blob: 02487a41348507b1ae59eaeb9d0a4c3662f7100d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of DataReductionProxy histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="ConnectivityDetector.ConnectionState.{Client}"
enum="ConnectivityDetectorConnectionState" expires_after="2023-04-20">
Result of the connection state after the HTTP Probe made by connectivity
detector finishes and the connection state is updated.
<token key="Client">
<variant name="OfflineDetector"/>
<variant name="OfflineIndicatorController"/>
<histogram name="ConnectivityDetector.DefaultHttpProbeResult.{Client}"
enum="ProbeResult" expires_after="2023-04-20">
Result of the HTTP Probe made by connectivity detector. Recorded everytime
the probe to the default URL completes (in either success or failure) or
<token key="Client">
<variant name="OfflineDetector"/>
<variant name="OfflineIndicatorController"/>
<histogram name="ConnectivityDetector.FallbackHttpProbeResult.{Client}"
enum="ProbeResult" expires_after="2023-04-20">
Result of the HTTP Probe made by connectivity detector. Recorded everytime
the probe to the fallback URL completes (in either success or failure) or
<token key="Client">
<variant name="OfflineDetector"/>
<variant name="OfflineIndicatorController"/>
<histogram name="ConnectivityDetector.SentHttpProbe.{Client}" units="count"
Count of times when a HTTP Probe was made by connectivity detector.
<token key="Client">
<variant name="OfflineDetector"/>
<variant name="OfflineIndicatorController"/>
<histogram name="DataReductionProxy.BypassedBytes" units="bytes"
Data reduction proxy was turned down.
Counts the response bytes that did not go through the data reduction proxy
as the result of a bypass event.
<histogram name="DataReductionProxy.EnabledState"
enum="DataReductionProxyEnabledState" expires_after="2022-04-20">
Data reduction proxy was turned down.
Samples of user interactions with the Data Saver settings menu across all
platforms (android, IOS, desktop extension). Data is collected whenever user
toggles the ON/OFF switch in the settings menu for reducing data usage.
For desktop, Off-to-On/On-to-Off histogram count will increment when the
data saver extension is installed/uninstalled respectively as well.
<histogram name="DataReductionProxy.ProxyPrefMigrationResult"
Data reduction proxy was turned down.
Records the result of migrating the Data Reduction Proxy away from being
configured via a proxy preference, including cases when no migration action
was taken.
<histogram name="DataReductionProxy.StartupState"
enum="DataReductionProxyStartupState" expires_after="2022-04-20">
Data reduction proxy was turned down.
Samples of the state of the data reduction proxy on Chrome startup. The
proxy will either be unavailable (the feature hasn't been rolled out to this
user yet), not enabled (the feature is available but the user doesn't have
it turned on), or enabled (the feature is enabled and turned on).
<histogram name="DataUse.AppTabState" units="bytes" expires_after="2023-05-07">
Records the data use of Chrome user traffic by the foregound vs. background
state of the app and tab.
<histogram name="DataUse.BackgroundToDataRecievedPerByte" units="ms"
The time since Chrome is in background when background data use happens.
Recorded for each byte of background data use. The source of traffic whether
from user browsing or chrome services is added as suffix to this histogram.
<histogram name="DataUse.BackgroundToFirstDownstream" units="ms"
The time since Chrome is in background when first background data use
happens. Recorded when first background downstream data use after Chrome is
in background. The source of traffic whether from user browsing or chrome
services is added as suffix to this histogram.
<histogram name="DataUse.BytesReceived2" units="bytes"
Count of total bytes received by the Chrome on the network. This is recorded
when requests complete.
<histogram name="DataUse.BytesReceived3.Delegate" units="bytes"
Count of total bytes received by the Chrome on the network, as reported by
the network delegate. This is recorded when requests complete.
<histogram name="DataUse.BytesSent" units="bytes" expires_after="2022-08-28">
Count of total bytes sent by the Chrome on the network. With network
servicification this is recorded when requests complete.
<histogram name="DataUse.BytesSent3.Delegate" units="bytes"
Count of total bytes sent by the Chrome on the network, as reported by the
network delegate. With network servicification this is recorded when
requests complete.
<histogram name="DataUse.ContentType.UserTrafficKB" enum="DataUseContentType"
Data use of user traffic by different content types. Recorded in KB when
network bytes are received by Chrome.
<histogram name="DataUse.FavIcon.Downstream" units="bytes"
Records the downstream network data use of favicon requests. Logged when the
request is completed or redirected. Zero bytes are recorded when the request
is served from cache.
<histogram name="DataUse.FavIcon.Downstream.Non200Response" units="bytes"
Records the downstream network data use of favicon requests with non 200
response code. Logged when the request is completed or redirected.
<histogram name="DataUse.PageTransition.UserTrafficKB"
enum="DataUsePageTransition" expires_after="2021-12-20">
Data use of user traffic by different core page transition types. Recorded
in KB when the URL request finishes.
<histogram name="DataUse.TrafficSize.User" units="bytes"
The total amount of data use of Chrome for user traffic. This traffic has
content::ResourceRequestInfo attached to its request. If the OS is not
Android all the requests are considered foreground.