blob: bcbd29f14303316af39144201eb15fb597038c58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export default class JavaScriptREPL {
* @param {string} code
* @return {string}
static wrapObjectLiteral(code) {
// Only parenthesize what appears to be an object literal.
if (!(/^\s*\{/.test(code) && /\}\s*$/.test(code))) {
return code;
const parse = (async () => 0).constructor;
try {
// Check if the code can be interpreted as an expression.
parse('return ' + code + ';');
// No syntax error! Does it work parenthesized?
const wrappedCode = '(' + code + ')';
return wrappedCode;
} catch (e) {
return code;
* @param {string} text
* @return {!Promise<!{text: string, preprocessed: boolean}>}
static async preprocessExpression(text) {
text = JavaScriptREPL.wrapObjectLiteral(text);
let preprocessed = false;
if (text.indexOf('await') !== -1) {
const preprocessedText = await Formatter.formatterWorkerPool().preprocessTopLevelAwaitExpressions(text);
preprocessed = !!preprocessedText;
text = preprocessedText || text;
return {text, preprocessed};
* @param {string} text
* @param {boolean} throwOnSideEffect
* @param {number=} timeout
* @param {boolean=} allowErrors
* @param {string=} objectGroup
* @return {!Promise<!{preview: !DocumentFragment, result: ?SDK.RuntimeModel.EvaluationResult}>}
static async evaluateAndBuildPreview(text, throwOnSideEffect, timeout, allowErrors, objectGroup) {
const executionContext = UI.context.flavor(SDK.ExecutionContext);
const isTextLong = text.length > ObjectUI.JavaScriptREPL._MaxLengthForEvaluation;
if (!text || !executionContext || (throwOnSideEffect && isTextLong)) {
return {preview: createDocumentFragment(), result: null};
const wrappedResult = await JavaScriptREPL.preprocessExpression(text);
const options = {
expression: wrappedResult.text,
generatePreview: true,
includeCommandLineAPI: true,
throwOnSideEffect: throwOnSideEffect,
timeout: timeout,
objectGroup: objectGroup,
disableBreaks: true
const result = await executionContext.evaluate(
options, false /* userGesture */, wrappedResult.preprocessed /* awaitPromise */);
const preview = JavaScriptREPL._buildEvaluationPreview(result, allowErrors);
return {preview, result};
* @param {!SDK.RuntimeModel.EvaluationResult} result
* @param {boolean=} allowErrors
* @return {!DocumentFragment}
static _buildEvaluationPreview(result, allowErrors) {
const fragment = createDocumentFragment();
if (result.error) {
return fragment;
if (result.exceptionDetails && result.exceptionDetails.exception && result.exceptionDetails.exception.description) {
const exception = result.exceptionDetails.exception.description;
if (exception.startsWith('TypeError: ') || allowErrors) {
fragment.createChild('span').textContent = result.exceptionDetails.text + ' ' + exception;
return fragment;
const formatter = new ObjectUI.RemoteObjectPreviewFormatter();
const {preview, type, subtype, description} = result.object;
if (preview && type === 'object' && subtype !== 'node') {
formatter.appendObjectPreview(fragment, preview, false /* isEntry */);
} else {
const nonObjectPreview = formatter.renderPropertyPreview(type, subtype, description.trimEndWithMaxLength(400));
return fragment;
* @const
* @type {number}
export const _MaxLengthForEvaluation = 2000;
/* Legacy exported object */
self.ObjectUI = self.ObjectUI || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
ObjectUI = ObjectUI || {};
/** @constructor */
ObjectUI.JavaScriptREPL = JavaScriptREPL;
ObjectUI.JavaScriptREPL._MaxLengthForEvaluation = _MaxLengthForEvaluation;