taken.
std::vector<Frame> frames;
// A bit-field indicating which process milestones have passed. This can be
// used to tell where in the process lifetime the samples are taken. Just
// as a "lifetime" can only move forward, these bits mark the milestones of
// the processes life as they occur. Bits can be set but never reset. The
// actual definition of the individual bits is left to the user of this
// module.
uint32_t process_milestones = 0;
// These milestones of a process lifetime can be passed as process "mile-
// stones" to CallStackProfileBuilder::SetProcessMilestone(). Be sure to
// update the translation constants at the top of the .cc file when this is
// changed.
enum Milestones : int {
// |completed_callback| is made when sampling a profile completes. Other
// threads, including the UI thread, may block on callback completion so this
// should run as quickly as possible.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: The callback is invoked on a thread the profiler
// constructs, rather than on the thread used to construct the profiler, and
// thus the callback must be callable on any thread.
const CallStackProfileParams& profile_params,
base::OnceClosure completed_callback = base::OnceClosure());
~CallStackProfileBuilder() override;
// base::StackSamplingProfiler::ProfileBuilder:
void RecordAnnotations() override;
void OnSampleCompleted(
std::vector<base::StackSamplingProfiler::Frame> frames) override;
void OnProfileCompleted(base::TimeDelta profile_duration,
base::TimeDelta sampling_period) override;
// Sets the callback to use for reporting browser process profiles. This
// indirection is required to avoid a dependency on unnecessary metrics code
// in child processes.
static void SetBrowserProcessReceiverCallback(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(base::TimeTicks, SampledProfile)>&
// Sets the current system state that is recorded with each captured stack
// frame. This is thread-safe so can be called from anywhere. The parameter
// value should be from an enumeration of the appropriate type with values
// ranging from 0 to 31, inclusive. This sets bits within Sample field of
// |process_milestones|. The actual meanings of these bits are defined
// (globally) by the caller(s).
static void SetProcessMilestone(int milestone);
// Sets the CallStackProfileCollector interface from |browser_interface|.
// This function must be called within child processes.
static void SetParentProfileCollectorForChildProcess(
metrics::mojom::CallStackProfileCollectorPtr browser_interface);
// Test seam.
virtual void PassProfilesToMetricsProvider(SampledProfile sampled_profile);
// The collected stack samples in proto buffer message format.
CallStackProfile proto_profile_;
// The current sample being recorded.
Sample sample_;
// The indexes of samples, indexed by the sample.
std::map<Sample, int> sample_index_;
// The indexes of modules, indexed by module's base_address.
std::map<uintptr_t, size_t> module_index_;
// The distinct modules in the current profile.
std::vector<base::ModuleCache::Module> modules_;
// The process milestones of a previous sample.
uint32_t milestones_ = 0;
// Callback made when sampling a profile completes.
base::OnceClosure completed_callback_;
// The parameters associated with the sampled profile.
const CallStackProfileParams profile_params_;
// The start time of a profile collection.
const base::TimeTicks profile_start_time_;
} // namespace metrics