blob: 7cc4b74e3e34d8fa29f8bb21257af1cfd7ed3d5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @implements {UI.ListWidget.Delegate}
* @unrestricted
Emulation.GeolocationsSettingsTab = class extends UI.VBox {
constructor() {
this.contentElement.createChild('div', 'header').textContent = Common.UIString('Custom Geolocations');
const addButton = UI.createTextButton(
Common.UIString('Add location...'), this._addButtonClicked.bind(this), 'add-geolocations-button');
this._list = new UI.ListWidget(this);
this._customSetting = Common.moduleSetting('emulation.geolocations');
this._customSetting.addChangeListener(this._geolocationsUpdated, this);
* @override
wasShown() {
_geolocationsUpdated() {
const conditions = this._customSetting.get();
for (let i = 0; i < conditions.length; ++i) {
this._list.appendItem(conditions[i], true);
_addButtonClicked() {
this._list.addNewItem(this._customSetting.get().length, {title: '', lat: 0, long: 0, timezoneId: ''});
* @override
* @param {*} item
* @param {boolean} editable
* @return {!Element}
renderItem(item, editable) {
const geolocation = /** @type {!Emulation.GeolocationsSettingsTab.Item} */ (item);
const element = createElementWithClass('div', 'geolocations-list-item');
const title = element.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text geolocations-list-title');
const titleText = title.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-title-text');
titleText.textContent = geolocation.title;
titleText.title = geolocation.title;
element.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator');
element.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text').textContent =;
element.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator');
element.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text').textContent = geolocation.long;
element.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator');
element.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text').textContent = geolocation.timezoneId;
return element;
* @override
* @param {*} item
* @param {number} index
removeItemRequested(item, index) {
const list = this._customSetting.get();
list.splice(index, 1);
* @override
* @param {*} item
* @param {!UI.ListWidget.Editor} editor
* @param {boolean} isNew
commitEdit(item, editor, isNew) {
const geolocation = /** @type {?Emulation.GeolocationsSettingsTab.Item} */ (item);
geolocation.title = editor.control('title').value.trim();
const lat = editor.control('lat').value.trim(); = lat ? parseFloat(lat) : 0;
const long = editor.control('long').value.trim();
geolocation.long = long ? parseFloat(long) : 0;
const timezoneId = editor.control('timezoneId').value.trim();
geolocation.timezoneId = timezoneId;
const list = this._customSetting.get();
if (isNew) {
* @override
* @param {*} item
* @return {!UI.ListWidget.Editor}
beginEdit(item) {
const geolocation = /** @type {?Emulation.GeolocationsSettingsTab.Item} */ (item);
const editor = this._createEditor();
editor.control('title').value = geolocation.title;
editor.control('lat').value = String(;
editor.control('long').value = String(geolocation.long);
editor.control('timezoneId').value = String(geolocation.timezoneId);
return editor;
* @return {!UI.ListWidget.Editor}
_createEditor() {
if (this._editor) {
return this._editor;
const editor = new UI.ListWidget.Editor();
this._editor = editor;
const content = editor.contentElement();
const titles = content.createChild('div', 'geolocations-edit-row');
titles.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text geolocations-list-title').textContent =
Common.UIString('Location name');
titles.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator geolocations-list-separator-invisible');
titles.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text').textContent = Common.UIString('Lat');
titles.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator geolocations-list-separator-invisible');
titles.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text').textContent = Common.UIString('Long');
titles.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator geolocations-list-separator-invisible');
titles.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text').textContent = Common.UIString('Timezone ID');
const fields = content.createChild('div', 'geolocations-edit-row');
fields.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text geolocations-list-title')
.appendChild(editor.createInput('title', 'text', ls`Location name`, titleValidator));
fields.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator geolocations-list-separator-invisible');
let cell = fields.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text');
cell.appendChild(editor.createInput('lat', 'text', ls`Latitude`, latValidator));
fields.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-separator geolocations-list-separator-invisible');
cell = fields.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text');
cell.appendChild(editor.createInput('long', 'text', ls`Longitude`, longValidator));
cell = fields.createChild('div', 'geolocations-list-text');
cell.appendChild(editor.createInput('timezoneId', 'text', ls`Timezone ID`, timezoneIdValidator));
return editor;
* @param {*} item
* @param {number} index
* @param {!HTMLInputElement|!HTMLSelectElement} input
* @return {!UI.ListWidget.ValidatorResult}
function titleValidator(item, index, input) {
const maxLength = 50;
const value = input.value.trim();
let errorMessage;
if (!value.length) {
errorMessage = ls`Location name cannot be empty`;
} else if (value.length > maxLength) {
errorMessage = ls`Location name must be less than ${maxLength} characters`;
if (errorMessage) {
return {valid: false, errorMessage};
return {valid: true};
* @param {*} item
* @param {number} index
* @param {!HTMLInputElement|!HTMLSelectElement} input
* @return {!UI.ListWidget.ValidatorResult}
function latValidator(item, index, input) {
const minLat = -90;
const maxLat = 90;
const value = input.value.trim();
const parsedValue = Number(value);
if (!value) {
return {valid: true};
let errorMessage;
if (Number.isNaN(parsedValue)) {
errorMessage = ls`Latitude must be a number`;
} else if (parseFloat(value) < minLat) {
errorMessage = ls`Latitude must be greater than or equal to ${minLat}`;
} else if (parseFloat(value) > maxLat) {
errorMessage = ls`Latitude must be less than or equal to ${maxLat}`;
if (errorMessage) {
return {valid: false, errorMessage};
return {valid: true};
* @param {*} item
* @param {number} index
* @param {!HTMLInputElement|!HTMLSelectElement} input
* @return {!UI.ListWidget.ValidatorResult}
function longValidator(item, index, input) {
const minLong = -180;
const maxLong = 180;
const value = input.value.trim();
const parsedValue = Number(value);
if (!value) {
return {valid: true};
let errorMessage;
if (Number.isNaN(parsedValue)) {
errorMessage = ls`Longitude must be a number`;
} else if (parseFloat(value) < minLong) {
errorMessage = ls`Longitude must be greater than or equal to ${minLong}`;
} else if (parseFloat(value) > maxLong) {
errorMessage = ls`Longitude must be less than or equal to ${maxLong}`;
if (errorMessage) {
return {valid: false, errorMessage};
return {valid: true};
* @param {*} item
* @param {number} index
* @param {!HTMLInputElement|!HTMLSelectElement} input
* @return {!UI.ListWidget.ValidatorResult}
function timezoneIdValidator(item, index, input) {
const value = input.value.trim();
// Chromium uses ICU's timezone implementation, which is very
// liberal in what it accepts. ICU does not simply use an allowlist
// but instead tries to make sense of the input, even for
// weird-looking timezone IDs. There's not much point in validating
// the input other than checking if it contains at least one alphabet.
// The empty string resets the override, and is accepted as well.
if (value === '' || /[a-zA-Z]/.test(value)) {
return {valid: true};
const errorMessage = ls`Timezone ID must contain alphabet letters`;
return {valid: false, errorMessage};
/** @typedef {{title: string, lat: number, long: number}} */