blob: 89bc3c71343d0f63ba559c51058401f7d50cbb76 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _STDIO_IMPL_H
#define _STDIO_IMPL_H
#include <stdio.h>
// When STARBOARD is defined we only want to include the definition of _IO_FILE,
// a.k.a. FILE, along with a few constants used when working with wide strings.
#include "syscall.h"
#define UNGET 8
#define FFINALLOCK(f) ((f)->lock>=0 ? __lockfile((f)) : 0)
#define FLOCK(f) int __need_unlock = ((f)->lock>=0 ? __lockfile((f)) : 0)
#define FUNLOCK(f) do { if (__need_unlock) __unlockfile((f)); } while (0)
#endif // STARBOARD
#define F_PERM 1
#define F_NORD 4
#define F_NOWR 8
#define F_EOF 16
#define F_ERR 32
#define F_SVB 64
#define F_APP 128
struct _IO_FILE {
unsigned flags;
unsigned char *rpos, *rend;
int (*close)(FILE *);
unsigned char *wend, *wpos;
unsigned char *mustbezero_1;
unsigned char *wbase;
size_t (*read)(FILE *, unsigned char *, size_t);
size_t (*write)(FILE *, const unsigned char *, size_t);
off_t (*seek)(FILE *, off_t, int);
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buf_size;
FILE *prev, *next;
int fd;
int pipe_pid;
long lockcount;
int mode;
volatile int lock;
int lbf;
void *cookie;
off_t off;
char *getln_buf;
void *mustbezero_2;
unsigned char *shend;
off_t shlim, shcnt;
FILE *prev_locked, *next_locked;
struct __locale_struct *locale;
extern hidden FILE *volatile __stdin_used;
extern hidden FILE *volatile __stdout_used;
extern hidden FILE *volatile __stderr_used;
hidden int __lockfile(FILE *);
hidden void __unlockfile(FILE *);
hidden size_t __stdio_read(FILE *, unsigned char *, size_t);
hidden size_t __stdio_write(FILE *, const unsigned char *, size_t);
hidden size_t __stdout_write(FILE *, const unsigned char *, size_t);
hidden off_t __stdio_seek(FILE *, off_t, int);
hidden int __stdio_close(FILE *);
hidden int __toread(FILE *);
hidden int __towrite(FILE *);
hidden void __stdio_exit(void);
hidden void __stdio_exit_needed(void);
#if defined(__PIC__) && (100*__GNUC__+__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 303)
int __overflow(FILE *, int), __uflow(FILE *);
hidden int __fseeko(FILE *, off_t, int);
hidden int __fseeko_unlocked(FILE *, off_t, int);
hidden off_t __ftello(FILE *);
hidden off_t __ftello_unlocked(FILE *);
hidden size_t __fwritex(const unsigned char *, size_t, FILE *);
hidden int __putc_unlocked(int, FILE *);
hidden FILE *__fdopen(int, const char *);
hidden int __fmodeflags(const char *);
hidden FILE *__ofl_add(FILE *f);
hidden FILE **__ofl_lock(void);
hidden void __ofl_unlock(void);
struct __pthread;
hidden void __register_locked_file(FILE *, struct __pthread *);
hidden void __unlist_locked_file(FILE *);
hidden void __do_orphaned_stdio_locks(void);
#define MAYBE_WAITERS 0x40000000
hidden void __getopt_msg(const char *, const char *, const char *, size_t);
#define feof(f) ((f)->flags & F_EOF)
#define ferror(f) ((f)->flags & F_ERR)
#define getc_unlocked(f) \
( ((f)->rpos != (f)->rend) ? *(f)->rpos++ : __uflow((f)) )
#define putc_unlocked(c, f) \
( (((unsigned char)(c)!=(f)->lbf && (f)->wpos!=(f)->wend)) \
? *(f)->wpos++ = (unsigned char)(c) \
: __overflow((f),(unsigned char)(c)) )
/* Caller-allocated FILE * operations */
hidden FILE *__fopen_rb_ca(const char *, FILE *, unsigned char *, size_t);
hidden int __fclose_ca(FILE *);
#endif // STARBOARD