blob: 3cafdd052ce5f76b9707fda2d2d79b0dc7f8d1e6 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Auth histograms along
with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfAuthenticateUser"
enum="AuthPolicyErrorType" expires_after="M119">
Result from an attempt to authenticate a user to an Active Directory domain.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfAutoMachinePasswordChange"
enum="AuthPolicyErrorType" expires_after="M119">
<summary>Result from automatic background machine password renewal.</summary>
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfAutoTgtRenewal"
enum="AuthPolicyErrorType" expires_after="M119">
Result from automatic background ticket-granting-ticket renewal.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfGetUserKerberosFiles"
enum="AuthPolicyErrorType" expires_after="M119">
Result of an attempt to get an Active Directory user's Kerberos
ticket-granting-ticket and configuration data.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfGetUserStatus"
enum="AuthPolicyErrorType" expires_after="M119">
Result of an attempt to get the status of an Active Directory user's
Kerberos ticket, password and account.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfJoinADDomain" enum="AuthPolicyErrorType"
Result from an attempt to join a machine to an Active Directory domain.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfRefreshDevicePolicy"
enum="AuthPolicyErrorType" expires_after="M119">
Result from an attempt to fetch device policy from an Active Directory
domain and store it on disk.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.ErrorTypeOfRefreshUserPolicy"
enum="AuthPolicyErrorType" expires_after="M119">
Result from an attempt to fetch user policy from an Active Directory domain
and store it on disk.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.FailedTriesOfKinit" units="units"
Number of times 'kinit' failed until the next try succeeded or the method
gave up because a maximum number of tries was exceeded. 'kinit' is run for
Active Directory enrolled devices during user authentication and device
policy fetch.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.FailedTriesOfSmbClient" units="units"
Number of times 'smbclient' failed until it the next try succeeded or the
method gave up because a maximum number of tries was exceeded. 'smbclient'
is run for Active Directory enrolled devices during policy fetch.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.KerberosEncryptionTypes.AuthenticateUser"
enum="KerberosEncryptionTypes" expires_after="M119">
The Kerberos encryption types used while succesfully authenticating an user.
This value comes from the DeviceKerberosEncryptionTypes policy.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.KerberosEncryptionTypes.JoinADDomain"
enum="KerberosEncryptionTypes" expires_after="M119">
The Kerberos encryption types used while succesfully joining an Active
Directory domain. This value comes from the advanced settings of the
domainjoin screen.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.NumGposToDownload" units="units"
Number of group policy objects attached to a specific user or machine on an
Active Directory domain. This value is recorded when user or device policy
is fetched from an Active Directory server.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToAuthenticateUser" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to authenticate a user to an Active Directory domain.
The value is recorded no matter if the operation was successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToGetUserKerberosFiles" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to get the Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket and
configuration data of an Active Directory user. The value is recorded no
matter if the operation was successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToGetUserStatus" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to get status information of an Active Directory user.
The value is recorded no matter if the operation was successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToJoinADDomain" units="ms" expires_after="M119">
Time in milliseconds to join a machine to an Active Directory domain. Domain
join is part of the Active Directory enrollment process. The value is
recorded no matter if the operation was successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRefreshDevicePolicy" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to fetch device policy from an Active Directory domain
and store it on disk. The value is recorded no matter if the operation was
successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRefreshUserPolicy" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to fetch user policy from an Active Directory domain
and store it on disk. The value is recorded no matter if the operation was
successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunKinit" units="ms" expires_after="M119">
Time in milliseconds to call 'kinit' (request Kerberos ticket-granting-
ticket). TGTs are requested regularly for accessing services on Active
Directory domains. The value is recorded no matter if the operation was
successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunKlist" units="ms" expires_after="M119">
Time in milliseconds to call 'klist' (print Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket
information). The command reveals a TGT's lifetime, which is used to
determine TGT status in GetUserStatus() called periodically by Chrome. The
value is recorded no matter if the operation was successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunKpasswd" units="ms" expires_after="M119">
Time in milliseconds to call 'kpasswd' (change Active Directory password).
The command is used to change the machine account password. By default, it
is run every 30 days by the AuthPolicy daemon. The value is recorded no
matter if the operation was successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunNetAdsGpo" units="ms" expires_after="M119">
Time in milliseconds to call 'net ads gpo list' (list Active Directory group
policy objects). The value is recorded no matter if the operation was
successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunNetAdsInfo" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to call 'net ads info' (query Active Directory
information). The value is recorded no matter if the operation was
successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunNetAdsJoin" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to call 'net ads join' (join machine to an Active
Directory domain). The value is recorded no matter if the operation was
successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunNetAdsSearch" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to call 'net ads search' (query information about an
Active Directory account). The value is recorded no matter if the operation
was successful or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunNetAdsWorkgroup" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds to call 'net ads workgroup' (query Active Directory
workgroup). The value is recorded no matter if the operation was successful
or not.
<histogram name="AuthPolicy.TimeToRunSmbclient" units="ms" expires_after="M119">
Time in milliseconds to call 'smbclient' (download policy from an Active
Directory domain). The value is recorded no matter if the operation was
successful or not.