blob: 87aa0f5f9a6ed94d5b5a6fae378573a099182158 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/android_bugreport/android_bugreport_parser.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_utils.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/trace_blob.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/trace_blob_view.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/android_bugreport/android_log_parser.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/common/clock_tracker.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/common/process_tracker.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/importers/common/track_tracker.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/types/trace_processor_context.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/util/zip_reader.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.pbzero.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
AndroidBugreportParser::AndroidBugreportParser(TraceProcessorContext* ctx)
: context_(ctx), zip_reader_(new util::ZipReader()) {}
AndroidBugreportParser::~AndroidBugreportParser() = default;
util::Status AndroidBugreportParser::Parse(TraceBlobView tbv) {
if (!first_chunk_seen_) {
first_chunk_seen_ = true;
// All logs in Android bugreports use wall time (which creates problems
// in case of early boot events before NTP kicks in, which get emitted as
// 1970), but that is the state of affairs.
return zip_reader_->Parse(, tbv.size());
void AndroidBugreportParser::NotifyEndOfFile() {
if (!DetectYearAndBrFilename()) {
void AndroidBugreportParser::ParseDumpstateTxt() {
// Dumpstate is organized in a two level hierarchy, beautifully flattened into
// one text file with load bearing ----- markers:
// 1. Various dumpstate sections, examples:
// ```
// ------ DUMPSYS CRITICAL (/system/bin/dumpsys) ------
// ...
// ------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat -v threadtime -v printable -v uid) ------
// ...
// ------ IPTABLES (iptables -L -nvx) ------
// ...
// ------ DUMPSYS HIGH (/system/bin/dumpsys) ------
// ...
// ------ DUMPSYS (/system/bin/dumpsys) ------
// ```
// 2. Within the "------ DUMPSYS" section (note dumpsys != dumpstate), there
// are multiple services. Note that there are at least 3 DUMPSYS sections
// (CRITICAL, HIGH and default), with multiple services in each:
// ```
// ------ DUMPSYS (/system/bin/dumpsys) ------
// DUMP OF SERVICE activity:
// ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DUMP OF SERVICE input_method:
// ...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ```
// Here we put each line in a dedicated table, android_dumpstate, keeping
// track of the dumpstate `section` and dumpsys `service`.
AndroidLogParser log_parser(br_year_, context_->storage.get());
util::ZipFile* zf = zip_reader_->Find(dumpstate_fname_);
StringId section_id = StringId::Null(); // The current dumpstate section.
StringId service_id = StringId::Null(); // The current dumpsys service.
static constexpr size_t npos = base::StringView::npos;
enum { OTHER = 0, DUMPSYS, LOG } cur_sect = OTHER;
zf->DecompressLines([&](const std::vector<base::StringView>& lines) {
// Optimization for ParseLogLines() below. Avoids ctor/dtor-ing a new vector
// on every line.
std::vector<base::StringView> log_line(1);
for (const base::StringView& line : lines) {
if (line.StartsWith("------ ") && line.EndsWith(" ------")) {
// These lines mark the beginning and end of dumpstate sections:
// ------ DUMPSYS CRITICAL (/system/bin/dumpsys) ------
// ------ 0.356s was the duration of 'DUMPSYS CRITICAL' ------
base::StringView section = line.substr(7);
section = section.substr(0, section.size() - 7);
bool end_marker = section.find("was the duration of") != npos;
service_id = StringId::Null();
if (end_marker) {
section_id = StringId::Null();
} else {
section_id = context_->storage->InternString(section);
cur_sect = OTHER;
if (section.StartsWith("DUMPSYS")) {
cur_sect = DUMPSYS;
} else if (section.StartsWith("SYSTEM LOG") ||
section.StartsWith("EVENT LOG") ||
section.StartsWith("RADIO LOG")) {
// KERNEL LOG is deliberately omitted because SYSTEM LOG is a
// superset. KERNEL LOG contains all dupes.
cur_sect = LOG;
} else if (section.StartsWith("BLOCK STAT")) {
// Coalesce all the block stats into one section. Otherwise they
// pollute the table with one section per block device.
section_id = context_->storage->InternString("BLOCK STAT");
// Skip end marker lines for dumpsys sections.
if (cur_sect == DUMPSYS && line.StartsWith("--------- ") &&
line.find("was the duration of dumpsys") != npos) {
service_id = StringId::Null();
if (cur_sect == DUMPSYS && service_id.is_null() &&
line.StartsWith("----------------------------------------------")) {
if (cur_sect == DUMPSYS && line.StartsWith("DUMP OF SERVICE")) {
base::StringView svc = line.substr(line.rfind(' ') + 1);
svc = svc.substr(0, svc.size() - 1);
service_id = context_->storage->InternString(svc);
} else if (cur_sect == LOG) {
// Parse the non-persistent logcat and append to `log_events_`, together
// with the persistent one previously parsed by ParsePersistentLogcat().
// Skips entries that are already seen in the persistent logcat,
// handling us vs ms truncation.
PERFETTO_DCHECK(log_line.size() == 1);
log_line[0] = line;
log_parser.ParseLogLines(log_line, &log_events_,
if (build_fpr_.empty() && line.StartsWith("Build fingerprint:")) {
build_fpr_ = line.substr(20, line.size() - 20).ToStdString();
// Append the line to the android_dumpstate table.
{section_id, service_id, context_->storage->InternString(line)});
void AndroidBugreportParser::ParsePersistentLogcat() {
// 1. List logcat files in reverse timestmap order (old to most recent).
// 2. Decode events from log lines into a vector. Dedupe and intern strings.
// 3. Globally sort all extracted events.
// 4. Insert into the android_logs table.
AndroidLogParser log_parser(br_year_, context_->storage.get());
// Sort files to ease the job of the subsequent line-based sort. Unfortunately
// lines within each file are not 100% timestamp-ordered, due to things like
// kernel messages where log time != event time.
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, std::string>> log_paths;
for (const util::ZipFile& zf : zip_reader_->files()) {
if (base::StartsWith(, "FS/data/misc/logd/logcat") &&
!base::EndsWith(, "")) {
std::sort(log_paths.begin(), log_paths.end());
// Push all events into the AndroidLogParser. It will take care of string
// interning into the pool. Appends entries into `log_events`.
for (const auto& kv : log_paths) {
util::ZipFile* zf = zip_reader_->Find(kv.second);
zf->DecompressLines([&](const std::vector<base::StringView>& lines) {
log_parser.ParseLogLines(lines, &log_events_);
// Do an initial sorting pass. This is not the final sorting because we
// haven't ingested the latest logs from dumpstate yet. But we need this sort
// to be able to de-dupe the same lines showing both in dumpstate and in the
// persistent log.
void AndroidBugreportParser::SortAndStoreLogcat() {
// Sort the union of all log events parsed from both /data/misc/logd
// (persistent logcat on disk) and the dumpstate file (last in-memory logcat).
// Before the std::stable_sort, entries in `log_events_` are already "mostly"
// sorted, because we processed files in order (see notes above about kernel
// logs on why we need a final sort here).
// We need stable-sort to preserve FIFO-ness of events emitted at the same
// time, logcat is not granular enough (us for persistent, ms for dumpstate).
// Insert the globally sorted events into the android_logs table.
for (const auto& e : log_events_) {
UniquePid utid = context_->process_tracker->UpdateThread(e.tid,;
{e.ts, utid, e.prio, e.tag, e.msg});
// Populates the `year_` field from the bugreport-xxx.txt file name.
// This is because logcat events have only the month and day.
// This is obviously bugged for cases of bugreports collected across new year
// but we'll live with that.
bool AndroidBugreportParser::DetectYearAndBrFilename() {
const util::ZipFile* br_file = nullptr;
for (const auto& zf : zip_reader_->files()) {
if (base::StartsWith(, "bugreport-") &&
base::EndsWith(, ".txt")) {
br_file = &zf;
if (!br_file) {
PERFETTO_ELOG("Could not find bugreport-*.txt in the zip file");
return false;
// Typical name: "bugreport-product-TP1A.220623.001-2022-06-24-16-24-37.txt".
auto year_str = br_file->name().substr(
br_file->name().size() - strlen("2022-12-31-23-59-00.txt"), 4);
std::optional<int32_t> year = base::StringToInt32(year_str);
if (!year.has_value()) {
PERFETTO_ELOG("Could not parse the year from %s", br_file->name().c_str());
return false;
br_year_ = *year;
dumpstate_fname_ = br_file->name();
return true;
void AndroidBugreportParser::SortLogEvents() {
std::stable_sort(log_events_.begin(), log_events_.end());
log_events_last_sorted_idx_ = log_events_.size();
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto