blob: a29cb26f41f11b0c52d8d0cf0653f8982e1206e3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of content creation
histograms along with a detailed description for each histogram. It includes
histograms for the following features:
- Shared Highlighting
- Note Creation
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<variants name="TextFragmentSource">
<!-- Should be synced with TextFragmentLinkOpenSource in enums.xml. -->
<variant name=".SearchEngine" summary="the default search engine."/>
<variant name=".Unknown" summary="unknown but not the default search engine"/>
<histogram name="NoteCreation.CreationStatus" enum="BooleanCreated"
Records whether user created a note when they were in the creation flow of
the feature.
<histogram name="NoteCreation.Funnel" enum="NoteCreationFunnel"
Records the different states of the funnel that a user goes through in the
note creation feature.
<histogram name="NoteCreation.NoteShared" enum="BooleanShared"
<summary>Records whether the created note was shared or not.</summary>
<histogram name="NoteCreation.NumberOfTemplateChanges"
units="Number of changes" expires_after="2023-06-25">
Records the number of times the user changed templates when creating a note.
<histogram name="NoteCreation.SelectedDynamicTemplateID" units="count"
Removed 2023-03
Records the ID of the template selected. Recorded only for dynamic templates
while NoteCreation.SelectedTemplate records selected template based on an
enum of hardcoded template IDs. This will replace
<histogram name="NoteCreation.SelectedDynamicTemplateIndex" units="count"
Removed 2023-03
Records the index of the template selected. Recorded only for dynamic
templates. Since we will no longer use an enum of template IDs, we will also
record the index of the template the user selects so that we can detect
where exactly the template was in the carousel.
<histogram name="NoteCreation.SelectedTemplate" enum="NoteTemplate"
Records which template the user selected when creating their note.
<histogram name="NoteCreation.ShareDestination" enum="NoteShareDestination"
Records the destination type (first or third party) for the shared note.
<histogram name="NoteCreation.TimeTo{action}" units="ms"
Records the amount of time taken to accomplish {action} from the time the
creation flow was started.
<token key="action">
<variant name=".DismissCreationDialog"
summary="The user dismissed the creation dialog."/>
<variant name=".DismissShare"
summary="The user dismissed the sharing dialog for their newly
created note."/>
<variant name=".SelectTemplate"
summary="The user selected a template for their note, completing the
creation flow."/>
<variant name=".ShareCreation"
summary="The user shared their newly created note."/>
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.AndroidShareSheet.SharedState"
enum="LinkGenerationSharedStatus" expires_after="2023-08-27">
Records the status of the link generation when a user shares content using
the feature on Android.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.AsyncTask.Iterations" units="iterations"
Indicates number of iterations it took for AsyncFindBuffer to finish the
search. AsyncFindBuffer is used only for validating generated text fragment
selectors for Shared Highlighting.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.AsyncTask.SearchDuration" units="ms"
Time it took in milliseconds for AsyncFindBuffer to finish the search.
AsyncFindBuffer is used only for validating generated text fragment
selectors for Shared Highlighting.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.Desktop.CopiedLinkType"
enum="LinkGenerationCopiedLinkType" expires_after="2023-09-10">
Records the type of shared highlighting link the user copied on desktop.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Error"
enum="LinkGenerationError" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records errors that caused text fragment selector generation to fail.
Recorded for all the failed link generation runs. This histogram is a
superset of |SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Error.Requested|.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Error.Iterations"
units="iterations" expires_after="2023-01-15">
Indicates number of iterations it took for the unsuccessful text fragment
selector generation run.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Error.Requested"
enum="LinkGenerationError" expires_after="2023-08-27">
Records errors that caused text fragment selector generation to fail.
Recorded only for failure cases that were requested by users.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Error.TimeToGenerate"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-04-23">
Time it took in millisecons for a failed text fragment selector generation
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Iterations" units="iterations"
Indicates number of iterations it took to successfully generate text
fragment selector.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.ParamLength" units="characters"
Number of charaters in successfully generated text fragment selector. For
example, for #:=:text=sample%20text, it would be the
len(&quot;sample%20text&quot;) which is 13. Recorded only when selector
generation was successful.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.SelectionLength"
units="characters" expires_after="2022-08-24">
Number of characters in the user selected text, that text fragment selector
is generated for. Recorded regardless of generation success.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.SelectorParameters"
enum="TextFragmentAnchorParameters" expires_after="2022-06-19">
Indicates which parameters were specified in a text fragment selector.
Recorded only when selector generation was successful.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.StateAtRequest"
enum="LinkGenerationState" expires_after="2023-02-19">
Records the state of the link generation when link to text request is
received from the browser process.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.TimeToGenerate" units="ms"
How long it took in milliseconds to successfully generate text fragment
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated{Requested}"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2023-01-27">
Indicates whether text fragment selector generation was successful for
<token key="Requested">
<variant name="" summary="all generation cases"/>
<variant name=".Requested"
summary="all cases when generated selector is requested."/>
<variant name=".RequestedAfterReady"
summary="cases when selector is requested after its ready."/>
<variant name=".RequestedBeforeReady"
summary="cases when selector is requested before its ready."/>
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.LinkToTextDiagnoseStatus"
enum="LinkToTextDiagnoseStatus" expires_after="2023-02-26">
Records the status of link to text flow on Android for diagnostic purposes.
Intended to be temporary for debug purposes.
<histogram name="SharedHighlights.ObtainReshareLink.Status"
enum="LinkToTextReshareStatus" expires_after="2022-10-09">
Records if obtaining reshare link was successful. Otherwise, it records the
failure reason.
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor.ElementIdFragmentFound" enum="Boolean"
Removed 2022-05.
Whether an element-id based fragment was found in the document. Counted only
when a fragment was specified and it wasn't parsed into a |targetText| style
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor.LinkOpenSource"
enum="TextFragmentLinkOpenSource" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Recorded for every navigation to a link with a valid text fragment selector
(e.g. #:=:text=SELECTOR). Indicates source type that navigation originated
from. It only know about search engines that come from the pre-populated
list installed with Chrome. If the user uses a search engine not on the
list, it will be recorded as Unknown. This is even true if the user have a
custom search engine. These custom search engines can be created by hand or
auto-generated. In either case, it's not going to count as a search engine.
Also, it only checks to see if the *referrer* is from a domain associated
with search engine. If someone posts a link somewhere on a web site that
happens to have a search engine known to Google and that links includes the
fragment tokens, then if a user clicks that link, it'll look like it came
from a search engine even thought they did not.
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.AmbiguousMatch"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2023-06-30">
Whether we found multiple matches for a selector. Recorded when
TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.DidScrollIntoView"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
Whether the page did a non-zero scroll in order to scroll the match into
view. Only recorded if we found a match and scrolled it into view. Recorded
when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.DirectiveLength"
units="characters" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
The raw length of the directive in the URL (e.g. spaces count as the three
characters '%20'), regardless of how many text= terms there are. Recorded if
there was a text directive, regardless of whether a match was found.
Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.EndTextLength"
units="characters" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
The length of the end parameter, in the case of a range match. Only recorded
if a match was found. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching
once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.ExactTextLength"
units="characters" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
The length of the matched text, in the case of an exact match. Only recorded
if a match was found. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching
once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.ListItemMatch"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
Whether the match was within a list item. Only recorded for exact text
fragments and only if a match was found. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor
finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.MatchRate" units="%"
The percentage of selectors for which a match was found in the document.
Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.Parameters"
enum="TextFragmentAnchorParameters" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
An enum indicating which parameters were specified in the text fragment
anchor. Only recorded if a match was found. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor
finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.RangeMatchLength"
units="characters" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
The length of the matched text, in the case of a range match. Only recorded
if a match was found. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching
once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.ScrollCancelled"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
Whether the scroll into view was cancelled by a user gesture or programmatic
scroll. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching once the page is
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.SelectorCount"
units="selectors" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
The number of selectors in the text fragment anchor if it is present.
Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.SpansMultipleBlocks"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
Whether or not a range-based text fragment match crosses any block
boundaries. That is, the start and end of the range are in different blocks
or in the same block but contain an intervening block. Only recorded for
range-based (start,end) text fragments. Only recorded on successful match.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.StartTextLength"
units="characters" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
The length of the start parameter, in the case of a range match. Only
recorded if a match was found. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes
searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.TableCellMatch"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
Whether the match was within a table cell. Only recorded for exact text
fragments and only if a match was found. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor
finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.TimeToScrollIntoView"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-06-30">
The time between creating the TextFragmentAnchor (i.e. when it is parsed)
and scrolling the target into view. Only recorded if there is a match and we
tried to scroll it into view (it may already have been in view). Recorded
when TextFragmentAnchor finishes searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>
<histogram name="TextFragmentAnchor{TextFragmentSource}.TimeToScrollToTop"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-06-30">
Removed 2022-05.
The time between scrolling a match into view and the user scrolling back to
the top of the page. Used as a signal for whether a match was useful. Only
recorded if a match is scrolled into view and the user subsequently scrolled
back to the top of the page. Recorded when TextFragmentAnchor finishes
searching once the page is loaded.
Recorded from text fragment links followed from {TextFragmentSource}.
<token key="TextFragmentSource" variants="TextFragmentSource"/>