blob: 45553c9ca73cfa2daa1cdd8dc1ba78aa7f0b6ee2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/dns/dns_query.h"
#include "base/big_endian.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_protocol.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_util.h"
#include "net/dns/record_rdata.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
const size_t kHeaderSize = sizeof(dns_protocol::Header);
// Size of the fixed part of an OPT RR:
static const size_t kOptRRFixedSize = 11;
// TODO(robpercival): Determine a good value for this programmatically.
const uint16_t kMaxUdpPayloadSize = 4096;
size_t OptRecordSize(const OptRecordRdata* rdata) {
return rdata == nullptr ? 0 : kOptRRFixedSize + rdata->buf().size();
} // namespace
// DNS query consists of a 12-byte header followed by a question section.
// For details, see RFC 1035 section 4.1.1. This header template sets RD
// bit, which directs the name server to pursue query recursively, and sets
// the QDCOUNT to 1, meaning the question section has a single entry.
DnsQuery::DnsQuery(uint16_t id,
const base::StringPiece& qname,
uint16_t qtype,
const OptRecordRdata* opt_rdata)
: qname_size_(qname.size()),
kHeaderSize + question_size() + OptRecordSize(opt_rdata))),
header_(reinterpret_cast<dns_protocol::Header*>(io_buffer_->data())) {
*header_ = {};
header_->id = base::HostToNet16(id);
header_->flags = base::HostToNet16(dns_protocol::kFlagRD);
header_->qdcount = base::HostToNet16(1);
// Write question section after the header.
base::BigEndianWriter writer(io_buffer_->data() + kHeaderSize,
io_buffer_->size() - kHeaderSize);
writer.WriteBytes(, qname.size());
if (opt_rdata != nullptr) {
header_->arcount = base::HostToNet16(1);
// Write OPT pseudo-resource record.
writer.WriteU8(0); // empty domain name (root domain)
writer.WriteU16(OptRecordRdata::kType); // type
writer.WriteU16(kMaxUdpPayloadSize); // class
// ttl (next 3 fields)
writer.WriteU8(0); // rcode does not apply to requests
writer.WriteU8(0); // version
// TODO(robpercival): Set "DNSSEC OK" flag if/when DNSSEC is supported:
writer.WriteU16(0); // flags
// rdata
writer.WriteU16(opt_rdata->buf().size()); // rdata length
writer.WriteBytes(opt_rdata->buf().data(), opt_rdata->buf().size());
DnsQuery::DnsQuery(scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> buffer)
: io_buffer_(std::move(buffer)) {}
DnsQuery::~DnsQuery() = default;
std::unique_ptr<DnsQuery> DnsQuery::CloneWithNewId(uint16_t id) const {
return base::WrapUnique(new DnsQuery(*this, id));
bool DnsQuery::Parse() {
if (io_buffer_ == nullptr || io_buffer_->data() == nullptr) {
return false;
// We should only parse the query once if the query is constructed from a raw
// buffer. If we have constructed the query from data or the query is already
// parsed after constructed from a raw buffer, |header_| is not null.
DCHECK(header_ == nullptr);
base::BigEndianReader reader(io_buffer_->data(), io_buffer_->size());
dns_protocol::Header header;
if (!ReadHeader(&reader, &header)) {
return false;
if (header.flags & dns_protocol::kFlagResponse) {
return false;
if (header.qdcount > 1) {
VLOG(1) << "Not supporting parsing a DNS query with multiple questions.";
return false;
std::string qname;
if (!ReadName(&reader, &qname)) {
return false;
uint16_t qtype;
uint16_t qclass;
if (!reader.ReadU16(&qtype) || !reader.ReadU16(&qclass) ||
qclass != dns_protocol::kClassIN) {
return false;
// |io_buffer_| now contains the raw packet of a valid DNS query, we just
// need to properly initialize |qname_size_| and |header_|.
qname_size_ = qname.size();
header_ = reinterpret_cast<dns_protocol::Header*>(io_buffer_->data());
return true;
uint16_t DnsQuery::id() const {
return base::NetToHost16(header_->id);
base::StringPiece DnsQuery::qname() const {
return base::StringPiece(io_buffer_->data() + kHeaderSize, qname_size_);
uint16_t DnsQuery::qtype() const {
uint16_t type;
base::ReadBigEndian<uint16_t>(io_buffer_->data() + kHeaderSize + qname_size_,
return type;
base::StringPiece DnsQuery::question() const {
return base::StringPiece(io_buffer_->data() + kHeaderSize, question_size());
void DnsQuery::set_flags(uint16_t flags) {
header_->flags = flags;
DnsQuery::DnsQuery(const DnsQuery& orig, uint16_t id) {
qname_size_ = orig.qname_size_;
io_buffer_ = base::MakeRefCounted<IOBufferWithSize>(orig.io_buffer()->size());
memcpy(io_buffer_.get()->data(), orig.io_buffer()->data(),
header_ = reinterpret_cast<dns_protocol::Header*>(io_buffer_->data());
header_->id = base::HostToNet16(id);
bool DnsQuery::ReadHeader(base::BigEndianReader* reader,
dns_protocol::Header* header) {
return (
reader->ReadU16(&header->id) && reader->ReadU16(&header->flags) &&
reader->ReadU16(&header->qdcount) && reader->ReadU16(&header->ancount) &&
reader->ReadU16(&header->nscount) && reader->ReadU16(&header->arcount));
bool DnsQuery::ReadName(base::BigEndianReader* reader, std::string* out) {
DCHECK(out != nullptr);
uint8_t label_length;
if (!reader->ReadU8(&label_length)) {
return false;
out->append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&label_length), 1);
while (label_length) {
base::StringPiece label;
if (!reader->ReadPiece(&label, label_length)) {
return false;
out->append(, label.size());
if (!reader->ReadU8(&label_length)) {
return false;
out->append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&label_length), 1);
return true;
} // namespace net